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Everything posted by AlphaMensae

  1. I now have a Falcon 9-style strongback tower available as a dev part for v2 of Modular Launch Pads, now on my Github. It has two methods of fallback retraction: a simple one-step method with drop-umbilicals that fully retracts at liftoff, and a two-step method without umbilicals that allows a partial retraction pre-launch, then a separate fallback animation. And yeah, it was designed with the TE Ghidorah as the fit model.
  2. New version of the Saturn Launcher Base (v2C) is now on the Github, along with a modified SaturnLauncherBase.dds file. Assets are in the 3D_Assets_Dev folder, the .cfg is in v2_Saturn For now it's a new separate part. The folder structure will also change soon, as I transfer all the Saturn and Shuttle parts to their own folder. No longer need the insert part, it's been integrated into the base itself now. I also added the general pads' node symmetry switch, which makes it easier to select between different symmetries for different kinds of accessories.
  3. Added two craft files for the strongback and Tundra Exploration Ghidorah+Fairing to the Craft Files folder in the AlphaDev branch on the Github. Both use the Small General Pad, and require Tundra Exploration and its dependencies (just Kerbal Reuseablity Expansion actually...I think). The 1-step file is set up for the one-step fallback method with umbilicals. The 2-step file is set up for the two-step method with no umbilicals.
  4. The strongback now has the upper clamp, opened/closed separately: The clamp is sized for 2.5m tanks only. In fact, I don't think I'll make alternate heights, this thing is like the shuttle pad in that it's a specialty part designed and intended for a specific rocket type. The clamp and umbilical group will have deploy-limit sliders for adjustment, but otherwise will be as-is; a Falcon 9 is pretty tall to begin with, so there's plenty of height already. On another matter, I've realized way too late the simple way to eliminate the insert for the Saturn launcher base: just put the center of the exhaust hole the origin (X=0, Z=0). It'll mean the base will be well off-center when placed and so will have to be offset into the proper position, but that's a small price for getting rid of the insert and integrating its functions into the base itself.
  5. Now with the alternate 2-step retraction method, with the partial pre-launch retract and the launch-time fallback: The method type is selected with a B9PS switcher, it actually switches between two whole copies of the strongback, with the 2-step version lacking the umbilicals. Keeps the game objects for one animation method disabled when the other is selected. The 2-step method is manual only, and best done by action groups.
  6. Making a MM patch for the pads is actually quite simple, the following is just an example of the syntax: @PART[rn_brizm_core]:NEEDS[RN_Soviet_Rockets] { // Put the internal part name (from the "part = xxxx" line in the cfg) in the PART[]; the GameData folder name of the mod goes in the NEEDS[] if desired. Don't forget the curly brace node_stack_bottom02 = 0.0, -5.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 5 // The new stack node goes here, use a name that isn't being used already, and the 2nd value is the Y axis position in meters; use a large enough value so the node will clear the bottom of the tank (or engine mount) and any engine or whatever is attached to it. The last value is the node size, 5 is real big and is what the bigger pads use. } // Don't forget the closing curly brace too. Save it with some name as .cfg extension somewhere in GameData. Furthur progress on the strongback tower: I've changed my mind and will include an alternate animation set, one that allows the tower to be brought in closer to the rocket (with the umbilicals turned off) so a partial retraction of a few degrees can be done before launch, then the rest of the retraction done at launch. This will be manual-activation only, the staged animation via Animated Decouplers will be the full fallback as seen here.
  7. I'm sorry, I haven't done anything for the RN patches yet, as I have been focused on making all the v2 stuff. That's more of closing detail to add in before official release, but I'll see I I can make a few up sometime soon.
  8. Maybe over the extended Christmas holiday period. I've started a new full-time job, and don't have much time to work on the mod during the week.
  9. The rectangular stand was made primarily for the Atlas rocket, or ones with a couple of small SRBs (like the early Deltas/augmented Thors or whatever), so it's limited in sizes it can handle. As such, it won't be enlarged. Sorry However, I have thought about adding a mini general pad as a bridge between the launch stands and the small general pad. I have something like that already, previously made for a custom mod someone requested. It wouldn't take too much to make it multi-configurable, and be able to handle full triple-core rockets, from 1.875m down to 0.9375m (or maybe 0.625m).
