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Everything posted by Jimbodiah

  1. Just keep it in the same folder and make it possible for people to delete the directory of parts they don't need. Keep unique textures with the part, all the shared on in one folder (=take it or leave it). Don't make more work unless it;s really necessary. I can see landers being a seperate package, unless it will share engines etc with Shipcore.
  2. Lot's of dillemas in that kind of split. Why split the shipcore into 3 seperate mods though? There are only a hanful of tanks, plus where would the HUS/ICPS go? Keeping tanks and engines together would be most logical as the mounts are shared between all of them. The only way to do it otherwise is to bundle the textures with each of the seperate mods. If someone installs them all, then the same folder is just overwritten. Directory makeup example: (just for the textures, you can do they same for plugins etc). SSTU/ShipCore/.. ../ShipCore/PodTextures/.. ../ShipCore/EngineTextures/.. SSTU/Tanks/.. (+Boosters?) ../Tanks/TankTextures/.. ../Tanks/EngineTextures/.. ../Tanks/NoseTextures/.. ../Tanks/MountTextures/.. ../Tanks/BoosterTextures/.. SSTU/Engines/.. ../Engines/EngineTextures/.. ../Engines/MountTextures/.. SSTU/LanderCore/.. ../LanderCore/LCPodTextures/.. ../LanderCore/LCTanksTextures/.. ../LanderCore/LCEnginesTextures/.. So some texture folders will be in multiple .zip files for download, but once unzipped into the GameData/SSTU folder they will overwrite each other. Each mod will be self-contained though.
  3. Weird thing is that 6.19 is listed but not for download. 6.20 isn't even listed
  4. Aparantly MM 2.6.20 is out https://janbrohl.pythonanywhere.com/ckan/ModuleManager/2.6.20
  5. Shading issues are still 100x better than crashing every 2-3 minutes. It's a compromise, but it's the lesser of two evils.
  6. The that nuke came faster than we thought Would be nice to be able to cluster them as regular SSTU engines. The single interstage node would be most welcome.
  7. ^ Yeah, I can't remember how long Geforce and ATI have been supporting that mode, as it dates back to the early 90s.. If your card does not support OpenGL, it's finally time to sell that '486.
  8. Psssst...hey.... psssst... Procedural Fairings (use the interstage base)...
  9. Ah, those things. Always thought they were extra protective covers. Learned something new.
  10. @Vanamonde i thought people posted their craft files here. My bad then. Just showing off the new shuttle, so picture and mod.
  11. No, but it has windscreen wipers. Was that a serious question though? Since when did the shuttle have radiators and an antenna?
  12. Who's arguing? I just don't get why it's in the craft exchange now, as that is more off-topic than where it was
  13. Because it messes up all the textures. You can't have your cake and eat it too. Both the texture maimers free up a little bit of memory at the expense of a game that looks like it was thrown away in the 1980s.
  14. ROFL But seriously, I send a lot of stuff up with just the main core and two boosters. Nah, haven't really played until tonight.
  15. Shadowmage has been working his magic on the shuttle in his SSTU mod.
  16. KSP.log in the KSP directory and the Output.log in the /KSP_Data folder.
  17. Station part??? whaaaaaa. Downloading now... ... downloaded.... aaawwwh... It's just a complete Soyuz. Is it just a place holder for something? PS: Docking antenna and solar panel GUI buttons both toggle the solar panels
  18. Did you copy the OPT and FireSpitter folders into your GameData folder? It works for me.
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