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Everything posted by cubinator

  1. Last night I dreamt that I had a lightsaber duel with Darth Maul outside the gates of Mordor, except Mordor was a giant room that was really dark and medieval-looking, with lots of straw on the floor and the lightsabers were about as big as toothbrushes.
  2. Man, those remotely controlled robotic arms looked awesome! Also, I half expected to hear "The Dune Sea" when they showed the Mars landscape, especially since that rover looked a bit like a small version of a sandcrawler. Then I realized this film is almost a decade older than Star Wars. It's too bad NASA didn't get to do all that awesome stuff they wanted to do after the Apollo program. We would've had a base on Mars by now!
  3. I don't, it's just that I like my speeds in m/s instead of km/hr and my thrusts in kN instead of pounds, and I really wish they would tell how much delta-V is left in the current stage once in a while.
  4. No, it's accelerating at 600 miles per hour. (a joke my friend made to annoy me)
  5. I dunno, I watched the technical webcast because I KNOW WHAT GTO MEANS, TELL ME ABOUT THE DELTA-V REQUIREMENTS!
  6. Only if NASA accidentally decouples the capsule during the retrograde burn, and ends up dropping the whole thing into the atmosphere.
  7. EM-2 or 3 for SLS should be for astronauts to go to that asteroid, shape it into Minmus' exact topology, paint it green, and attach a really tiny Squad monolith to it.
  8. Cool! Only 23 to go for a big round number milestone!
  9. From my very limited knowledge of rocket engines, I would say that if the fuel combusts too far up the throat of the engine, you will have a very big problem and you will not go to space today.
  10. When you close your eyes at night and see small docking ports...
  11. Ooh! I have a better idea: lure it out of your house with snacks!
  12. Well, we are getting more knowledge, but that's different from the human capability to understand things. A human that can understand that 1+1=2 and 2+2=4 will be better off in the wild than one that physically cannot. We humans are probably capable of understanding and using the rules of quantum gravity, it's just that someone has to figure out what those rules are first. I don't know the figures for actual average intelligence over time, but it's probably gone up a little bit over the last several thousand years due to conflicts between larger and larger groups of humans.
  13. Your fish will never give you errors again, and it will not successfully eat you, but it will certainly try, and it will end up stuck to your hand for the rest of your life, staring at you. I wish Venus was an oceania.
  14. Banned for lack of punctuation.
  15. It makes for a good book, though! Too bad such a book would never exist in such a world. Granted, but you can only go to one place: an uninhabited, tiny volcanic island in the north Atlantic ocean. You can never leave and you will never see any humans again. I wish for more time, but no more thyme this time.
  16. I was listening to the 8-bit remakes of the Banjo-Kazooie themes earlier today. I also listened to the Mos Eisley cantina song and some Super Mario 64 stuff, namely Bob Omb Battlefield and Koopa's Road. That was just in the VAB working on my second Rubik's cube though. In space I like to listen to Interstellar.
  17. Are you kidding me? That thing has several thousand parts in real life! I could make a 4x4, but a 17x17 has too many parts, unless you want to run KSP on one of NASA's supercomputers. Also, you're a bit out of date; the latest world record is 22x22. It actually wasn't quite up to 700, it was more like 670 or so. The next version will be much more manageable and better in general. I'm thinking of constructing a 2x2 afterwards! I noticed...
  18. Here is a test of the cube, with some parts removed to show the inside better but still keeping the functionality of the full cube: This test showed that this cube will actually be usable! It's much smoother, and even though there was a lockup it was easy to fix, even when I've tried the same method on the first one to no avail. What's more, while the first cube came in at nearly 700 parts, this one will have only 247 fully stickered! I'll have it done and ready to download tomorrow. I'm really optimistic about this one!
  19. When one posts something, then posts again a short while later on the same thread, the forum automagically merges the two posts if no one has replied in between. What's the time threshold for it doing this? Is it one minute? Five? Sometimes I feel rushed to finish my second post before it decides not to merge them, but I don't know how long I have.
  20. I've started work on a smoother, more usable design. A few of the overhauls: Less part count! I'm ditching a lot of unnecessary panels, and the bearings have a much lower part count because they are... Fairing bearings! These are stronger, faster, and sturdier than strut-and-solar panel bearings, as well as having a lot less parts. Inline docking port attachments! This ties in to the reason I am abandoning so many panel pieces. The docking ports will be attached to only the face pieces, using the Offset tool and I am also using Snap mode whenever I can to make sure that they are much better aligned this time around! Here is a sneak peek of what I am working on:
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