So I was randomly thinking about a timeline, and it occurred to me that I wanted to do a study into leap years (don't ask how that makes sense). So here it is:
The Guide to Kerbin Leap Years
(I sooo wanted to put a reference to The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy here. And I almost did!)
1. A brief revisit to Earth-Kerbin times
2. Calculating when Kerbin leap years occur
A brief revisit to Earth-Kerbin times
We can basically sum this up in a table:
Kerbin-Earth time relationships
Standard Unit
Earth Time
Kerbin Time
Seconds (s)
Minutes (min)
Hours (h)
Days (d)
Weeks (wk)
Months (mth)
4 — 4 3/7 wk
3wk - 3wk + 3d
Years (yr)
12 mth in a standard calendar, 365.24 d
9,203,544.6s, 426.090028d
A quick explanation into these timetables:
A Kerbin second, minute and hour is exactly the same as an Earth second, minute and hour. A Kerbin Day is 6 hours long, contrasting Earth's 24 hour day. There are 365.24 days in an Earth Year, which is much more than Kerbin's 426.090028 days. A Kerbin week would therefore become 10 days and a standard Kerbin month would be about 3 weeks long and a year would contain 14 months.
Before we get into the next section we should outline when leap years occur on Earth. A leap year on Earth is on every year that is divisible by 4, on every year that is divisible by 400 and every 3600 or so years (this is to make up for yet another day gained other the course of time).
Calculating when Kerbin leap years occur
Method One:
Method Two:
Any suggestions or changes for this info is welcomed, and moderators are free to move this thread. If you have an opinion suggesting that the weeks or months are wrong, make a separate thread or shut up. None of that in this thread. Also, if there's some random equation to make the maths here easier to understand, please inform me, as I hardly know maths compared to the rest of the community.