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Everything posted by drhay53

  1. I mainly came to this thread to ask about compatibility with [x] science. I've asked a couple of times in the [x] science thread what could be done to get the newest DMagic experiments (Bathymetry, SIGINT, and Recon) properly categorized by [x] science. Basically, the "end-game" of KSP for me is filling out the [x] science checklist, so it's really bothering me that the experiments are completely wrong in there. I'm posting here because this thread is much more active than the [x] science thread; what needs to be done for DMagic's experiments to show up properly in [x] science? Is there anything that I can do to help, or, is there anyone interested in doing it? This'll be the last time I ask about it, as I've now asked twice in each thread, once before and after the most recent DMagic update.
  2. This is surely true; I haven't done a lot of thinking about what DoD telescopes would be looking for. However, they almost certainly wouldn't be turning a UV telescope in space down towards the earth. The Earth's atmosphere heavily absorbs UV light, which is why UV astronomy cannot be done from the ground. Still, your point is correct that if you're wanting to observe in a very narrow filter and yet still get high resolution imaging, you'd need a lot more light gathering power.
  3. I'm fairly sure from the people that I've talked to (I have many collaborators at STSci) that at least some of the DoD telescopes are of the unfolding design. That doesn't mean they're as large as JWST, and certainly wouldn't need to be as they aren't trying to detect galaxies that are 12+ billion light years away
  4. I think @RoverDude did a twitch stream one time mixing Civilian Population with USI-LS, but it might have been someone else... I know I watched it somewhere though.
  5. I'm not using either mod. A random thought; how many contracts do you have accepted at the moment? Any?
  6. I'm not sure what these contracts would be called in the alt-F12 contract "Add" menu. I don't see anything in mine named unmanned. I have gotten some of the contracts though, so I'm afraid I can't really help debug any further.
  7. I haven't because I don't get a ton of time to play anyway, and it's not a totally predictable crash. Sometimes the game will crash two times in a row and then work for 3 hours, sometimes it will just continuously crash. But I know that right now if I try to add new parts packs, it gets fairly unstable, and it doesn't really matter much which pack I add.
  8. I know! I meant I would wait until you worked out some of the kinks from taking over the updates to the mod. I haven't played since way back. And honestly I'm still kind of noticing a mod limit even in 64 bit. I'm pretty much at the limit now, as everytime I add a mod I get crashes in the VAB and SPH within a minute or two of opening them.
  9. Always wanted to try this mod but never fit into my parts budget before crashes. May have to check it out as things get stabilized. Glad someone is taking over.
  10. Press alt-F10 to bring up the contract configurator debug menu and check if the unmanned missions are green. If they're red, there should be an error in the Debug Log. Screenshot that and that should set you on the right track to figuring out what's going wrong.
  11. With the Karibou I could get mechjeb to handle it by drastically messing with PID settings. I think I heavily damped the P and I terms, and probably even set the I term to 0.
  12. From what I've heard, the spy sats are very similar to JWST, as the DoD basically told NASA "don't worry about the mirrors unfolding. It'll work"
  13. @Z-Key Aerospace DMagic updated experiments again today; is this the right place to discuss how to get them categorized correctly in [x] science or is there something I need to ask DMagic to do? And is there any way I can help?
  14. @DStaal I only have one category called Nuclear Rockets, nothing with Thermal in the name.
  15. The only custom stuff I did with this mod was add custom main groups for the main part addons I have installed; i.e. KAX, USI, SpaceY, etc. I'd love to make custom categories but I haven't really had the time to sit down and figure out how to figure out how to do it (the repeat was intentional). The biggest hurdle I think is locating all of the different classes that each part has, especially in mods. Also, on another note, is anyone else seeing the Nuclear Rockets custom section just completely full of basically all engines?
  16. Is it easy to add the fine control and even-coarser control (left alt) to the heading and altitude keyboard controls? And BTW, I think I found a bug; while attempting to use fine control on the heading, I found that pressing a and d both moved the heading in the same direction.
  17. I spent several months learning the game on my first career mode without ever leaving Kerbin's SOI. I was messing with the USI Kolonization and Life Support mods, and the thought process for me was to get a fully autonomous base built on Minmus that could build my rockets for interplanetary exploration. However, I came up against the limits of unity, got really frustrated, and stopped playing. So for a while, you could put me into that category of someone who had played a few hundred hours and never even took a peek outside Kerbin's SOI. This time around though, for some reason I decided early on to just head out and explore other planets. I think probably the first time I thought I wanted to save the science that was available until I could labs and stuff set up, but I quickly realized that with DMagic's orbital science installed, there's basically oodles and oodles of science and transmitting a bit of it back from each planet will not give me less to do later when my base and station building process at each planet gets started. So tl;dr is that in my first playthrough of several hundred hours I never left Kerbin's SOI because I wanted to save the science on the other planets until I was able to build bases and stations to process it all and build all my vehicles in place; this time around, I still have that as a long-term goal, but I realized there will still be plenty of science to do so I ventured out pretty early in the tech tree.
  18. Hey Raptor, if you're interested in taking requests, I'd love to have the crew-carrying planes verified for 1.1.2; I'm playing with GAP and Kerbinside GAP and your planes are by far my favorite as they fly so well! No pressure just thought I'd put my .02 out there! Haven't started building my space stations yet as I'm still goofing around with other stuff!
  19. I noticed some people in this thread managed to get jet engines and also the KAX helicopter rotors to work. Anytime I try to use the KAX helicopter rotors, TCA leaves them at low thrust, even with 'main engines' on, and the craft just falls to Kerbin and explodes. Can someone post their setup for the helicopter rotors? edit: I got it working! The craft has 5 rotors on it, I set them all to balanced thrust. Then I included 6 KAX "Jump Jet" engines around the outside of the craft set to maneuver engines, for torquing the craft. Then there's three jump jets along the back in manual mode for horizontal speed control.
  20. Count my vote on releasing the ballistic and de-orbit sooner rather than later. I've wanted something like your ballistic code since like the 3rd day I started playing ksp. And mechjebs de orbit code is currently borked and I'd like to see how TCA does. Ive been designing all of my craft for the last week with TCA in mind, trying to get a nice mix of engines that can do lots of things with torque.
  21. Sometimes the gui gets into a state where I can't change the runway or glideslope; and when I bring up the settings and click the buttons manually, the runway seems to change but none of the text does so I can't really tell where I'm headed. Before I dig too much deeper, is this a known issue or should I start trying to reproduce and posting logs? edit: when a waypoint is clicked in the waypoints add on this seems to be the behavior.
  22. AVC says the Firespitter and CRP released with the malemute are not the latest versions, btw.
  23. Hello, I had an issue with the Contract pack: Bases and Stations mod due to the fact that AutomatedScienceSampler makes a dll called StationScience.dll. The contract pack mod sees the dll and thinks it's the actual installation of the mod, which breaks some of the contracts. Someone in that thread told me to post here and request that the dll be renamed in AutomatedScienceSampler.
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