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Everything posted by cubinator

  1. Thanks! It will take a while, but eventually it will be done and I can delete that extra 1.0.5 install!
  2. Today I designed and launched an Ike mission. It will bring Jeb, Bill, Bob, and Val to Ike's surface and back, and I will likely have a huge amount of leftover fuel that I may be able to do something with. I will now ruin that inspirational sunrise for you by informing you that the ship is called the "Ike'ant Believe It's Not Mun!" Yes, really. Here is a fake movie poster made in MS Paint with one of the screenshots:
  3. It feels dull sometimes (like today) but a lot of the time it's actually quite nice watching the boulders and craters gently gliding by. When you're just watching stuff move along as you rove smoothly, or when you're zooming down a hill at almost 40 m/s, when you stop to quicksave you might just check map view and find you've made a big chunk of progress! That's always a nice feeling. Yes, ten in binary is 1010. Oh, my rover does a lot of slipping and sliding. Don't you know why I get all those crazy flips?
  4. CHAPTER 101: "I CAN SEE! I CAN SEE! I CAN SEEEEEE!!!!" Yes, Mr. Square, we can all see now. I kept trudging on eastward today, far enough to plant another flag. I didn't go as far as I do sometimes, though, because it got pretty dull. Tanlina and Jeb seemed to be having fun though. Maybe next time I'll go on longer.
  5. Thanks! I'll try it when I finish updating my Mun Elcano thread. BTW the dropbox link you sent me doesn't seem to contain the flag; I dragged the picture into the Gamedata/Squad/Flags folder and it works fine though!
  6. I would absolutely use this for my space program!
  7. I've been playing with Rubik's cube since I was seven years old.
  8. From this distant vantage point, the Magic Boulder might not seem of any particular interest. But for us, it's different. Consider again that Magic Boulder. On it every Kraken you love, every Kraken you know, every Kraken you've ever heard of, every Kraken that ever was has been there. There, thousands of confident Kerbals have ventured, many attacked by is erratic physics. The Magic Boulder is a very small stage in a vast cosmic arena. Think of the hours spent by all those nerds and gamers so that, in glory and triumph, they could become the momentary visitors of a dot orbiting a dot orbiting a dot. Think of the endless worlds they could have visited when they chose to look for a scarcely distinguishable dot in some corner of the sky, how frequent their launch explosions, how eager they are to crash their Kerbals, how fervent their love for science points. Our posturings, our imagined goals, the delusion that we will accomplish anything by finding it are challenged by this point of dim light. That boulder is a lonely speck in the great enveloping cosmic dark. In it's obscurity, in all this vastness, there is no hint that anything useful can be done with it. ... I put too much effort into that.
  9. Granted, but you become blind and can only think in 2 dimensions, like Mr. A Square or Yendred. I wish I could come up with more creative wishes on a whim.
  10. Cool! I may be prompted to buy a solar filter for my telescope. I would only get to observe a half hour or so because I have to go to school on my birthday when I could be watching Mercury transiting the Sun It's too bad I don't have an astronomy class this year, it would be really easy to convince the teacher to let us go outside and observe it!
  11. My idea is that it's a ball of mint ice cream that partially melted (forming the lake beds) and freeze-dried from the vacuum. The surface doesn't taste good because of *mumble mumble* solar radiation *mumble mumble*. It doesn't matter what it's made of though, that doesn't stop it from being my favorite celestial body!
  12. Try pumping some water from the pool by the Administration building. Your employees may complain at first, but they will surely love the fresh fries to come! I agree that the starting runway is worthless for launching planes. The natural ground on every celestial body is way too slippery Actually, sliding Kerbals down crater walls on the Mun is one of the most entertaining things to watch in KSP, so I take back that statement.
  13. Yeah, why is there a wing segment sticking out of the top of the plane? Moreover, it seems to be connected to some larger plane(?) above...
