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Everything posted by cubinator

  1. That sort of thing is pretty common, actually, I think. The Soyuz has a similar thing, when the ship is "captured" it just means there's a tiny part of it that's grabbed onto the docking port, then once it settles a bit they pull it in closer so as not to damage anything delicate.
  2. I was right! So cool to see the view looking to and from the station simultaneously.
  3. Hey, I might be in the background in a few minutes!
  4. Indeed, heating still occurs IRL, but you would have to be going much faster than in KSP to see plasma. Not typical for a hypersonic plane, but common on reentering orbital spacecraft.
  5. The real anomaly is that the video didn't even cut out before the landing!
  6. I think it's a red light on one of the tower structures. The way it showed in the same place
  7. Basically just swapping the order, I suppose. If the situation were close enough to those they intended to test under, I can see it. But it's likely they'll want to do a test at Max-Q anyway.
  8. Then it happened three times on one planet alone. This really could swing either way.
  9. I wouldn't be surprised finding critters deep under Europan or Enceladian ice, in their oceans. But something similar enough to us that we can begin to hold a conversation? I wonder if one per galaxy is accurate.
  10. What's wrong with waiting until 2AM on a Friday night? Just binge Star Trek as necessary until the time comes, like me.
  11. I believe the inner hatch in that case is equipped to rapidly close automatically, likely sparing anyone station-side of it from certain death. ======================= Seems the webcast is going to be much longer than usual - starting around T-50 minutes. Also, I really like that mission patch.
  12. You know what they say... ALL TOASTERS TOAST TOAST

    1. Chel


      What's Siiva?

    2. cubinator
    3. Chel


      Hmm, I'll give it a watch later

  14. If you're drawing something, it won't look just the way you first intended it to. That's just the way the universe works. I think if you draw something without that expectation, you won't have to be disappointed in the final result, because you didn't create something wrong, you just created something new.
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