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Everything posted by swjr-swis

  1. My full stock version of the DuoRacer: https://kerbalx.com/swjr-swis/DuoRacer-1 Was a nice challenge to build an odd craft as close to the concept as possible with only stock parts (and I needed to test uploading with the KerbalX mod in 1.3.0 - it still works). I think she flies nicely too, though once the afterburner goes on, fuel runs out fast (can be solved by clipping a few mk0 tanks in, but watch the balance). Pics: Full album: http://imgur.com/a/kb7GO
  2. When you type the '@' followed by the first letters, a dropdown menu should appear, narrowing down as you type more letters. You need to actually click on one to make it embed the linked name.
  3. Tja, we lezen en schrijven met z'n allen 'gewoon' engels, en losse draadjes aanmaken die in de wirwar van International wegzinken helpt niet om meer nederlands/vlaams te ontlokken. Zonder een apart NL/BE subforum is een draadje zoals dit, waar men zich voorstelt of vraagt of/waar er meer is te vinden, zo'n beetje het meeste wat je kan verwachten. Kijk maar naar alle andere talen die hier zijn opgehokt. Zelfs duits is slecht vertegenwoordigd, ondanks de toch relatief grote subgroep gebruikers. Maar goed, zo nu en dan zien we hier een nieuw iemand 'uit de kast komen' en hoi roepen. P.S.: het was waarschijnlijk ook enigzins contraproductief om het draadje met een engelse titel te starten...
  4. @michal.don It's a bit hard to compare two posts of several pages long each. Have you changed anything from the V4 challenge? Tweaked rules, other challenges?
  5. Here's my attempt, PassengerRocket1: Base score: -(65350-52289)=-13061/64=204.078125 - Hands on (pure stock, no autopilot mods) - Gentle curve (entire flight is done without manual steering) Final score: (-204.078125*94*100)/100000=-19.18 Craft file: https://kerbalx.com/swjr-swis/PassengerRocket1
  6. Ok that makes sense, I had not considered something already waiting in Minmus orbit. Tip: those docking ports can be surface attached to the RCS/LF tanks, leaving the 2.5m stack nodes on top and bottom of that section 'free' to be used for 2.5m decouplers. Best of both worlds: you still get to use the strongest joints over the whole length of the stack, and you get the docking ports to reuse the RCS/LF tank module. I uploaded a 'B' version of the craft with those changes. https://www.dropbox.com/s/lyons0lbumfj0ux/MimusHabitat-Launcher B.craft?dl=0
  7. I grabbed the craft file you posted, retouched it a bit, and did a few launches up to LKO and to low Minmus orbit; no unplanned disassemblies happened. https://www.dropbox.com/s/8j76z896t3y5de6/MimusHabitat-Launcher.craft?dl=0 Changes made: I had to hand-edit the craft file to delete the KER module, or I couldn't load it in my stock game. First removed all struts and all autostruts, to remove any random elements. Redid the fuel lines for a bit neater placement (not really needed but OCD kicked in). Reoriented the 8 east/west docking ports so their tops were properly aligned (again, just an OCD thing). Placed regular struts in 2x symmetry to stabilize the SF/LF boosters. Placed regular struts in 4x symmetry between the RCS tank and the bottom 'docking arms' of the payload, to better hold the bottom of the payload. Placed regular struts in 2x symmetry between the top Jr docking port and the fairing, to dampen the payload swinging. (1) Placed regular struts in 4x symmetry in the two gaps of the center stack, to undo the weakness of your chosen links there. (2) Enabled autostruts on a few parts, but made them point to 'root' instead of 'heaviest', for maximum leverage and to stay where they are from beginning to end of the ascent. (3) Needs a bit of trickery. I used two cubic struts attached at the bottom of the fairing and offset to a bit above the top of the docking port, then the struts from port to the cubic struts, offset the cubic struts to outside the fairing top, then grabbing the fairing bottom to pull it off the rocket and simply replacing it in the same place - struts get reconnected to the inside of the fairing shell. Deleted the now unnecessary cubic struts. I don't understand these gaps, they severely weaken your rocket. Why not use regular 2.5m decouplers there to use the much stronger 2.5m nodes for the entire stack? Since you don't have designated 'heaviest' parts that remain the heaviest throughout all stages of the rocket, the autostruts get pointed elsewhere with every staging/decoupling event. This will cause problems. So to avoid this, I pointed them at root, which stays the same all the way. Also, there were too many of them; just enable them at the ends of stages/stacks. P.S.: It is still unclear to me how the payload is supposed to work. There's propulsion enough to get it to Minmus orbit and even to descend to the surface. I can also see it's meant to be 4 separate modules, to get on the surface with their wheels and probably docked to each other 'sideways'... but I can't see how you plan to actually land each of them safely and properly oriented on the surface - they have no propulsion of their own, not even RCS.
  8. Which does not help with removing the actual data the OP is worried about being leaked if the forum is hacked. @SKGaming, a slightly more helpful solution to your request, and one which you have under your own control: In your account settings (top right, click your user name for the menu), you can change your password (left side, third item) to some randomly chosen string. Same place, second item, allowd you to change the e-mail address to some throwaway address. Finally, you can reply in the Name Change thread and ask for your forum account to be changed to something randomly chosen (if you have never done this before). This should remove all three of the items of information you want 'cleaned', without 'breaking' the forum and its links.
