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Everything posted by NotAnAimbot

  1. Is 2 Wheesley engines enough? I needed like 4 ramjets for a bomber with similar payload.
  2. Why not place solar panels as fake windows? This way, you get visual camouflage and fuel space! Using cheap material as mock features has been done for a long time. Here's an example of a Panther disguised as an M10 followed by the actual tank destroyer.
  3. I dunno, if that's the goal, why not make it a full-fledged CAS plane with a better powerplant? The size won't be much bigger than a passenger plane, and you can carry extra fuel if you take that passenger block out and put a fuel tank/intake tank there. When using radar to detect stuff, only size and shape matters, and even then you only have a blinking dot. A B-52 would appear roughly the same on a radar as a 787. Plus, modern planes use transponders, which are basically radios emitting on a specific frequency to identify itself. They'd see pretty quickly that it's no passenger plane if it doesn't emit. If it does, it's basically saying "I'm here" to everyone near it.
  4. imo, I'd remove the weapons and leave a single Vulcan, since it doesn't really stand a chance to fire off missiles at much faster planes. Plus, Sidewinders are really inaccurate compared to AMRAAMs iirc. They miss even with a tiny bit of flare.
  5. Making vehicles and their CoG lower, adding wheels and making less wheels be able to steer can help.
  6. I guess I'm also getting rid of the spoilers on my post. I'll try getting some new stuff on when I have time from watching anime. Mostly the ICV-2 and T-942, along with the updated F-2. And here they are, in the submission thread. T-942 and ICV-2.
  7. Dammit, and I thought putting ships in folders was better...
  8. Try fighting it against the F-2F+ or F-11A Not full production stuff, but I'm intending on adding missiles to them soon.
  9. Ramjets work well, but only if they can bring your craft to >400 m/s. I've found that, for Panthers, a TWR of about 1.7 full is enough to go to 800 m/s. Also don't forget a radar
  10. By changing wing edge size, you could do it with 6. Just saying . It would ruin them too, unless you use it for add-on armor panels. Even then, it's "one-shot kills the entire flank", something which happens now with BDA's broken explosion range.
  11. I'll quote something from @JTpopcorn from a while ago on using mods. Since Hatbat already has plenty of camera and visual mods, keeping stuff stock other than BDA is the best way to keep the game lagless to allow for bigger ships and to keep conflicts from happening. I'm not @HatBator scriptkitty, so I'm still pinging him to know what he thinks.
  12. yuo see ivan when make plane tank enemy will not shoot yuo for they not know if use anti air or anti tank weapon
  13. Looks like it handles much better than my small planes
  14. We would have to solve the afterburner problem with this, since an afterburner uses something like three times the normal fuel. Maybe modify the challenge to allow for empty fuel and oxidizer tanks?
  15. Seems interesting! I'll try building something as soon as I get home.
  16. I'm guessing no one sent planes to @Triop, so he can't really stage a fight.
  17. Oh, I thought it was a "pre-release" dev. Thanks for the info, I'll wait for the full release.
  18. Tried going into the release section of the FAR github to fetch the dev, but it gives me a 500 error code. Anyone had this happen?
  19. How do you score this? I'm seeing scores on the leaderboard, but I don't see a scoring guide.
  20. Started building gunfighters again for Triop's challenge Download link if anyone wants to challenge it https://www.dropbox.com/s/z79apb8so1048rq/F-11A.craft?dl=0
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