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Everything posted by AlphaMensae

  1. Disabled meshes in a part's .mu file count towards the size limits in the Engineer's Report. For quite a long time I was very conservative with how I did height variants for the towers, making each variant a complete tower, as well as combining all the size variants for the launch bases into one part. The goal was to reduce the number of parts, but a big downside was all the disabled variants made the towers and bases much taller or larger than what was actually shown. For v2.1 and onwards, the major size types (small, medium, etc) for towers and bases are now their own part. With the height variants for each size tower, I'm also using more B9PS features to make each variant actually be as high as seen visually. Instead of each height being a single piece, the variants are made up of multiple sections which are turned on and moved into position as needed. Some of the newer towers in v2.1 are using this method, and I will expand the use of it to all the older towers. Also, RO now has direct Modular Launch Pad suuport configs (maybe for RP-1?), so that patch isn't needed. I'm going to remove it in the v2.1 official release to avoid confusion.
  2. Totally a Peacekeeper Minotaur ICBM science launch...nope, totally legit, sir....nothing to see here....move along.... (Large Launch Rail from v2.1 of Modular Launch Pads)
  3. After more MSFS2020 streams distractions, the Large Launch Rail is done! That's actually another, um, ah, science flight....using the...ehh, um, Minotaur solids from BDB.....
  4. I will add that Katniss' pad is designed for RSS, so if you're using the Saturn and/or Shuttle launch bases from my Modular Launch Pads, all the associated parts will need to be rescaled by 1.6x or so. That should put the support columns on the top of the pad and not in the flame trench. Of course, then you'll need RSS-scale Saturns and Shuttles too.
  5. Corrected the .mu files for all the affected launch stands, and they are all now on the AlphaDev branch. The launch clamp transforms (for the footings, columns and caps) don't actually rotate with the rest of the part (when properly done ), they are fixed in place. The column beams were rotating like that since I had them placed wrong in the Unity hierarchy, and KSP got confused. Also numbered the Launch Rails' titles so they would appear in order in the part window, and changed the title of the Jupiter Petal Cover to the Redstone Launch Stand Petal Cover, since it was made for that stand and wanted to have it appear after it.
  6. Check to see if those parts can or allow surface attach. The attachRules for x, x, x, x, x are as follows: Node attach, surface attach, allow node attach (for something else), allow surface; the last value isn't important, it's something about collider interaction. I removed the upper attach node from the Mini launch rail, as AA doesn't work with node-attached parts.
  7. Oops, that was a result of me making a slight change to the Unity hierarchy for the new launch stands. I moved the Column transform out of the Cap transform, but it looks like it has to be the child of the Cap one or it will rotate when the column beams are not supposed to. I'll fix the affected stands and will have them on the AlphaDev branch later today.
  8. Ok, after a lot of distractions (re: watching MSFS 2020 streams ), the Medium Launch Rail is done! That's the BDB Redstone missile doing a.....science flight...yep, that's right, nothing to worry about here!
  9. Most likely a collider issue. Best to have a slight gap between the rail and the SRB, gravity will pull the rocket down into the rail after decoupling. If you don't have it, install Collide-O-Scope so you can see the actual colliders in game. https://github.com/DefiantZombie/Collide-o-Scope
  10. That is more of a TweakScale problem, so I would ask over in its thread. I don't support or offer .cfgs for TweakScale, as I don't use it. Back in the KSP 1.0.4-1.0.5 days, I did, but I don't trust the new versions nor the current maintainer.
  11. Do not have the launch base or stand as the root part, or else they won't work. They are launch clamps, and they can not be the root part.
  12. One furthur update to the two current Launch Rails: I added a 20° reverse rotation animation deploy limit slider for the rail, since many sounding rocket images show the rocket "hanging" from the rail rather than the "lying" on the rail as I have it. It's not perfect however, as the rocket will fall away from the rail a little bit when decoupled, rather than riding the rail the whole way. I might just keep it in for future use when I get around to making actual attachable launch lugs for rockets that will hold them to the rail like real ones do. So as of now it's more of a screenshot feature.
  13. Yeah, all you can really do is kitbash stuff out of the Scout engines, which I did with the Small rail demo rocket, though it has a stock Mite on top. BDB does need more longer inline 0.3125 and .625m solids with straight nozzles.
  14. The Small Launch Rail is now done and on the AlphaDev branch of the GitHub! Also added a third length option to the rail for both the Small and Mini sizes, and the upcoming larger ones. I discovered that colliders do not count towards the size limits for launch pads, so I was able to keep the single-piece rail colliders and have the rail mesh made out of smaller sections that get moved into place with B9PS. Also discovered that Animated Attachment will move the rocket when the rail is rotated with B9PS. I also removed the node attachment for rockets from the Mini size, as AA will not move node-attached thing, so there wasn't any point to it. The revised Mini rail is also on the AlphaDev branch.
