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Everything posted by Waxing_Kibbous

  1. It looks like my issue is caused by Research Bodies and/or Kerbal Health, if I remove one things are normal. I'm curious if other people with issues are also using RB/KH.
  2. For me "stock" is at least better burn time (with the suicide burn disabled) and basic orbit installed- I consider these to be balanced QoL fixes. It's kind of annoying to play straight stock while some really basic things are missing, eg radar altitude and AP/PE readouts in flight.
  3. I'm having a similar problem, the contracts UI is very active, contracts are jumping in and out, I can occasionally click on them but sometimes can't accept them, even stock ones. The explore minmus one time to expire also counted down really fast. I have a lot of mods, but ScanSat and ReasearchBodies are the only two in the CC settings. I'm also on Linux so this could be a "punctuation matters" kind of an error in a pack.
  4. I'd be interested to see the calculations regarding how much heat would transfer between two objects over time. Consider this: given the shape of the two objects more than likely the area of contact would be very small, and given the nature of things floating in space the time of contact would be very small as well. It would be really hard to keep two surfaces together without attaching them. Much like someone walking barefoot across hot coals the heat transfer between two momentarily contacting objects would be insignificant.
  5. This seems like a pretty cool mod, any known conflicts with IFILS?
  6. Are you asking for lightweight graphics mods? if so this one is pretty sweet:
  7. Hey LGG thanks for giving this mod some love- in the original thread you mentioned adding greenhouses which would be awesome. In my 1.2.2 install I hacky-added some extra LS tanks, 1.25m and 3.75m. You were looking for feedback- I think having those sizes is pretty convenient, you may want to add them.
  8. Thanks for keeping this mod updated LGG , one question- can I use the latest version in 1.2.2 or do I need to use the version on github that is the one previous to the 1.3 update?
  9. Can a Kerbal recover from a breakdown, or are they pretty much shot at that point?
  10. I've been playing science mode because I find it's hard to find a balance in career that I like. Contract Configurator helps a ton in eliminating spammy and unwanted contracts though. I feel as though career has three resources that really don't matter very much once you hit the Mun and Minmus. Science mode gives me freedom with some sort of progression, both science points and now allowing Kerbal experience in SciMode in recent versions.
  11. I'm coming to the conclusion that software users always live for the next version(s) as opposed to the current one.
  12. @ShotgunNinja Try this, with a simple craft on the launchpad (a manned pod will do) open up the Kerbalism panel. Look at the group: none as pointed out in the image and hit Tab, in my game none becomes a cursor that I can populate with text, and that also suddenly takes away all keyboard control. Maybe this is KSP level functionality though? I can change my settings but this can be a dangerous trigger regardless.
  13. Just tried a simple test in 1.22 and 1.3, both versions display the fuel a bit misleading- it will show the middle tank draining when being fed, but when the other tanks are decoupled after they run out it jumps back to full. Maybe you just noticed it in 1.3?
  14. Another played with, now can't play without mod is updated, many thanks! BTW, I'm not sure if you know this, but you needed to replace the text with TMPros
  15. Try this, I'm guessing the version you have is old. Also read the last page of the thread for 1.3 issues
  16. Is it possible to unbind the Tab key for the thing it does in Kerbalism? I'd rather have it somewhere more out of the way, plus I use Tab for fine control because cAPS lOCK is aNNOYING.
  17. You can also use a Mk-1 plus a lander can or two if you have the cans unlocked. Having a one star pilot can be handy for rescues.
  18. This looks like you pulled the Default Cube from a Blender install it's late, I refrained from a Suzanne reference though
  19. Awesome! After playing 1.2x with this it's painful to go back to manual science getting, especially since the layout of text on kerbals and science windows all tends to clutter.
  20. Blender + Krita, both free. Lots of tutorials everywhere. Blenderartists.org is the forum. I recommend learning how to storyboard first if you are really serious, and check out the book Animator's Survival Kit. http://www.animationmeat.com/notes/notes.html EDIT: My experience teaching myself 3D: Blender is very complex, and 3D animation is very complex, so I started off with a project to learn, which was to make an animated bipedal character. I broke it up like this: Modeling: create a simple character, low poly, with good edge flow. Texturing: use UV maps, and learn things like SSS Rigging: Face rig, arms have IK/FK switch Animating: do some walk cycles and a lift animation Rendering: play with AO, lighting, etc. When I went to make a short I had a vague idea of a story, but didn't really plan anything solidly, and this is one of the big reasons I never finished. Cat wrangling basically. I advise really investing in pre production, art, script, and boards.
  21. First thing that go into my folder are QoL mods: BetterBurnTime, Basic Orbit, Portrait Stats, Chatterer, Contract Configurator, ForScience, Precise Maneuver Editor, Alternate Resource Panel, PlanetShine, TWP, KAC, etc. I would still consider these to be "stock" as they enhance the game without being OP. Next I spice up various KSP folders with different combinations of gameplay/parts packs.
  22. Hmmm, the basic orbit button is not working in my game, it is highlighted as though active but clicking on it does nothing. Could be a Linux thing?
  23. YEAH BASIC ORBIT IS BACK BABY! Seriously though, how do people play without a proper radar altimeter and Ap readout?
  24. Can somebody tell me the difference between these two items: @DisableProgressionContracts = True @DisableTutorialContracts = True If progression ones are planet/moon specific (exploration ones) and tutorial ones are the rendevous/launch vessel ones, that'd be amazing.
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