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Everything posted by aluc24

  1. Yeah, well... I'm trying to keep mod list to a minimum, my poor laptop is already struggling NavHud is almost perfect, it's just this one little thing that's missing.
  2. Fantastic. Your Bill and Bob are a pair of geniuses. I have no idea why it is so stable. How did you achieve that? I'm trying to dissect this design, but I still don't understand. Especially the roll stability, how did you make that work?
  3. Yeah, looks great, but it lacks other markers... And doesn't seem to be updated often.
  4. Try disabling or removing the Reaction Control Wheel, and build up some speed.
  5. Thank you for your answer, @Rodhern . If you mean to imply that I need to move elevons further away to give them a longer lever arm, I actually tried that, putting a long tail, moving elevons there, and balance-testing again. Thing is, it didn't solve the problem. Even with huge control authority, the plane either loses control (COE too close to COM) or pitches down violently (COE too far away from COM) as soon as the speed builds up. This continues to baffle me. I've built dozens of planes, and never did any one of them do this, even with far less control authority. I could solve this the brute force approach - make a VERY long tail with huge elevons back there, but that would defeat the purpose. I still don't get why the plane suddenly locks itself in a nose-down attitude. It's almost as if it stalls.
  6. Hey, @Ninenium , thank you for creating and maintaining this great mod. Could I suggest implementing a small horizon line in your NavHud? I know that it can be showed by enabling line drawing in settings, but these lines, even if turned down to minimum, still clutter the screen. Having a small horizon indicator would help a lot with these landings! Would you be kind enough to consider it?
  7. Hi guys, I'm trying to make a low-tech plane (no command modules, just command seats), for these short science missions. I'm playing with FAR. The plane looks like this: The problem is, as soon as it hits 60-70 m/s, the nose starts pitching down violently, and I can't keep it up. Thing is, I know quite a lot about aerodynamics, and I've built quite a lot of planes, and none of them ever did this to me. Center of Thrust is in line with COM. 1. If I move COE forward, closer to COM, the nose either drops down or shoots into the sky, which is expected. 2. However, if I move COE further back, the nose-drop tendency increases, and I can't pitch up anymore. I tried every possible step of COE and COM distances, everything in between these two extremes. No matter what I do, the nose drops. I have plenty of control authority. I even added a Reaction Wheel at maximum setting (with SAS in flight, of course), and even it can't handle the nose drop. I tried adding a tail piece with elevons to gain more leverage, but it doesn't help either. I'm stuck. I've been at this for 3 hours now, micro-managing wing position, trying to find a sweet spot of COM-COE distance, but it just doesn't exist here. Here is my craft file, if you want to take a look... It needs FAR, TakeCommand and DMagic orbital science addons only, I guess most of you have it anyway. https://ufile.io/z3cwm I would really appreciate the help
  8. Hey, @Sigma88 , is there a version of GN that works in KSP 1.2.2? I tried the 0.4.1 version, but after I load a save, it never gets into KSC, just shows the "Loading..." icon at the bottom right, and the screen is black.
  9. Yeah, I know, I was just wondering if there is some Kerbalism solution first. Thanks anyway.
  10. Well, I was trying to make a fully self-sustainable base. I set it up in a way so that the only outside resource it needs is water. And there come in the drills... Here's the save file: https://ufile.io/l41b8 It uses some parts from Kerbal Planetary Base Systems and Simple Construction. I think Mechjeb too. It has ability to produce fuel and build rockets. But even without any of that running, just bare life support takes 16 EC/s. Please let me know what you think.
  11. Okay, I will take an opportunity to ask: what is the expected way to generate electricity for bases far away from Kerbol? Running all the equipment that is needed to sustain Kerbals requires a lot of electricity. A 3 Kerbal base I built requires 16 EC/s. Solar panels only work in daylight, and nighttime can last very long on some bodies. Making up for it with RTG's increases part count A LOT, and that gives the lag, not to mention the price. Hydrogen fuel cells are very inefficient, and the electricity needed to produce hydrogen is more than the cell can provide. Unless we're talking about Universal Storage Alkine Fuel Cell, which is very efficient and powerful. So efficient and powerful, that it makes me suspect that it is simply not balanced with Kerbalism. So, what is the proper way to generate these tremendous amounts of EC?
  12. Hey, @blackrack , I'm trying to run KSP 1.2.2 with Scatterer, and my FPS drop sharply. Admittedly, I'm running it on laptop with 60 other addons, but I still get 60 FPS in KSC view. With Scatterer, though, I'm down to 25-30 FPS. I tried disabling almost all of the features in the config window, but it doesn't seem to change anything. Is there anything I can do to improve the performance? Most people report slight decrease in FPS with Scatterer, but nothing as dramatic as in my case.
  13. I tested it, and it works. But Universal Storage Alkine Fuel Cell is WAY more powerful and efficient than the stock/Kerbalism ones. Is it supposed to be like that, or is it overpowered due to some balancing oversight?
  14. Did you test that? I think I remember that hydrogen production is a lot slower than it's consumption... And I doubt I could make enough storage for hydrogen for those dozen-day-long nights on some of the outer planet moons!
