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Everything posted by cubinator

  1. It could have been worse. In the movie, the docking port was actually offset from the center of mass because of the explosion, so Cooper had to not only spin the Lander, but also translate it in circles around the new center of mass to keep up with the docking port. AND the whole thing was subject to more-than-vacuum atmospheric drag. I tried to simulate the shift in mass by exploding those Endurance modules and failed miserably. I couldn't have done it by hand.
  2. Yes, in 1.1 you can right click on a part, then click on a little button in the top right of the dialog box and it will not go away when you right click another part. This can be done for any part that has a right-click menu. Today I used it to watch my barometer and thermometer as I ascended into space. You can move the boxes around, too, so they are in convenient places.
  3. You should have actually brought up the soundtrack when you did it! I've never docked while spinning (except the one time I was using the Endurance mod, because it wouldn't be right if I didn't) but recently I docked two non-spinning craft whilst playing "Imperfect Lock" and it was perfect.
  4. Minmus is my favorite too. It has such interesting, varied terrain. Perfectly flat beds surrounded by tall, steep hills from which you can see the curvature of the tiny moon. It's so pretty and feels just like an old space movie. I would totally want to live on a base there!
  5. Wow! That's a lot of stuff in this mod! Realistic probe transmissions, life support, ok, but solar weather? Radiation belts? Awesome! I'm definitely trying this out today. Is it compatible with Kerbal Planetary Base Systems?
  6. If you don't want to do it that's fine. I'm just saying you can make your decision based on what you want, not what others will think of it. Considering what the German bad people would have done if they got their way might help give you a better understanding of the world as it is today.
  7. Dangit! There are plenty of mods that I'd like to see in stock, but none that I feel are really necessary. Oh, except Kerbal Planetary Base Systems. I have a lot of trouble building surface outposts with the stock parts, because there isn't a default height for the docking ports. That makes it hard to expand bases after landing them, and the current habitation parts seem to be designed for zero-G. It just doesn't seem right to put them on a planet. KPBS offers a wide variety of parts that are specifically designed for long-term modular surface operations. Right now stock KSP offers a good variety of parts for building space stations in orbit, but doesn't really have any parts that are designed for surface bases. I have a lot of trouble designing a base that will work and be expandable easily. Since the game does give contracts for surface outposts, it seems necessary that they should give us some better parts to build those outposts and expand them later.
  8. Some people would get mad because they would think that because you are flying "that" flag on the Mun you support "their" ideologies. Obviously you don't, you are just considering what it would be like if the wars had been different and "they" were the ones planting flags on the Mun instead of the US. I think since it's a hypothetical world that is pretty detached from our own (seriously, you're flying little green people around in spaceships made from parts "found lying by the side of the road" on a planet 11 times smaller than Earth) it's fine. It's always interesting to consider how the world would be different if any particular event had gone differently. If Rome hadn't fallen. If the Wright Brothers never flew. If someone launched a nuke in the Cold War. If the K-PG impactor missed. If Theia missed. If Mars was still wet. I've got no problem with you planting a "bad person" flag on the Mun, imagining and wondering about a world in the hands of Adolf Kerman.
  9. It was made specifically for you. Waiter, there is a Probodobodyne advertisement in my soup!
  10. Granted, your new computer is way better at crushing pinecones. I wish I had sanic fast recognition for 4x4 edge pairs.
  11. Are you sure his mind's implosion didn't turn him into a new Pointland? The building is the Vulcan High Command, except it is actually a Mission Control building on a really tall volcano. The building is my house...
  12. I leave your space potato for another galaxy, where I settle on a new planet with lots of hills. They are very pretty, and I walk around visiting them all without claiming any one as my own. You can have all the Dres hills you want.
  13. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.faa.gov/other_visit/aviation_industry/designees_delegations/designee_types/ame/media/Section%2520III.4.1.5%2520Maneuvering%2520in%2520Space.pdf&ved=0ahUKEwjf__rUmKbMAhUok4MKHUFtBikQFggfMAE&usg=AFQjCNHseqXhCbl6X9FdxFdnF64GGVNSXA I learned some rocket science today.
  14. No. @max_creative, the one who has consumed the forum games.
  15. ...that is run by a democratically elected leader. The building is A. Square's pentagonal house...
  16. Dedres: Adds a new planet called Dedres. It is exactly like Dres, but with its orbital velocity reversed. The two will impact each other in half an orbit and explode. Make good use of these last few years on Dres!
  17. Well, make that two people. Waiter, there is only 50% variety in forum games soup!
  18. Gets me instead. Inserts posts that aren't from max_creative.
  19. I did a really nerdy thing today. Context: I'm working on a career game, I'm using KER. I got a contract to rescue a Kerbal, she's in a circular orbit out past the Mun. I made a ship to rescue her, launched it, and then realized I'd forgotten the KER part. My tracking station is only level 1, so I couldn't make a maneuver node to intercept her. I could either go back to vehicle assembly and stick the part on, or I could figure out how to calculate the phase angle for an intercept. Guess which one I chose. I managed to find a good explanation for it, in a paper helpfully titled "Maneuvering in Space". After maybe an hour total of googling, figuring out equations, calculating, googling some more, and calculating some more, I got an answer for my phase angle. I did the burn, crossed my fingers, and timewarped. It was pretty close! I managed to get the two ships close enough that they were within physics range, but not very slowly. Fortunately Kerbal jetpacks pack a lot of delta-V, so she got to the rescue craft just fine. So, now I know about calculating orbital rendezvous!
  20. "Whoa, check it out! There's life on Mars!" *points to crewmates*
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