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Everything posted by MR L A

  1. *grumbles about including Porkjet's overhaul parts with DLC or 1.3* Insanely looking forward to this DLC... slightly surprised about the direction they've gone with it, but imo it works Anyone care to guess when it'll be released? BONUS SPACE POINTS for closest guess!
  2. Yup! I get burnt out too. Finding a new mod always help, I recently installed ScanSat so I'm rather loving that atm. Oh, also, have a go at career mode but turn reverts off and no Kerbal respawning Keeps things a bit more interesting I usually go in a cycle of playing KSP, Stellaris, having a sesh on the original Battlefront 2 then back to KSP.
  3. I think we should have a love story between Ross & Rachel Kerman... or J.D & Elliot Kerman... or FatKid & Cake Kerman...
  4. More cores is useful for running YouTube (other music outlets are available) in the background though
  5. Yes they do. I also posted potential solutions that are at least workable ideas.
  6. I was thinking that might be a solution I agree, they're more fun to fly. Actually have to think about what you're doing a little more whereas the bigger rockets (in the same series as this smaller one) have ample TWR throughout the flight. But tbf, the missions with the big rockets tend to be a little more exciting than crew rotation of a space station in a 1000km orbit...
  7. Someone should do a video of this and explain whats going on I think S.M. posted one or two but nothing within the last year. I was trying this method with a small 2.5m design (similar to the stock GPLV - if that's what its called) but it didn't quite work.. after jettisoning the SRBs the vehicle's TWR is momentarily 1.0 (possibly below) resulting in too much turn as you'd expect. Will work fine with smaller payloads, but I was really hoping this particular craft could efficiently deliver this particular payload
  8. huh, I'll whack it in and see what happens I'll do a bit of digging but I vaguely remember a few people saying their performance was unexpectedly (much more of a hit than Scatterer should have). I've used a fresh install of KSP when testing scatterer so conflicts don't appear to be the problem. I'm not with my PC for about a week, so I can't currently show you my config.. it should be exactly as appears on download though
  9. Hi! Is your work rendered by GPU processes or is it CPU "bound" similarly to KSP? Trying to work out if installing a 280X I have lying around will be of any benefit in terms of FPS with this mod I also have the uncharacteristically low frame rate issue (with particle number turned WAY down as suggested) I saw mentioned a few pages back, any fix for this yet? Thanks for the great work!
  10. Hi guys, I was wondering if it was at all possible to develop a system whereby connected parts could be "grouped" so they were treated as a single part for physics calculations. For example, a command module with 4 rcs thrusters, two parachutes, a docking port, a solar panel, and an antenna could be "grouped" as one part rather than ten individual parts in close proximity. Obviously, if this was at all possible, the CPU (fps) savings would be pretty huge
  11. I'll deffo give the mod a go thanks I've had a stick lying about for years.. hardly touched the thing lol. I'll give it a go but I think the transition between WASD and a stick might result in more than a few reverts hah, yeah I've seen it take ridiculous routes just to do a 180
  12. I usually use two each side (for mk3 shuttles) but have them connected to each other and the one of the boosters connected to the decoupler. Looks pretty nice... though I probably haven't described it too well haha. I should really take more screen shots. But yeah, a bigger one would be nice for doing Ares I type rockets. I have a SRB first stage in one of my 1.25m designs.. a scaled up version for a 2.5m design would be tres nice.
  13. Yeah there's plenty of solutions to that, any 4X game (looking at you Paradox) manages quite well. One simple solution is to have time warp work on a sort of vote system i.e. one player requests warp, other players consent to it (manageable in games with friends). Another solution is to have it toggleable on any given server i.e. those with weapon mods will just want to dog fight so warp isnt needed. A slightly weirder solution is to have time zones/fields.. i.e. a player can warp as much as they like and players with in a specific radius as them remain synchronised. Player outside of the radius become de-synced, but catch up when they reach the same zone as the other players. This has the disadvantage of the game time/MET jumping around considerably on re synchronisation with the other players, but does avoid the docking problem you described... who really cares what the in game clock is doing anyway? I imagine there's a few other solutions too, but I don't do dev work, so I don't know any more.
  14. The part about overriding pitch if you adjust yaw etc... this is my exact problem with my shuttle designs - I'm sure this problem was made worse after they adjusted SAS for 1.2 (or whenever it was recently). I'd never quite understood what the problem was, but this explanation has nailed it for me. So annoying when I try to correct yaw on my MK3 part shuttle only to have attitude change with it - made the craft a complete poodle to fly! Would using a joystick help with this?
  15. You should probably add that the vehicle needs to be touching the runway... as soon as you said "it can fly or whatever" I was thinking, okay, I'll fly straight up with a reusable rocket stage (designed to go to orbit) and land right at the end of the runway. It'd take some very precise flying, but it isn't impossible. OR A better rule change would be quickest time from one end to the other (obviously flying up and landing again will take a lot longer than the above ideas). Just my thoughts! Like the challenge though
  16. huh... can't believe I never chased that one up! Thanks
  17. No. haha. Action group 1 = parts A,B,C Action group 3 (what happened to 2?) = parts A, D, E I'm not sure what trigger "All action group" means. Is there a specific button for triggering ALL action groups? if so, err why? Anyway, assuming you trigger both action groups simultaneously, parts A,B,C,D and E will be triggered. Part A, depending on what you have set in each group, may end up doing nothing at all. I'm not sure if you're explaining yourself properly or not, but i regularly use a single part in multiple action groups with other parts which are also in other action groups... I'm not overly sure if any of what you have said is a specific problem with adjusting limiters through action groups either. Colour me confused!!
  18. WHAT!? Why the hell did I not know about this?!
  19. did you mean to say multiple parts per action group? Otherwise I'm not really sure what you're on about. Also, I don't see a problem with this anyway, action groups already allow for multiple parts and the choice of a specific action for each one under the same command key. I can't see that selecting one component's slide control (or numeric value) posing a great deal of difficulty
  20. 100% in favour of this. Really P's me off when I spend about 5 mins trying to get an exact figure rather that .5 either side of it. Also, has anyone noticed that adjustment in flight appears to be easier than in the VAB? It might just be me, but I always manage to adjust to the exact figure I want pretty much first time during a flight whereas I struggle in VAB. Anyone? No? Owh
  21. I was thinking about this the other day... they really need to add a north/south facing runway at the KSP. If it could intersect with the existing one would be nice. Would be great for using any winged craft for those polar orbit missions in career!
  22. Thanks for the responses guys, cleared things up a little bit for me! I was attempting to ask (I guess) if incremental Unity updates were somehow automatically included in KSP (and all games running Unity), but you've cleared up for me how that works exactly I'm a bit unsure what the second part means... what would a "runtime" upgrade mean for the game (and what even is a runtime?)? and what is Unity 2017.1? Another, better version of Unity? Thanks everyone!
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