  15. The sparker FX was made by JadeOfMaar, as I have no idea on how to make plumes. So unless some makes a decent-looking water shower plume effect that doesn't look like engine exhaust, the rainbirds will be just decorative.
  16. Ah, yeah, I can only worry about MLP parts, everything else AA affects is not my responsibility. You'll have to take it up with Katten in the Animated Attachment thread to see if he can make the AA .cfg not so wide-acting, since as of now it adds AA to all animated parts, gimballing engines, control surfaces and launch clamps. Or maybe not automatically add it to parts, and let the user decide what parts it gets.
  17. How so? Missing modules don't affect craft loading like missing parts do. You don't need Animated Attachment for the launch rails, they can still be rotated with B9PS, it will just require some offset and rotate gizmo adjustent on the rocket. Additional lines for the Modify_Animated_Attachment.cfg: @PART[AM_MLP_LaunchRail*]:AFTER[AnimatedAttachment] { keepAnimNodes = yes } @PART[AM_MLP_*]:HAS[~keepAnimNodes[*]]:AFTER[AnimatedAttachment] { !MODULE[AnimatedAttachment] {} } This removes AA from all MLP parts except the launch rails.
  18. I can remove AA from all MLP parts except the launch rails, but I don't want to go beyond MLP to altering other parts, stock and mod ones. The other stuff can be changed by altering the AnimatedAttachment.cfg. What it is is four sections that add ModuleAnimatedAttachment to parts that have ModuleAnimateGeneric, ModuleGimbal, ModuleControlSurface and LaunchClamp. You can delete them manually or make a MM patch to remove the AA module from the affected parts.
  19. @CheesecakeDo you have Animated Attachment installed? Because I'm pretty sure now that is the reason for the wonkiness with surface-attach symmetry. On a hunch, I took out AA, and the bases that were having problems worked fine. I then did a new test with the Soyuz base, since that had the clamp arms being attached at the default 45° "corner" positions getting twisted over in flight mode. With AA, the problem happened. Without AA, no problems. Put AA back in again, problems. So Animated Attachment is the reason. Since it's very useful for the launch rails (as well as other things), I made a little MM patch that removes AA from launch clamps after AA puts itself into them. It's now on the AlphaDev branch of the GitHub, but if you want to do it manually, copy the following into a text editor and save it in the Compatibility_Patches folder of ModularLaunchPad as file "Modify_Animated_Attachment.cfg": @PART[AM_MLP*]:HAS[@MODULE[LaunchClamp]]:AFTER[AnimatedAttachment] { !MODULE[AnimatedAttachment] { } } The launch clamp support was added for the FASA tower in BDB after someone wanted to have lights attached to it move with the arm as it's retracted. So Katten just added AA to everything with ModuleLaunchClamp, except that screwed up some of my launch bases, and my arms aren't clamps and don't AA. I've edited the MM patch to only affect AM_MLP parts.
  20. @CheesecakeI was able to reproduce the issue. It's a problem with surface-attaching hold-downs with the General Launch Bases and the Soyuz Launch Base; the Flat Launch Bases, Launch Plates and Saturn/Shuttle Bases are not affected. The Soyuz and Large bases also had the issue show up in flight mode. I have no idea what's causing the weirdness, it could be a KSP thing or maybe not. I did a test by making the Atlas clamp node-attachable, and setting stack symmetry to 3 (for 4x) in the Medium General Base. It worked fine, so the problem is with surface attaching parts in symmetry. I'll make the hold-downs also node-attachable as an interim solution, add additional nodes for them, and bring back the stack symmetry switcher for the General and Soyuz Bases.
  21. Made some revisions and updates to the Mini Launch Rail, and the updated one is now on the AlphaDev branch. I've added the latest Animated Attachment plugin to the AlphaDev branch as well, it works in KSP 1.8.x and up. Changes are an addition of a small square mount plate, suitable for the small square hole launch bases (like the Mini Flat Base); a little spike for the rocket engine (has no collider); some texture changes; and changing the long variant of the launch rod to be a single piece with a single collider--previously it was made out of two pieces and two colliders, and the seam was causing trouble for launches, as the rocket engine kept hitting the rod right where the seam was. Making the collider a single object eliminated that. Also made a rough assembly and launch demo, using a 0.625m rocket cobbled out of the few stock and BDB parts I have right now.
  22. Ok, I put the Mini Launch Rail up on the AlphaDev branch of the GitHub to play with and get to learn how to use it--remember the notes I just gave. It's mostly done, but I do want to add some extra mounting plate options beyond the current small round one meant for the Mini Milkstool Launch Stand size 1. May be other tweaks as well. Mini Rail is sized for 0.3125m and 0.625m rockets--the rail rod can be moved with a deploy limit slider to fit a 0.625m rocket. The rail rod also has two length variants: Short (7.5m) and Long (15m). I'll make a guide video at some point as well to explain how to use the rails.
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