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Everything posted by Gman_builder

  1. upload your pictures to imgur. Come back here and click reply to post. Click on the little black "i" below the "Bold" icon. Paste in the end of the link to your imgur album. I.E. Take the link http://imgur.com/a/m8C6K Use this part m8C6K
  2. I was doing a RSS flight to Hawaii from the KSC in Florida and I kept having to adjust my course because I didn't know exactly where to point my plane. I was literally thinking, "I wish there was a mod that allowed me to set waypoints or destinations......"
  3. Theres a hangar on kerbalX that has all turboprops that work and have been posted on that website.
  4. @pds2363Can you post both your small and large engines? I'd love to take a closer look at them.
  5. Can you post screenshots and specs? i'd rather not have to fly it myself.
  6. Previously I used the "free moving docking washer" from infernal robotics to mate my drive shaft to the aircraft. It worked decently well but it is registered as one craft and there are no part collisions between parts of the same craft so the stability of your driveshaft is at the mercy of the strength of the joint of the washer,
  7. As you may know, wing surfaces have vastly increased lift over elevens and other control surfaces. So here is my prop design. It covers almost the entire range of prop angle from almost horizontal to almost vertical. It cannot be manually controlled in flight so it can still put the engine into over-speed. but it gets the job done. Far better than I expected actually. Acceleration is amazing and it has a very high max RPM.
  8. I had not previously tested panthers before last night and I have found that engines utilizing them have significantly lower part count and are much easier on your computer. My latest engine has the lowest part count and highest thrust and RPM I have made yet. Toping out at 45 rad/s. It is only powered by 8 panthers as well. I get around 40 FPS with that engine with the smoke effects turned off. A Juno powered engine with comparable performance takes me down to around 20-25 FPS so panther engines are WAY better. They also weigh a lot less because of the low part count. My engine is 4.5 meters in diameter and only has 178 parts. So its a win win in power to weigh ratio and low part count and low engine count to keep your computer happy. One thing however is that my engine can barely lift off the ground without afterburners on. So I usually turn them on when I get to high enough RPM. Therefore it consumes fuel around twice as fast which succs.
  9. Ya in my run at 224 m/s the prop was going well over supersonic at 44 rad/s but it kept accelerating until either the engine broke or the game crashed. But my point is that at higher altitudes your engine could be producing more thrust at higher efficiency by using panthers. An engine I am testing now has a single row of 8 panthers in a 4.5m diameter frame with a 3 bladed static prop similar to the one off the F8F or DC-7 and a 3.5 fairing as the nose cone. the engine can easily do 35 rad/s or higher but when it is on a plane I seem to get a strange uncontrollable upward pitch motion when the engine is operating somewhere above 30 rad/s I havn't pinpointed the exact RPM. But the engine itself Is extremely stable and reliable even through hard maneuvers besides that strange pitch up thing. If you have any ideas on that i'd love to hear them. That plane does have considerable better efficiency when flying at higher altitudes and speeds in excess of 100 m/s. Lol that topic has been dead for months. I havn't seen any activity on it besides my own in forever.
  10. I had a revelation just now about the blowers on turboprops. I realized, Panther's thrust increases dramatically with afterburner on at altitude. So, if you could get to high altitude with your plane than the thrust from the blowers would increase, which would increase RPM on the prop and the engine would become more efficient nd produce more thrust. Juno's are limited to low altitude and subsonic speed. So theoretically you could take a turboprop supersonic by using panthers. Testing now.
  11. I just threw together a engine in 30 minutes to an experiment and it ended up doing 50 rad/s at half throttle! WOW! I have got some work ahead of me tonight! EDIT: Makes 40 rad/s before the axle comes out of the frame for whatever reason. But with a small prop on the front it does 7 rad/s how does that even work
  12. Ya same. God I wish this game had fluid dynamics and better support for this stuff so we could build REAL engines. Until that we will just have to deal with these crapy engines we can make.
  13. I did a test and my game gets upset at 60 rad/s. So theoretically your max prop speed depends on your machine and install.
  14. Weird. I guess that's why when I tried to fly my 224 m/s plane in FAR it couldn't even get above 40 m/s. I wonder, in the physics.cfg for the max angular velocity, if you just put NaN what would happen. would there just be no limit? Maybe the infinity symbol would do it....
  15. Uh... ya. I'm pretty sure the game wouldn't run if the physics.cfg wasn't working.
  16. Ya I have modified the physics.cfg and I do not have FAR. But it is definitely stuck at 30 RAD/s
  17. I don't really know whats going on with your engine. But I can't activate the decoupler from the staging. When I go to click decouple manually it only give me the "enable crossfeed" option. The Junos don't run unless I enable crossfeed. I also can't control prop pitch or throttle. I have no idea why. It's just always stuck on 50% throttle and 30RAD/s regardless of what throttle I input. It's acting like the blowers are a spate craft.
  18. I like your designs of bearings and engines. Very unorthodox! There is no link of any kind on the other page. Post another one.
  19. Ya Azimech's engine has heavy strutting between props and to the shaft. Seems to help a lot. Is it up on KerbalX? Where is it up?
  20. Sometimes my prop and shaft randomly vanish too. Another one of KSP's numerous bugs has revealed itself. Can you give us a close up of your bearing design? I'd love to "borrow" some ideas from it XD
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