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Everything posted by Rocketology

  1. Continuing building a base at the North Pole of Kerbin, come by on Twitch https://www.twitch.tv/rocketpcgaming and help out :-)
  2. Actually, I have, for some reason the in game screenshot makes them really dark.
  3. Space planes are hard, who knew? I wanted to start making space planes as soon as possible in career mode, which you can do fairly early, if doing a shuttle style launch. But it turns out, it's significantly less expensive to just use traditional rockets until you can do a SSTO space plane which requires the Whiplash engine. I was able to achieve sub-orbital SSTO's before unlocking the Whiplash (made it a priority) but to actually get into orbit, the Whiplash is a necessity.
  4. Sorry, didn't know there was a "Mission Reports" subfolder. Can a Mod move it for me please? Thank you!
  5. I received my first orbital station and docking contracts, cool, let's do this! Launch up a simple "station" then launch the rendezvous rocket. As I am approaching I realize something; I forgot RCS, on both craft. Well Dres, that sucks. Revert flight? Nope. I ask myself, what would Jebadiah do? So I set operator head space and timing, calibrated the ol' Mk I Eyeball and: (Just had to share)
  6. If the official name hasn't been decided yet I agree on "Krakens". The Kraken Kredit Kard, never leave Kerbin without it.
  7. Just found this gem! Awesome work, very entertaining! Off to read the next mission book....
  8. Hey there, welcome! I enjoy planes as well, just finished my first successful VTOL in career mode. Here it is as sunset hovering at 8000m:
  9. As a fellow noob Kerbonaut, my 2 cent tip is to use F5, quicksave by default, and F9, load quicksave by default (press and hold) liberally.
  10. I am also a new Kerbanaut and I can concur with the above, especially Kerbal Engineer Redux. Also, while you are waiting the few days to really get going, I highly recommend you check out Scott Manley's Youtube channel if you haven't found it already. He is literally Mr. KSP. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxzC4EngIsMrPmbm6Nxvb-A And something I forgot, your best friends in the world, F5, quick save by default, and F9, press and hold for load quicksave by default. These will help save you from Kurphy's Law. Good luck!
  11. Hello! First things first; This Game Is Awesome! This is one of my most favorite games of all time and I have been a gamer since Commodore 64 days. I am just getting started, furthest I have been yet is Duna, and I am saying that. Squad, you guys killed it with this one, well done. I can't recommend it enough, so if you are browsing these forums deciding if you should get it or not, as Nike says, "Just Do It". You won't regret it. And modders, Holy Bananas you guys are doing great and unbelievably detailed things! Keep 'em coming! -Rocket
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