  15. Hey guys, I've been spending the past hour designing my first ground base for remote bodies with no atmosphere - with all the chemical plants, water/ore drills, greenhouses and so on, it is self-sufficient for 10 years (when the Ammonia runs out). However, this base consumes 16 units of electric charge per second. During daylight, that's no problem, solar panels do the trick. At night, however (and the night can last for hours or days), I can't find any way to generate enough electricity to sustain even the most basic functions, like pressurization and greenhouses. Hydrogen fuel cells provide don't make sense (it takes more EC to produce hydrogen in the first place), RTG's - well, I would need ~20 of them, not even accounting for their decay, and waste burning process also doesn't give a lot of EC. How do you guys usually handle ground base EC supply issue at nighttime?
  16. Hey, @sarbian , I'm having an issue with Mechjeb for KSP 1.2.2 and Procedural Fairings addon. When I design a rocket in which fairings are in their own stage, and use Mechjeb Ascent Guidance with Stage Fairing set to default values, the Mechjeb never stages these fairings, even after reaching 70km altitude. If I put the fairing staging together with decouplers and engines of the upper stage, then Mechjeb will wait and stage it at 50km altitude, as it should. So, I wonder why it doesn't stage fairings when they are in their own separate stage. It works with vanilla fairings, but not from Procedural Fairings addon. Can you please advise?
  17. I'm not sure I understand. The videos says that 1 synodic year for Earth-Mars Aldrin Cycle is 783 days, which is just a little over 2 years (not 3, I made a mistake in my previous post). Correct me if I'm wrong, but that video certainly makes it look like the Earth-Mars placement relative to the cycler also repeats after 783 days (0:20 in the video).
  18. 7 years? This Aldrin Cycler demonstration on YouTube makes it look like 3 years and a month or two (from Earth to Earth, which counts as one cycle, as far as I understand).
  19. I wonder why that didn't work for you. I mean, from what I've read, Aldrin's cycler has a regular interval between each encounter, right? So, put an empty maneuver node at X days after the previous slingshot, and then set up a middle-course-correction burn before this dummy node, using it only as a reference to get an encounter at the right time. Afterwards, create another empty reference node for the next encounter after pre-determined X days, and use MCC's to make sure that dummy node happens to be at the periapsis of next encounter planet... Or is it more complicated than I'm assuming?
  20. Oh, so that's what it's called. I used the wrong terms before writing this topic. My bad
  21. Hey guys, Some time after watching The Martian, I came up with this admittedly strange idea to make manned Earth - Mars trips cheaper. The idea expands on the multiple slingshot theory presented in the movie. It goes like this: A mothership, housing living quarters, gravity rings, heavy radiation shielding and whatnot, launches on a escape trajectory from Earth to Mars. Several hours before periapsis at Mars, a lander (or multiple landers) with people and cargo detaches, makes a minor burn to intercept the atmosphere, and performs an aerobraking maneuver to land at the target site. Mothership, however, does not decelerate, and makes a slingshot past Mars to make it back to Earth. Upon reaching Earth, it slingshots again, towards Mars, while a rocket with new crew or cargo launches from Earth and intercepts with the mothership as it passes past Earth. As the mothership approaches Mars again, it ditches the crew/cargo landers into the atmosphere for aerobrake, just like before, while the old crew ascends to intercept with the mothership, which is bound to Earth again. Upon arrival to Earth, the crew capsule detaches for aerobrake, while the mothership continues the slingshot cycle. The idea is that after the initial transfer burn, the mothership doesn't perform any major burns anymore, except for corrections, and that means a lot less fuel to carry. Of course, crew/cargo that launches from Earth and Mars still needs to accelerate to escape velocity to intercept with the mothership, but they can be a lot lighter, since they don't need to carry extensive life support, supplies, or radiation shielding. Just enough to survive for a few hours or so. So all the heavy stuff that is needed for long interplanetary travel stays in motion forever. To put it in layman's terms, the mothership is like a train that never stops, while people jump on and off it at each station. Now, I haven't run the math, and I'm not sure if it's possible to perform regular slingshots between Earth and Mars. I know that launch window opens every 1.5 years, but I don't know how if slingshot windows are regular too. Even in the best case scenario, the crew on Mars would have to stay many years before the mothership made the round trip back. However, there could be several motherships - one is headed to Mars, while the other is returning to Earth. That would cut the wait time roughly in half. Again, I hope someone with a better understanding of orbital mechanics could say if slingshot windows are reasonably regular. Even if they are, it is more than likely that mothership would sometimes have to slingshot pretty far away from either planet, so the lander would require quite a lot of ΔV to change trajectory to intercept the atmosphere. However, the mothership could pass closer to the atmosphere than it actually needs, and perform a correction burn to make up for the sub-optimal slingshot altitude. That would require having somewhat more fuel onboard, but still a lot less than it would need for capture and escape burns on each planet. Apart from that, I'm not seeing any inherent flaws with this idea. I'm just not sure if unlimited number of slingshots between two planets is at all possible, and what would the transit times be. I would be happy if some greater minds than mine could comment on the feasibility of this idea. Most likely I'm missing some practical consideration here. Or maybe someone before me has already considered and scrubbed this idea. Anyway, I'm interested in what you have to say
  22. A lot of vessels. I suspected that had something to do with rollout. I just tried that version, and it worked fine. No lag. Thank you!
  23. @magico13 , a bug report for #26 build - not sure if it's fixed in KSP 1.3 builds. When in KSC, I open the KCT menu (Build List), and then open VAB or SPH tab, I get very low fps. Closing the tab or time accelerating restores fps to normal, until I open that menu again. This never happened with previous dev builds.
  24. Okay, I will... But it might be a long time before that happens. Most of mods I'm using aren't updated to 1.3 yet.
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