  9. I got "Panda Aerospace .craft". This was on Windows 8.1, Firefox 54.0.1.
  10. Could the problem be caused by the double-quotes in the name of the craft? It looks like the name is cut off right at the point where the first one should be.
  11. Not sure you would in fact 'like' this as much as you think: having more than a handful of craft on the KSC terrain can make launch, flight, and/or landing very laggy activities, and some craft could even spontaneously jump, disassemble and explode when passing near them. That said: Kerbal Constructs made the fuel tanks actually have a function, although I'm not sure it is what you are looking for (you may also need Kerbin Side, not sure):
  12. You could do this with stock parts: - add enough sepratrons for a >1 TWR, and make them stage first, and the main engine second. Depending how light of a missile you want to do this with, it might even be possible with just (a) decoupler(s).
  13. We keep thinking of them as one big organism, but what if they are actually huge colonies of single-cell critters? A form of highly organised plankton that used to live in the waters of Kerbin, retaining vegetative photosynthesis capability in (expected) low-food conditions. In times of nutrition excess (snacks!) they can afford to wildly splurge energy on flexing their muscle-proteins to move the colony about, and when food is lacking -or to save food they'll need much later- they revert back to a vegetative condition where photosynthesis is all they need to survive. Given a proper medium (eg. a fluid-filled compartment or space suit) they could even decide to break up into smaller clumps or down to single-cell to maximize light absorption, and reclump later into the multi-cellular active forms we know. It would explain how they can survive hundreds of years marooned in space in their suits or ship (fragment), or while waiting to enter Eloo SoI. It would also explain the poofing as a last-ditch life-preserving measure in which the energy of the would-be-catastrophic collision/combustion gets diverted into an almost instantaneous endothermic breaking of the bonds that hold the colony together... dissolving the kerbal into a cloud of billions of frozen 'spores' that blow apart, fading into invisibility to the naked eye. Which can later reconstitute themselves, explaining how previously 'lost' kerbals reappear again after a bit of time. Then again, it could just be 02:32 AM and my brain is running out of ideas of how to get me to go to bed already...
  14. @monstah: a little late, but perhaps this thread is better located in the tech support section? The OP is basically a request for help, and people may not know to look for this topic in 'suggestions & development'.
  15. Without a craft file to test, it's hard to say for sure... but I've seen it before, and in that case it was caused by struts without endpoints.
  16. You need to contact Google - if you can get their Translator to work like this consistently, you got yourself a job (never mind that little typo at the end). I don't know of a way to disable the debug menu. It's not part of the startup parameters, there is no key assignment in the game settings, and there is no entry in the settings.cfg. Maybe someone else knows the secret but I doubt it exists. I think though that it is rather self-defeating in the end: if you are truly so weak-willed, I think you will find that once you know how to disable it, it is just as easily enabled again... just like how you learned to hit Alt-F12 and click the right menu buttons to 'fix' whatever you were not pleased with.
  17. ¡Enhorabuena! Ahora lo que dices, intenta a ver si haciéndolo de primera vale la pena.
  18. This sounds almost like you made a typo with 'pods'. I expected this to end with 'dude'...
  19. Un truquillo que de seguro te ayudará en más ocasiones: usa una cofia invertida, entre la pieza a la que le falta nodo (en este caso, la garra) y el resto de la nave (el depósito de MP). La garra la fijas en el nodo 'regular' de la cofia, y usas uno de los nodos 'interetapa' de la cofia como nodo para fijar el asunto al tope del resto del cohete. Unas imágenes para aclarar la idea:
  20. Maybe some anti-virus software blocking or quarantining the files, because it -mistakenly- thinks it's infected? I've seen reports of some AV packages falsely flagging Monodevelop files as malware, and KSP uses that...
  21. I'm missing an entry for 'All of the above'.
  22. Could it be that Steam is trying to run the 64-bit version of KSP? I think this is the default now, although I'd expect it to automatically run the 32-bit version, but you might want to check.
  23. Creo que tienes la idea correcta, solo te falta el detalle de la implementación. Las patas (y ruedas, y trenes de aterrizaje) en KSP son objetos muy... temperamentales, como estás notando, y casi garantizan explosiones. No te digo que sea completamente imposible, pero creo que te lo pones bastante difícil usando patas de esta manera. Aún si llegaras a capturar y despegar, si te diera por acelerar el tiempo en cualquier momento, la pieza se te escabulliría, por no estar fijada a la nave (dos naves independientes se vuelven 'transparentes' en tiempo acelerado y pasan a través una de otra). Como alternativa, ¿por qué no te deshaces de las patas, y le pones una garra (Unidad de Captura Avanzada) al fondo del tanque de monopropelente? Obviamente tendrás que alzarlo un poco más, pero si ya manejas lo suficiente como para alinearte por encima como muestran las imágenes, lo único que te falta es abrir la garra, y replegar las patas de la nave para 'caer' encima de la pieza a recuperar... lo que tendría que ser suficiente para que agarre sin causar explosiones.
  24. Yo no diría que está superado el asunto: todos los hilos de antes del cambio están todavía hechos una sopa de letras (por no decir otra cosa). En realidad, con la localización española atrayendo a nuevas caras, es una pena que toda esa información se quede en desuso simplemente por no poder leerse (y siendo que el corregirlo, insisto, es realmente algo que podría hacerse de manera automatizada). Pero viendo que está claro que no se va a hacer nada en cuanto a ello, estoy de acuerdo que este hilo ya no tiene sentido y que haga sitio para cosas más al día.
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