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Everything posted by cubinator

  1. He's going to start having trouble when he gets to Ep. 1 and Ep. 2... *dun dun pssh*"Freeman's Mind 2: Episode 1: Episode 3"*dun dun pssh*
  2. imgs.xkcd.com/comics/random_number.png
  3. I like that stuff when I don't have to do the math. TUBM has seen a meteor fall.
  4. I'd wanted to do that one for some time, but never got around to it until today. I'd make it a little smoother, but Pixly doesn't like long gifs. Another one I've wanted to do for a while is this joke: What's the difference? (Also, yes, it's playing 7 Grand Dad on the Nintendo Mettaton)
  5. It was a game for a long time.
  6. Granted, you decide to spend a hundred years carefully scrutinizing his wish, and you accidentally die of dehydration in the process. I wish for the power to make the music at stores and malls play high quality rips instead of what is normally playing.
  7. Pixly. http://pixly.meltinglogic.com It's what I've used for most of my pixel art.
  8. Is directly preventing humanity's extinction evil? Probably. TUBM knows what intuitive F2L is.
  9. Banned for pre-Future rep count. (Remember, The Future begins April 8, 2016)
  10. I've always kind of just assumed that you could drive anywhere between North and South America if you wanted to spend a ridiculous amount of time on the road, but today I actually checked and I literally couldn't find any road connecting Panama and Columbia.
  11. I use Chrome on my phone and PC and also have this issue, except I've only used my phone for the past couple weeks.
  12. Banned for increasing the distance I had to scroll to get here.
  13. Saw a really big soldier ant today:
  14. Cool! Can't wait to see all the amazing science we'll get from this telescope.
  15. Holy crap, this thread is a year and a half old! Wow!
  16. Phobos was already done by @cratercracker, he asked me to do Deimos. Although technically Phobos is in that picture.
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