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Everything posted by JacobJHC

  1. Thanks! Episode 2 should be up in a few days... *Using asteroids as fuel tanks intensifies*
  2. I have come up with an idea on an ore refinery to place on Moho. I could absolutely use solar panels but I might need fuel cells because of the fact that it can be night on Moho. I will probably have a rather large fuel tanker that will fly to refuel ships in orbit or have the ships dock to an asteroid to refuel in orbit around Moho.
  3. Thank you. Now I feel that I need to do this though, imagine: Lord JacobJHC of Jool
  4. I probably won't do it 500 times lol. I plan to start hiring but once it gets to where they are too expensive I might have to rescue the remaining amount I need. I am glad you like it so far.
  5. Ok I have added episode 1 after my brief period of not updating the thread. I now have a different approach to how I will go about the effort and think it is for the better. Tell me what you think. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8r53sL6oQLs
  6. A while back I took over the Jool 500 challenge (with permission from @eloquentJane the original poster) for the current version. Should I put that challenge here so it can be added to the list?
  7. Yes, but if you tell someone it won't work they are more likely to try it.
  8. Absolutely. I am already tight on money in my career mode save so why not make it worse with a Moho base?
  9. Oh my god how? How did you do this? Wha? If anyone can beat this mass I will be surprised. You should be proud, I think you have made the lightest Moho mission ever. You should post it in this thread:
  10. darn. (WHY CAN'T I DO THIS RIGHT???) time to fix it.. I know the pain of a "gaming" computer. Try doing a Jool 5 on a laptop. I would say my Kerbals ran away screaming, but my frame rate isn't high enough for that they just take big steps.
  11. Lol I only use movie maker to edit (put a caption and speed it up) my videos. If you do please send me a link. @maccollo Your submission has been added to the leader board, and I must say, yes it is the heaviest submission thus far but it is by far one of the more interesting ones. No xenon? What? how? Great job and thanks for submitting a submission to the challenge. I remember one day I was watching your Venus mission and thought it was amazing and this mission, whoa, you never fail to impress.
  12. Nice rocket, It reminds me of my old low Mass Eeloo mission. I also like your ocean landing, after that happened to me one time I though "why not do this again?". In all seriousness, awesome rocket, noice aerocapture. You should put something like this on your YouTube channel.
  13. *Note I am putting this in this topic because I did this another time and it got moved to fanworks for being a future fanwork so I am putting it here since it will be a future craft exchange. So I am currently working on the Jool 500 challenge and since money is tight with having to hire hundreds of Kerbals I decided to do the most economically Kerbal thing and build Jeb a giant robot to move around in. I don't really want to use mods and I realize movement will be difficult but I am going to try it anyway. Does anybody have any ideas on how it should be built or what it should be capable of? I might use reaction wheels as hinges for arms and such. I have my own ideas but I am curious what the KSP community would put on a robot if they could.
  14. @HarrySeaward @IncongruousGoat @Mesklin Well, since you all have completed the challenge, it makes sense to congratulate you. Here's a clip of people saying "Congratulations">
  15. Of course, that's what I did with my submission. Good luck. I know I am behind on the submissions but I will watch them later today probably.
  16. I suggest using an Eve gravity assist on the return from Moho, it can turn your undesired velocity (inclined orbit) into desired velocity (on a similar plain to Kerbin). I think that's how @EvermoreAlpaca phrased it correct me if I'm wrong.
  17. Hello and thanks for reading/helping/answering, I started this new type of base building where I make a fairing that is empty and has crew cabins inside or clipped in the side so the Kerbals can use the inside as living space. However on all but one of my bases I have built using this have had the issue of launching the Kerbal through the roof or floor. I tried putting chairs inside and having them board the chair then leave the seat (so they would be standing inside) but when I did that the Kerbal exploded. Am I doing something incredibly wrong? Thanks again. http://imgur.com/a/zeEoB Here are some pictures
  18. If I were to set my periapsis at 1000 meters and aerocapture into orbit how fast would I need to go? I am just curious how fast it would be and if anybody knows how to calculate such a question? (also this is using only a landercan and an inflatable heat shield 10 meters wide). Seriously a piece of cake to anyone who can figure this out.
  19. I've seen this before and it still awes me every time. If only there was a way to do this for Eve. Very nicely done, do you how did you capture into Kerbin orbit? I don't see any pictures of a deceleration burn. Did you aerobrake? Either way nice job.
  20. I have been in several situations in the VAB where I have to move a large solar panel because it's rotation would clip other parts. I think it you could lock the rotation/position of solar panels it would allow for more customization options. For example, it the large solar or radiator panels could be locked, they could be used as doors for larger crafts. @/not/pol/ pointed out that they can be locked but I think it should be something to work with inside the VAB and not in the game's settings.
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