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The Aziz

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Everything posted by The Aziz

  1. Build a lifter and keep adding mass to dummy payload (ore tanks are the easiest to work with) until you don't have enough dv to reach orbit. That's your limit.
  2. *Laughs in Kraken attacks* Okay, so it's more like transmission rate changing depending on distance. And that is something I could get behind (a reason to set up large relay arrays and stuff so data can go in larger packets at once) But then we know nothing about communication. I assume there will be some kind of commnet, but I also assume that a) extrasolar outposts will be independent of ksc, and/or b) there will be no need to sit and watch the transmission going. I don't think there will be science points either, so if colony on Puf discovers new tech, it will be available everywhere else just like that.
  3. In manually controlled ships? Elaborate. Because if what you mean is a delay between hitting a button and ship reacting to it, it's called input lag and no game should have it, ever.
  4. This game will be out earlier than first BO orbital rocket.
  5. First off, probe cores carry a very tiny amount of electric charge, so they can go dead after few minutes of no sunlight. Or even faster after moving them around too much. Single radial battery is more than enough, does not add a lot of mass, fits with the stack and easily protects from running out of juice. Second, your pictures show that you don't use SAS. It should be always on. (The only core that does not have that feature is stayputnik, but I see you're already past that) that could also explain unplanned movements.
  6. Yes. https://youtube.com/watch?v=cNMxoyw1Qoc&t=335
  7. -Which materials do we need for the game? -yes.
  8. You can separate the burn into few. Let's say first one to get into elliptical orbit around Kerbin, second to complete the transfer. Though, 42 minutes for a burn is a lot for nukes, what TWR you have? Also, you say no gravity assist, but using Tylo for MUCH cheaper approach is relatively easy. Just fine tune your encounter with Jool - do it as early as possible - so that the trajectory crosses Tylo orbit at the right time, and if properly set up, it should put you in Jool orbit without using a drop of fuel. Think of nearly half of delta v saved for Laythe maneuvers.
  9. You mean spinning or flipping? If it's spinning (like, you know, a spinner) then it's probably something wrong with the fins, picture would be nice. If it's flipping, then I would blame your approach to gravity turn (or more like gravity slap really, looking at how you describe it). Low speed, late turn is a thing of the past, over five years now. It may still work while the rocket is long, with first stage still attached but then it often goes sideways, literally. It's now more like a 1.2twr on the pad, 28° at 5km, 45° at 10k, 70° at 20km and almost horizontally at 40km. Don't go too far from prograde marker, turn on aero overlay and don't let the red arrow (drag) appear anywhere else than at the bottom of the rocket.
  10. You ask for too much, my range is limited
  11. Why? We know what do they look like. We know how they work. We don't need to see them up close (spoilers!) What more do you expect?
  12. Correct. But only in case of these two bodies. Already confirmed.
  13. Yeah, like the description of BG rotors, stating that they make a noise.
  14. What you're asking for exactly? I assume demo version, which is unlikely to happen.
  15. Well technically the planets don't disappear when in flight. Thing is, at large distances they're usually smaller than a pixel, and so, not visible.
  16. Mammoth is made of four engines and large base. IIRC, devs want players to be able to build their own clusters, be it SLS, Falcon 9, N1 (go big right?) or whatever.
  17. Currency huh How much, and who actually gets the money, costs the surface base constructed on site in another solar system? I get the resources, they're being used but money is a replacement for goods trade. Also I may not be aware of space economy (I get how it works in real life, the mission costs include research, development, human resources, maintenance, and for ISS, resupplying, and Kraken knows what else) but out there where everything is being built off homeworld? Kerbonauts don't get paid, nor I have to pay the mission control for controlling the rover/resupply ship. Where the money goes? Currency no longer matters once you're controlling an independent colony. Putting a "placing this building will cost 59205593 funds, do you wish to proceed?" window in BAE makes no sense. Why would it extract money from main budget?
  18. There is a tool though. However, it's not really worth it. At times, Eeloo is closer to home than Jool, and if you can get a direct flight to Jool, you can get one to Eeloo, same level of difficulty.
  19. I wonder how some mods for, let's say, cities skylines or truck simulator work then. I suppose they don't interfere with game code and just work on top of it. Plus, at least in truck sim case, mods are just separate .scs files, probably acting like archive for everything inside. Also, it was probably a dev choice to not allow anything other than craft files in the workshop. It may change for the sequel.
  20. Methalox (which is, I suppose, the equivalent of old LF+O, as in base, standard type of fuel) factory looks relatively small, so I suppose there could be a cylinder-shaped variant to put on ships.
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