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Everything posted by cubinator

  1. SpaceX does seem a little OP right now...but that's a good thing.
  2. Shh, he doesn't know yet. Don't tell him, he'll make me come back to the present. How many tables does it take to turn a squirrel into an anthill?
  3. See? This is why we shouldn't talk about things in size 72.
  4. How big is a size 72 asteroid, then?
  5. Banned because proteins don't have knees.
  6. Yes you are. We're all in the future. 5/10 Are you ok?
  7. This looks Phun, I'll try it out. Edit: Yep, it's just like Phun.
  8. You mean the thousands of scientists and engineers who also play KSP?
  9. Do you mean "start out" as in the way the game was when it was first released, or as in how the idea came about in the first place? In case of the former, I'll direct you here: In case of the latter, I'll direct you here:
  10. Saw it while browsing the Steam store. "Space!", I thought, and got the demo. Bought it soon after. Best space game I've ever played.
  11. Paint should also have mass, so you might have to add a little more fuel for a painted rocket. This would be a great feature, though, getting to personalize your rockets a bit.
  12. Wheatley must already have been awake. But then where are all the other cores?
  13. Actually, that same day I found out about this glorious mod that does just that. I've yet to play with it, but when I do...there will be Krakens...
  14. Wait, so I can ask smart questions instead? Rutteb. What is the inverse of cooking?
  15. I didn't know Cave Johnson ran a soup kitchen... Waiter, I didn't order Repulsion Gel™ soup!
  16. ERROR: Failed to launch. Cause: Locusts not available. Initiating self-destruct sequence... @max_creative
  17. #I don't care just keep it to size 14 please
  18. Purple spheres are cheating. Only yellow spheres are acceptable.
  19. Star Wars: A New Hop: Luke gets an extra life in Frogger by letting the Force guide him through the game. Wait...Frogger was released 4 years after Star Wars...
  20. LOL that's hilarious. Was this a one-time thing or do I need to start watching more ESA launches?
  21. Sounds like Flatland. I don't suppose you'd read it by then, though.
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