  14. Actually, I wanted it so that I can look at the stuff in my blood that has already made me sick! Granted, but all the computers have Windows Vista and 1 gig of RAM. I wish I had 6 different types of color-detecting cells in my eyes instead of 3.
  15. What is the name of the Kerbal who impersonated Jeb? J. K. Kerman! Lolz
  16. I also agree with his point. Universal laws are, well, universal, so matter in the Kerbal universe seems to always have very high density compared to our universe. There are no relativistic effects in KSP such as a universal speed limit c or warping around massive objects. Moho's orbit does not precess, etc etc etc. Such as the laws of the Kerbal universe, as set forth when @HarvesteR created the heavens and Kerbin. The Modders are free to change those laws as they see fit, and Danny2462 will always, always try and be able to break them. To summarize, Kerbin, Kerbol, Minmus, and all the rest are perfectly normal in their universe.
  17. You know you're a nerd when having a cold makes you want to read articles about 'effect of sleep deprivation on the immune system'* and 'electron microscopes'. *I caught it on Saturday when I had to stay up until nearly 2 AM, do you think it's a coincidence?
  18. Granted, but it is a lead sandwich, with lead foil in between slabs of uranium, all drizzled with a nice coating of mercury. Mmm! I wish I owned a microscope that can see viruses.
  19. I am pretty sure fabric has been shown to be a great absorber of impacts, so they may be even more safe than (single-walled) metal hulls.
  20. Landing on Tylo costs 2270 m/s, and returning to low orbit costs 2270 more. That gets you a total required Δv of 4540 m/s. Testing it on Kerbin won't give any sort of accurate results if you are using any but a select few engines whose TWR and Isp don't vary significantly with pressure, and the atmospheric drag will also impose design constraints (read: flips) not present on Tylo. Therefore, I propose the following solution: Landing on the Mun from low orbit costs 580 m/s. The return costs 580 more. The Mun's surface environment is a lot like Tylo's. If you want land on the Mun, return to orbit, and repeat this 3 more times, you would need a Δv of 4640 m/s. That's enough to land on Tylo and return to orbit with some leeway for orbital maneuvers and the like. So if you think your ship can land on Tylo and return to orbit, you should transport it to low Munar orbit and try landing on the Mun four times in a row without refueling. If your lander has two or more stages and not all of them are designed to withstand contact with the surface, you can simply hover above the ground bringing your velocity to zero. It gives the same effect in terms of fuel consumed. Bring enough RCS propellant to rendezvous and dock with a vessel in LKO, which is a similar environment to Tylo's near space. A ship that can successfully complete those tasks should be able to do a landing and return to orbit on Tylo, provided it is transported there first. One last tip: Make sure your landing legs can function under Kerbin's gravity, which is similar to Tylo's. All you have to do is set the lander on the launch pad and see what it does. You don't have to fire the engines up on Kerbin at all; KER will tell you if the vacuum TWR is higher than 0.8 on Kerbin, or 1 on Tylo. As stated before, most engines suitable for a Tylo landing are basically worthless in Kerbin's thick atmosphere. Hope it helps!
  21. Someone should really bring them a ladder and remind them to build the Endless Stair *first* next time. http://xkcd.com/760/
  22. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AS-203 On topic: Pollo 13: A movie about 13 Mexican chefs running a restaurant famous for it's chicken dishes.
  23. No bug-swatting flags in honor of the 1.1 prerelease?
  24. This probably goes in Forum Games... -You can't help but like Ike (yes, it's from the crew report or whatever) -Ike'ant even get an intercept without Ike getting in the way! -SQUAD, Pol-ease fix the Pol terrain bug sometime... Ok, here goes: -Those who have accom-Pol-ished the Jool-5 Vall-enge have truly done something with their Laythe; They are willing to Tylo-rate the countless problems they will encounter in the design and execution of their mission, and Bop-viously deserve much applause. Woo! I did it!
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