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    SSTU Fanboy

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  1. Nevermind, I am blind... they changed the graphics and i think the partname in de cfg file? Found it.
  2. Hiya, I just did a fresh install of 1.12.5 after having come from 1.12.3. I can't find the Experiment Storage Unit anywhere. Is this still in the game? Running a lot of mods, everything seems to work, just can't find this part in 1.12.5 anymore.
  3. Official notice might be this site being gone next time you visit.
  4. So, no development then. This monstrosity has been out for 2 years and it is still a pile of excrement. Some nice con-artists running this show, milking as many people with false promisses before closing shop. Glad I never spent a penny on KSP 2.
  5. Rescue missions for free Kerbals and credits.
  6. No weak joints and 80% sale is the only way I will ever by this thing.
  7. Under what rock have you been living? Unless you have been playing solitair or mine-sweeper, you have pretty much always needed a GPU. Geez, I already had a Hercules card back in the XT days. Integrated graphics are meant for desktop use, if you can play any game on it it will be at epilepsy level of frame-rates.
  8. what is up with inserting images on this forum? you need special permission or something now?
  9. @RacerM7 A bit late (holy necroposts, batman) but "Yes". You need to remove the NEEDS[RSS] though
  10. It's on sale in the Steam Summer Sale as well. Betting on a 50% sale around black friday and x-mas, maybe even 60%.
  11. The wobbly joints are actually sold as a feature by this company. Either they are inept at fixing the issue that modders have fixed for years, or they are giving the middle finger to all their customers (who spent money on this big pile of excrement?). You basically got what you deserved if you bought this thing.
  12. v1.3.0 means a full realease and 3 large updates. Isn't this against TOS for Steam to offer a released game version as an Early Access?
  13. Everything about KSP2 smells like a con. Marketing promising features that won't be added for the next 2-3 years, the game itself being unfit for internal release let alone get an Early Access title. STeam doesn't care either, they rake in the money regardless. Corporate greed is the new KSP2 motto. Vote with your wallets, boycot this company.
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