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Everything posted by Spaceception

  1. Does exploring most of the Kerbol system in less than 100 hours of getting the game count? Check my sig for proof.
  2. This is my mod wishlist It's long. There may be a few more in the future.
  3. @ProtoJeb21 Would gliese 876 be a target? It's a red dwarf, yes, but it has two gas giants are in the habitable zone, 1 larger than Jupiter, and it's 15.2 ly away. Also, I've heard that testing in US2 isn't very reliable, especially for long times, so you'd probably need to double check with a scientist. Count me as an temporary supporter, until, of course, I get the right equipment
  4. Doesn't everyone? As long as it stays upright, and controls well, right?
  5. Yep. Also: You are only allowed to give 25 likes per day. You cannot give any more likes today.
  6. Agreed, if they ever, for some reason, implement procedural parts, they should only be additional, not the only ones. Also, IOUrep.
  7. ASI Aurora Space Industries. I sorta have a logo design, with a multicolored aurora that seems to come from the ground up, with a rocket in the center, and all the planets behind it in a curved line, and it's oval shaped.
  8. I'm pretty sure we're fine. ? You can't do that. Oh, I see now
  9. I'm in the middle of a space station, I just have 2 more components to go, and then I'm thinking of a Ike base By the way, the station will be made with 4 parts.
  10. I don't have my new laptop. Yet.... I still have to wait at least a few months
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