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Everything posted by cubinator

  1. Cuz the question is was two score and the first prime. How high can a protist count?
  2. Granted, but the ingredients are separated: I wish my roof was really easy to set up a telescope on.
  3. Actually, the RCS jets are often quite visible. Still, you could shine a light signal from one end of the ocean and receive it on the other end in a straight line, using a wavelength that isn't affected too much by scattering. But people have actually done this, sort of. Here's a picture of Chicago taken from across Lake Michigan: Clearly only the tips of the highest buildings are visible. This is what it looks like from closer up: What could possibly cause that effect? The surface of the water is curved, by gravity, towards Earth's center of mass. It's because Earth is a spheroid.
  4. 299792457.99999999999... m/s.
  5. "Verbless" isn't a real word, you cheater!
  6. Um...my ship has already launched...and it's in the middle of a year-long transfer. I wish I could think of something creative to write here.
  7. THIS STATEMENT IS FALSE *dies* I was indeed the computer.
  8. @The Thyroid Man I've had several different versions of the "Falling" dream. A lot of them involved really, *really* crazy roadways that went up into the sky and were really narrow and precarious, like something out of a Dr Seuss book, but with the appearance of real roads. Suddenly the road would go 80°+ downhill and I would wake up just before hitting the ground.
  9. Star cats messing with the lasers. *AGAIN.* How long have I been inside this ice cube? I just woke up and I keep hearing about this really cool bird that can dive onto a boat from space or something...
  10. Time to pull it up on Star Trek. Wait... Waiter! There's a bottomless pit in my AAAAAAAAAAAA!
  11. Space! Not ception though. And I'm not in space yet. Still got over a decade to go... I think the next poster will be TopHeavy11.
  12. Banned for acknowledging the existence of moderators, doublethink. LONG LIVE BIG BROTHER! don't worry mods, I know you are here to make this forum a better place for all, not just a better place for Big Brother!
  13. Granted, it is replaced with a new word with the same meaning: Uiyplqg. Only those who correctly pronounce it on their first try get to live. The rest are put to death in the giant Thought Police pyramid. I wish for a pet giant centipede that is docile so I can scare people with it without any danger of myself or anyone else getting poisoned.
  14. You couldn't find anything cheaty about the last poster? Cheater!
  15. Rule 2.2b/10 I redirect several large NEOs to hit Earth at the same time, all on top of major cities for extra dramatic effect.
  16. Time to pull it up on Netflix! Waiter, my spoon is made of antimat---
  17. Your spider is no match for this guy! Giant centipedes like to eat tarantulas, so you'd better watch out for its paralyzing bite!
  18. NASA just might be desperate enough for an excuse to use the SLS...
  19. Amazing! We need Kerbal versions of all technical terms, like "Boom Sauce™"!
  20. Banned because I'm banning you.
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