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Everything posted by cubinator

  1. None are so alien that I could compare them to what I think extraterrestrial cultures would be like.
  2. Those gas tanks looked very familiar...I'm pretty sure I've got one back in the lab!
  3. 10/10 You like to talk about Portal and a lot of other games I've enjoyed. I AM DISGUISED YOU WILL NEVER RECOGNIZE ME! chirp
  4. oh look a large round number of enjoyment points

    1. Fraston


      Not anymore!

    2. cubinator


      Maybe not but it's prime factorization was 13*577 which is pretty cool.

  5. xoHFpec.png

    1. HansonKerman


      Fact 4: garlic bread




  6. But can't you just repeatedly sell a piece of glass or whatever to Temmie...
  7. It's a little trick called Accelerated Back-Hopping, or ABH. It requires you to spam the jump button, so the best way to do it is to bind the mousewheel to jump in the command console. It works best if you jump forwards, then turn around to face backwards, crouch in midair, let go of the forward and backward keys, and spam jump.
  8. Portal 2 is a perfectly written game. Every character, the story of GLaDOS and the emotion in her voice that gradually changes over the story, Cave Johnson and his lemons, and of course the ending... Then there's the fact that these happen in a forgotten corner of the world in Half-Life, with the first game happening sometime after the experiment gone wrong at Black Mesa and the portals bringing headcrabs, Vortigaunts, barnacles and the like to the world, and around the time the formidable Combine seize governance of human life. I like to think that maybe Chell wakes up in Portal 1 during the Seven-Hour War... Portal 1 also is fun because it's easy to bug out and glitch all kinds of stuff, and it's easy to speedrun.
  9. I've been playing Portal. I figured out a way to bypass one of the fizzlers in the escape section, meaning I can bring almost all the objects from the last three maps into the end of the game. All the bean cans and all the barrels and all the broken turrets are coming with me to the cake room. And I learned a few tricks to help me beat the game in under 20 minutes.
  10. water bending is just gravity, and that iceberg was really heavy
  11. I hardly look at them. Do we really need them? If I don't like a topic then I go post somewhere else. Maybe if nobody really uses them we can have that extraneous feature removed.
  12. Today was really warm in MN, tomorrow there will be a cold front in the afternoon and rain. I think I won't even need a heater for my crickets when they arrive, at least I can take my time getting that.
  13. Oh wow, I didn't know it was going to be right on the south pole. I hope no astronauts accidentally step on the spike there!
  14. I saw a meteor strike the Moon during the January 2019 lunar eclipse. I didn't know it until the next day when many videos emerged of the flash right where I'd seen it!
  15. South pole. NASA wants to use water ice that's been found there.
  16. cubinator


    Half Life G confirmed!
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