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Everything posted by Gman_builder

  1. That's true but he says his engine can rach 50 RAD/s.
  2. Ya I am sure about that actually. your engine doesn't have RPM like his.
  3. Ya don't worry about it, I havn't seen performance like that regardless of explosions before!
  4. Very interesting. Can you post some screenshots? Or maybe a craft file?
  5. Huh... cool! Seems like you've been going to town on these engines! I have a hard time getting above 35 RAD/s even without a prop and my game maxes out at 60 RAD/s. How did you get it up to 70? Did you just add more blowers?
  6. Honestly stock aero should make this even easier. If you use FAR it will tell you exactly what you need to do to make your plane fly and give you all the statistics and numbers on your aircraft.
  7. Ya I know man. 12 RAD/s isn't enough. You need to seriously increase the RPM. It looks balanced but it won't be going anywhere any time soon. My latest engine does 37 RAD/s and it is only 1.9 meters in diameter. That little engine breaks 85 m/s on a cart.
  8. Putting AOA on you lifting surfaces just causes drag. Which decreases speed and fuselage AOA. So instead I suggest maybe 1 degree on the lifting surfaces. If you have to constantly pitch up to maintain level flight it means your wings arnt producing enough lift. So put on more wings until it stays level. I still don't know why you can't get above Mach 1.
  9. @Cunjo Carlis absolutely right. Why can't you get a plane above Mach 0.45? You can get to Mach 0.9 on a single Juno if you do it right!
  10. The video Is too low res to see any small numbers but I think I was able to make out 40 RAD/s. It that right?
  11. Ya its pretty impressive actually. I think glitches like this can somehow be exploited and controlled for a DIY stock warp drive. That would be cool.
  12. If there is high vibration, first try using different wheels. If that doesn't fix it try offsetting the wheels different distances from your driveshaft. Also, the perfect spring - damper ratio Is essential to a stable bearing. I'll post some pics and specs of the engine I will put in my new plane when I have worked out the kinks. But so far it has a top speed of around 80/s on a cart and a max RPM of 27 RAD/s. It's not that much but I am only using 6 Junos so.
  13. The stability of your game also reflects the stability of your system. If your rig is custom built or there is a lot of bottlenecking between components it could lead to a unstable system and game. My Dell XPS 13 Notebook laptop has a better CPU and more RAM than my old custom built desktop but it is much more unstable from the factory. I get monthly bluescreens and random glitches and bugs for seemingly no reason. On the other hand my desktop has a Asus GTX 960 OC 4GB Turbo GPU, 4gb RAM, a Intel Quad Q2800 clocking at 2.33 ghz. Where my laptop i5 clocks at 3.7 ghz. So the desktop is a lot slower but I have never had a single game crash in this build of KSP. I don't really know why my desktop system is more stable than my factory laptop but it just is and that is what matters lol.
  14. Ya I tried it out and was disappointed. ): This needs to work with RSS. It would make the RSS aircraft experience that much better. Imagine taking off from LAX and flying for 5 hours to land at HIA and refueling then flying back. That would be so cool.
  15. Maybe changing the Physics Delta-Time Per second or whatever it called in the main menu settings will affect the distance. I don't really know what that setting does but it sounds fancy and seems to sound like it has something to do with time time and distance per second.
  16. Ya i definitely noticed that. But because they work on differential motor power for steering, you can just tap A and D really fast and the wheels can output 270% power. I got one up to 96 m/s in a speed run by doing that. So it is usually enough to get where you need to do at the expense of 270% electricity consumption.
  17. @Van DisasterWow thats impresssive! Thats also a different plane though so. Drop tanks are allowed but i advise against time warp. Bad things can come from time warp.
  18. @AzimechWhy do some engines only produce thrust on one side of the prop?
  19. I hope you know i'm not counting any of this XD
  20. Ya I had originally planned on continuing with my drive but I had no reason and no motivation after they vanished. I'm assuming you figured out that my rover was based heavily on your rovers
  21. Since the kraken ate my stranded pilots and my rover has been struck by a strong case of "broken for no reason" I will not be continuing with this drive. Sorry.
  22. Ya basically all reaction wheel planes can run forever. So honestly that isn't really any different And yes this challenge is for jet engine powered turboprop planes only.
  23. Holy frik frak snik snack that's a lot of speeds.
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