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Everything posted by Nnimrod

  1. Are there any known issues with the HG-55 antenna? It doesn't seem to have the ability to function as an antenna, and the "start deployed" option isn't there in the VAB. I can't right click extend or activate it while it's on the launch pad either.
  2. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/122175-104-ksc-floodlight-2102015/ Thoughts on compatibility with this mod? It doesn't work out of the box.
  3. Thanks, I had forgotten about that ^^ The Pioneer antenna description says it's good to "1500Gm, Jupiter and beyond" That would be right, as Jupiter can be (very) roughly 500-975Gm from earth. But if you plug the stated range (20Gm) and the DSN range (500Gm) into the range formula it comes to 120Gm. Am I doing the math correctly? EDIT: I suppose I really just want to build a satellite communications network, but there's no need with the existence of the DSN. Maybe I should get the remote tech contract pack and set my funds rewards to 5% or something, so I have to actually launch satellites for money
  4. I'm a bit confused with the antennas, and reading the RemoteTech manual didn't explain everything. Why are there two values for range? Sometimes the first one is zero, and sometimes it's the same as the second value. And sometimes it's a different, smaller value. The Voyager Antenna (Improved Electrics) says it's good all the way to where voyager has been, but it's range field is 0/16Mm. Also, bandwidth isn't listed anywhere. Can the formula be used to calculate antenna ranges? Do you use the second value? EDIT: One small additional thing - it doesn't seem to say anywhere that researching the further solid rocket nodes increases your procedural SRB limits, but it does. That could be a clause tagged onto the end of the node description in the tech tree, or done the same way as the procedural fairing upgrades.
  5. Any tentative estimates on TACLS? Before 2016? Definitely ready for an official 1.0.5 RP-0 release! Planning on actually sticking to one career playthrough for awhile ^.^
  6. Is it possible that your ship is just too large, and you don't notice the force of the thrusters? The particle effect for the exhaust is very hard to notice (After all it's just some compressed air), and it's only making something like 50 newtons of force, so it's easy to not notice.
  7. The two jet engines you get early, the J57, and the british one don't work. They show up, and they have models, but they don't do anything, and once placed (within the SPH) they can't be clicked on again. I suspect I'm missing something, but this might be a bug.
  8. Ok. I decided to omit it, since it's not compatible with 1.0.5. I guess I'll find out if I need it
  9. Is RO specifically intended to only use copies or allegories of real world engines/spacecraft parts? I ask because I'm interested in giving it some more interesting engines (Not that I don't find the NK-33 or RL-10 interesting :P). Originally I planned to develop (For just myself) a standalone engines mod, but I've decided that's too ambitious for my capabilities. I would however like to put my work to some use, and I thought I might try to model some realistic and feasible, tho quite fictional engines using a variety of propellants ranging from kerosene/O2 to B2H6/ClF5 and much more. I recently decided to try RO, and that introduced me to Real Fuels - which comes pre-packed with a huge range of propellants including the aforementioned more hydrazines than I could shake a stick at, fluorines, boranes and all sorts of good stuff. But, there's no engines making use of them. Furthermore, they aren't really accurately modeled. I remember seeing kerosene and oxygen having the same density, but of course they don't. I would be interested in A. helping more accurately model various propellants in Real Fuels/RO, and B. dreaming up some engines to use them, that could be reasonably considered "Realistic". I don't do graphics stuff at all, or really coding, but I can prepare/gather the data in spreadsheet form and balance the engines/propellants into tech nodes. A snippet from my previous project: http://imgur.com/YBtIIcr
  10. thanks kinda sucks tho :s I was under the impression FAR was a realistic aerodynamics model, but I suppose such a thing is outside the scope of KSP. Maybe KSP II tho?
  11. When using this with FAR, do you get more lift from thicker wings?
  12. I'm hanging trying to load the game, on Proceduralparts/.../RFSRB.CFG I'm also on the 1024 version, is that my problem? I've installed RO+dependencies as well as a few others. Have not had the issue before using PP with, only now that I've installed RO. EDIT: Moved to 1028 and the issue is gone
  13. What do I need to change to change the amount of lH2/lO2 in tanks? I want to modify some prollant:mass ratios. I could just edit an existing tank (Or make one with procedural parts) to have the desired dry mass and H2/O2, but if there's a way I'd like to change how much H2/O2 this mod gives fuel tanks.
  14. I'm using 64k, if I install this will I need to tweak settings? Right now I have the in-game heat adjustment at 60%. @PHYSICSGLOBALS:FOR[64K]{ // AeroFX @aeroFXScalar = 0.003 @aeroFXDensityExponent = 0.5 @aeroFXStartThermalFX = 2.5 @aeroFXFullThermalFX = 3.5 @aeroFXExponent = 3.5 // CONSTANTS @spaceTemperature = 4 @solarLuminosityAtHome = 1360 @solarInsolationAtHome = 0.15 @standardSpecificHeatCapacity = 800 @internalHeatProductionFactor = 0.025 @aerodynamicHeatProductionFactor = 1.0 // CONVECTION // Convection areas @fullConvectionAreaMin = -0.1 @fullToCrossSectionLerpStart = 0.8 @fullToCrossSectionLerpEnd = 1.5 // Newtonian-To-Hypersonic transition @machConvectionStart = 2 @machConvectionEnd = 4.0 @machConvectionExponent = 3 @convectionFactorSplashed = 5000 // Turbulent convection (total guesses) @turbulentConvectionStart = 100 @turbulentConvectionEnd = 400 @turbulentConvectionMult = 25 // Newtonian Convection @newtonianConvectionFactorBase = 4.0 @newtonianConvectionFactorTotal = 1.0 @newtonianDensityExponent = 0.5 @newtonianVelocityExponent = 1.0 // Hypersonic Convection @convectionDensityExponent = 0.5 @convectionVelocityExponent = 3.0 @convectionFactor = 1.1 @machTemperatureScalar = 1 @machTemperatureVelocityExponent = 1 // CONDUCTION @conductionFactor = 5 @skinSkinConductionFactor = 0.06 @skinInteralConductionFactor = 0.25 @shieldedConductionFactor = 0.01 // RADIATION @partEmissivityExponent = 4 @radiationFactor = 1 }
  15. I'd love to see an extension of this mod using some... not so practical (putting it lightly) propellants like fluorine or boron compounds, metallic hydrogen, difluoride dioxygen, etc. If anyone can figure out a way to use these types of things, it'll be the kerbals I guess I forgot to mention that I really like this mod, the engines look great and are reasonably well balanced. Playing with 6.4x, KWRocketry, and this. I also tried Bobcat's soviet engine pack, and while they are great, they are of course not balanced for a serious career playthrough
  16. Any tips on how I can load this without crashing? Currently I have several other mods, and when loading the game I hang and freeze with the progress bar at the bottom stuck on squad/spaces/podcockpit/internal/podcockpit. When it hits that my memory usage jumps from ~2mb to 2.2mb and ballons up to about 2.6 or 2.7mb and stays that way, until I close it. Without this mod I cap at around 1.5-1.6mb during loading. I'm using ATM. I'd really love to use this :/
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