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Everything posted by Spaceception

  1. No, that's supposed to be the next number, you'd be 3, I can't post a number, because mine is in the way.
  2. It's either negative 3 or + Five Guess which keys aren't working on my laptop
  3. So... I kinda feel this thread has gone a bit off topic, I get the fact that this is about a cancelled SLS payload, but shouldn't we be focusing on ARM instead?
  4. I don't know why you need to quote me, I'm against your position, shouldn't you be calling for other negatives? 0+
  5. Remember "The whole "blowing up in atmosphere" is clearly caused by going too fast, too low. Some people would suggest madness like throttling down or "less boosters", when clearly the solution is more payload."

    That was SAI Peregrinus :)

    1. Endersmens


      Thank you so much! 

    2. Spaceception


      Yep :)

      It was a quick google search, all I did was google the quote, and it led me to the thread.

  6. I guess we'll just have to wait until September for the fine details, Elon isn't budging Until then, lets just dive into what we know now
  7. Mars by 2024, so immediately 2 years after the first Red Dragon, I guess they're gonna just send a few dozen at once? Damn. The video where he talks is here, don't mind the thumbnail, this was a unoffical reupload. But I don't know where he said it so here! Article! http://www.cnbc.com/2016/06/02/musk-we-intend-to-launch-people-to-mars-in-2024.html
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