  10. Ok, both general pads, the new Saturn Launch Stand and Small Saturn tower are now on the Github, in a new folder under AlphaDev: v2_General_Pads. The older large general pad assets have been removed from 3D_Assets_Dev.
  11. I was thinking that too I won't be including any of the old v1 parts with the v2 release, but will have MM patches that will hide them if you keep the older MLP for the transition.
  12. First, I know about the SpaceX pad and tower pack, but a Falcon 9-type strong back has been a commonly requested part for MLP, so I'm making one. It's not going to be full recreation though, I simplified it for easier modeling and to make it variable height. @Jasseji, that's a good idea. Most of the v2 parts have new names anyway, so I can change them in the final build.
  13. A WIP dev image of the F9-style strongback tower: Still missing stuff, like the all the mount stuff and hinge objects, but the default height (sized for the Tundra Exploration Falcon 9) is set. It will have some integrated drop-type umbilicals that will be able to be adjusted by deploy-limit sliders. However, they be can be switched off and attach nodes turned on for external umbilicals, but those would require Animated Attachment to move with the strongback when it is retracted.
  14. I am at my laptop now, so can post screenshots. For the shuttle platform in the default FSS configuration, just center the legs over the white ring: The right-side legs can me brought in (i.e. moved to the left in the pic) little bit, but don't move the platform the other way or else those legs will be overhanging the edge of the stock pad static, or even off of it completely. For the platform in the alt FSS configuration, position the platform so the left-side (or front) legs are mostly to the left of the white ring, like this: This is to make sure that the FSS base isn't clipping too far into the stock pad static. Some clipping is normal, as there are only a very few colliders on the lower part of the FSS base section, but clip too much and other colliders will intersect with the static.
  15. Which one? If it's the Saturn launcher base, put the front legs (front being the pair closest to you when looking towards the VAB door) in the white ring on the floor, with the front corners just inside the outer edge.
  16. That would be for Modular Launch Pads I could add a SpaceX-style variant to the already existing General Crew Arm that's coming in version 2, which has multiple length variants and either straight-type or side-type hatch access.
  17. There's craft files and/or subassemblies for the Saturn launcher and shuttle pad, but none yet for the other new things. I'll make some up and put them on the github soon. And next on the to-do list: the Small General Pad: Yes, I know there is no strongback for the Tundra Exploration Falcon Heavy Launch....that's coming next. Still needs .cfg work to be done. I'm probably going to change the range of core sizes the small and large general pads can handle. Right now both can be configured for 1.875m and 2.5m, but a 1.875m rocket is pretty small when on the large pad--probably too small. A 2.5m core is a border case, as the large pad was designed for, well, large rockets, and even a 2.5m size core is on the small end of the size range. So I think I'll make 3.125m the overlap size, with it being the max size for the small pad and the minimm size for the large pad. And just to add to the fun, a while back I made a custom small pad with a minu F9-style strongback as a custom mod for someone else. I think I'll remake that pad minus the strongback) as the Mini Launch Pad, acting as a bridge between the small launch stands and the small general pad.
  18. Thanks, and yeah, it seemed redundant to say that, but I should give proper credit to BDB here as well Also, the real LC-34/37 tower was rotated in relation to the stool so that a corner was facing it; such an arrangement would not be good for a general-purpose arm, so the tower base block is at the regular 90-degree orientation.
  19. Saturn Launch Stand and Small Saturn Tower are done: Only the general crew access arm is done, I still have to make the general swng arm and drop umbilicals, so this is an imcomplete demo. The stand has configurations for 4.25m, 3.75, 3.125m, 2.5m and 1.875m stack sizess, and has integrated hold-down arms in differerent configurations as well; these can be switched off and other hold-downs used instead. The stand has an optional base block for the tower (like the real one had), with four different positions available (not like the real one ;-) ). Towers can be used without the base block if desired. The tower has switchable (nominal) heights from 10m to 50m in 5m increments, and can be used as an unmanned service tower, or as a crew elevator with two types of a crew access section (2.5m and 5m) and an elevator pad. The tower base block has a ladder that Kerbals can use to access the crew elevator if the tower if mounted on the block. The Apollo-Saturn IB used for the demo launch is from Bluedog Design Bureau.
  20. None yet, but there is a subassembly and a CA shuttle craft file for it on the Github's AlphaDev branch. I'll eventually make video guides for the pads and stands, but it will be a while.
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