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Everything posted by RA3236

  1. I'm reuploading the craft with action group fixes, larger gears and a new cargo variant. It should be done within twenty minutes, but the link will not work. EDIT: make that half an hour
  2. No, unfortunately most cockpits from its expansion do not have IVAs either. It is being worked on, and will be mates. EDIT: Made.
  3. No, it resizes only the whole system. You will have to change the individual planets... Individually.
  4. Yep, I flew it ALL the way from KSC to KSC 2 to Poles with an emergency pit stop near the pyramids. I warn people though, it is really important to land at a runway since the engines are very low to the ground compared to the gears.
  5. NOTE: IF THIS LOOKS MORE SIMILAR TO ANOTHER MODERN AIRCRAFT PLEASE TELL ME Sorry, Kerbals like to be stupid, so the big engines can just be a Kerbal addition. ___________________________________________________________________________________ Hi, I'm RA3236! Since the start of playing KSP, I've wished to share some of my creations with everyone else. So here it is: the Koeing 737! A simple modded craft, it can land on any runway (I said runway, DO NOT land it anywhere else!) and taxi off it. I is relatively easy-to-fly and is a very low-part-count craft with 35 parts. Flaps are not required for take-off, but they may help with landing. It is not a boat. Landing procedure: Flaps deploy (AG#1) Throttle down, keep speed above 130m/s about Use brakes (B) to slow down, but under NO circumstances should you try to use the reverse thrust. That thing is horrid. Gears down (G for the new pilots) and final correction to align with runway, a landing assistant may help. Touch down with less than 3m/s to spare, half-throttle reverse thrust with brakes. Once stopped, taxi and take-off when wanted. Download and required mods: http://kerbalx.com/RA3236/Koeing-737 Cargo variant: http://kerbalx.com/RA3236/Koeing-737---Cargo Recommended Mods: Pilot Assistant Mech Jeb Enjoy!
  6. @daniel l. Spikeyness is a problem on Kerbin. No pics, but people could have noticed that a ring of spikes on the poles.
  7. Quick question, is there any thread with a list of BB and HTML codes?
  8. I... Am.... Amazed at this. It is awesome Sigma!!! Great idea.
  9. [quote name='inigma']is this in conflict with the regional airliner challenge?[/QUOTE] No. The Regional Airliner Challenge is for the best craft for the KSC that is reliable. This challenge is bigger is better stuff. And yes, I fail at making planes.
  10. [quote name='Sigma88']untill kopernicus 0.5 is released.[/QUOTE] Which came out yesterday, I didn't even notice even though I subscribed to the thread. (Sorry if you have already noticed)
  11. [quote name='pTrevTrevs']How many parts? I bet I could run that.[/QUOTE] That looks to be about almost 500 parts.
  12. Still a good challenge.. add an extra-extreme mode for a polar orbit under 6km-highest elevation is 7.5km at the poles. At equator it is 5.3km
  13. [quote name='Sequinox'][CENTER][U][B]Please don't use stock crafts.[/B][/U][/CENTER] [/QUOTE][CENTER] [/CENTER] Well there goes my day... Still a hard challenge... Ill give it a go.
  14. [quote name='Astronomer']*waiting for page 500 for purely ocd reasons*[/QUOTE] What the... Astronomer is back? Awesome!! By the way, boost for you to page 500
  15. [quote name='CatastrophicFailure']So I stumbled upon this, and had to go download .05 just to try it out. First I figured I'd be all cool and dump an asteroid into the oceans of Eve. Slapped together a ship and spent the next two and a half hours getting there, but, well... [URL]http://imgur.com/a/fHPYH[/URL] Final depth (on Kerbin) was 1005 meters. Asteroid-ballasted diving bell. :cool: [URL]http://i.imgur.com/1yKqLyS.gif[/URL][/QUOTE] Well good to know about asteroids on Eve... Until someone sitcks millions of bits of extra ore to sink it.
  16. Videos are recommended by challenge starters as a reliable way of showing the attempt. So yes.
  17. Well this challenge definitely did challenge my... memory. I kept forgetting the ore in the pods. But that is exactly what I did. There were a couple of aspects, such as my first landing with a Mallard on the island runway, finding a landing location for the pod and actually remembering the chutes (don't ask) challenged me. Don't count this if you want. Just wanted to do something for a change.
  18. Isn't it easy to do this challenge? Just drop a pod into the ocean form the stock craft Mallard with parachutes. Very easy.
  19. Well that's what you said in my terms. Great though
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