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Everything posted by aluc24

  1. @maja, the description of BV says that is supports nuclear reactors, but I tested a rover with BV module and a fission reactor from Near Future Electrics mod, and it doesn't seem to recognize it, it says that electricity production is 0, even though the reactor is active: How do I make this work?
  2. I do have that file in the appropriate directory in my GameData... Strange. Here is my KSP.log. I am unsure which part is relevant, so I copied the whole thing: https://easyupload.io/c2sixl I loaded up the game, entered my save, and right-clicked the Tracking Station. That's the point at which I copied the log. As you can see, Tracking Station is at level 3, but I don't see any way to upgrade it.
  3. @Poodmund, I installed the Custom Barn Kit for my existing career with OPM installed to get that 4th level of Tracking Station, but I still cannot upgrade. I checked the Custom Barn Kit config, and it doesn't seem to have the 4th level for Tracking Station. Was this feature removed? What should I do? I am using KSP 1.7.2, and all the mods are updated for that version.
  4. Is there any way to modify that for an existing savegame? What do I need to modify in the sfs file?
  5. @Sir Mortimer, could you please tell me how do I enable/disable the default Messages for new craft? I mean the messages like battery, supply, signal, etc. Most of the time these warnings are not necessary, and are a quite annoying as they stop the time warp, forcing me to disable each on on each craft individually. Also, when two vessels undock, they do not retain their message configuration, and so I have to disable everything I don't need yet again. I believe I saw this option somewhere, but I can't find it now. Could you please tell me how to do that?
  6. Thank you for replying. I tried to make a transfer to Moho from circular Kerbin orbit, using porkchop plot. It failed. The message in log was as follows: [LOG 15:43:15.185] Transfer calculator: termination type=2 [LOG 15:43:15.185] Transfer calculator: iteration count=8
  7. @sarbian I am using MJ 2.8.4 for KSP 1.7 (because I'm still running that version), and I get errors like "ejection optimization failed" when trying to use Transfer to Another Planet to intercept asteroids from Kerbin orbit (equatorial, circular). Porkchop plots fine, but MJ fails to produce a node. Am I using the wrong function of MJ to intercept asteroids?
  8. @sarbian, I am using MJ 2.8.4 for KSP 1.7 (because I'm still running that version), and I get errors like "ejection optimization failed" when trying to use Transfer to Another Planet to intercept asteroids from Kerbin orbit (equatorial, circular). Porkchop plots fine, but MJ fails to produce a node. Am I using the wrong function of MJ to intercept asteroids?
  9. Thank you, I missed that one! Now, only the question about radiation remains
  10. @Sir Mortimer, I have a small issue. It seems that for whatever reason, Kerbalism shows my vessel as unpressurized in the Stress tab in the Kerbalism window in VAB, even though Habitat tab shows pressurization as Good. I have a ECLS module for pressurization, it is turned On in VAB, and there is a nitrogen reserve. So everything should be working fine. So why does Stress tab still think that the vessel is unpressurized? I am trying to complete the 30 day in orbit endurance contract, and this makes it difficult to gauge the actual stress a kerbal can take. Here is a screenshot showing the issue: P.S. I also asked another question a while ago, it probably went unnoticed - with the Lifetime Radiation option turned on, how can I check the radiation levels on my Kerbals without having to send them on a flight? Thank you for your time
  11. Let's see what @Sir Mortimer says about it. I'm sure there must be a way.
  12. @Sir Mortimer, when using Kerbalism Lifetime Radiation option, how do I check the radiation levels on my kerbals without having to put them on a flight?
  13. Yeah, except that relay mechanism, which makes it very difficult to use small antennas on rovers with relay in orbit... RT handled that so much better than stock.
  14. So if RT is not really supported, then what can I use instead for non RO play?
  15. @Sir Mortimer, I have a question. How exactly do science data transfer rates work in Kerbalism with RemoteTech? With stock KSP comms, I understand the transmission speed is directly linked to the signal strength. But RemoteTech completely overhauls this. And yet, some transmissions are extremely slow. For example, my probe above Moho, with HG-55 dish, connecting to a relay above Kerbin (which also has HG-55), tells me it will take 108 years to transmit a 12 Mb science package. Which doesn't make any sense, because according to RemoteTech documentation, this connection setup should be more than enough. So why are my data rates so slow? EDIT: when I open the in-flight Kerbalism window, and hover over the wifi-like icon above the Moho probe, it says DSN Connected: Yes, Science rate: 1 b/s, Strength: 0.01%.
  16. Forgive me, my mistake, I must have misdiagnosed. It appears that his problem is present even in stock KSP 1.7.3, especially when editing craft with 100 parts or more. It's just not readily apparent, which is why I made a mistake while diagnosing which mods are causing it.
  17. @linuxgurugamer , i wanted to inform you that I'm getting micro-lag spikes in VAB/SPH with the 0.9.8 version of RCS Build Aid, running on KSP 1.7.3 with Breaking Ground 1.2.0. They are very apparent when zooming/panning the camera. These spikes do not coincide with GC spikes, so I don't think it's memory leak issue. Log shows nothing. Could you look into this, please? If you can't recreate the issue, I'll start checking compatibility with other mods I have installed, but I hope that maybe it won't come to that
  18. So how do I know how much more time a particular experiment will take, or at least what is it's completion percent?
  19. Pretty sure, yeah... Even if it's transmitting, I have no way of knowing how long do I have to keep that experiment running to get all the science out of it, because as I said, it doesn't complete due to these resets. What can I do? Sorry, I don't use discord... EDIT: I noticed that sometimes when doing experiments that take a lot of hard drive space, during comm blackouts (when unable to transmit), Kerbalism sends a message "Scanner halted. No storage left on vessel", which leads to incomplete experiments. What is the proper way in Kerbalism to fully perform experiments that take months to complete, yet produce more data than could possibly be stored or transmitted?
  20. @N70 , I'm having some troubles with the new science system. A lot of experiments that take a very long time to complete (ScanSat, DMagic Orbital Science, which can take 100+ days) often reset when the probe data storage capacity is reached or when these experiments have to be paused due to insufficient sunlight. I noticed that these resets happen a lot more often when the vessel is unloaded, and at high time warp. This problem makes it impossible to complete certain experiments. Is there some solution, or is this a known bug?
  21. Thank you very much!!! Deleting these two dll's fixed it. Damn. I always update my mods manually (I read that's the better way as opposed to CKAN), and I always overwrite on top of the old versions of the mods so I get to save the configs. Never occurred to me that a situation like this could ever happen. How do I make sure this never happens again when updating mods?
  22. I double-checked the versions of each mod... It's correct. I'm very surprised that you couldn't reproduce it. This is certainly weird. I launched with this mod combination again, tried to open BV panel, and the log reads this at the end: I think it's the same one as last time. I put my Gamedata folder and the saves folder into an archive, you can get it here - https://we.tl/t-6t6HbVrhPE. Maybe you'll see something that I missed... The save is called Test, and it has a rover sitting on a runway.
  23. I tested it again with fresh install and the mod list that I quoted in the previous post. Same thing. With MFI, the BV control panel does not open.
  24. That is very likely. I hope there is some way to work around it, because MFI is still used by FAR, and it doesn't look like MFI is going to be updated any time soon. Thank you!
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