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Everything posted by Spaceception

  1. OH RIGHT! I forgot there were two different 2D KSPesque games
  2. I thought you stopped posting here, since I didn't see any of your posts on mission reports. Turns out you were in fan works, and I haven't been here for awhile Awesome series so far though,
  3. It's on loop now. DUN, DUN, DUUUUUUUN Quite. EDIT: Oh wow, this is an old thread.
  4. I used to screw around with that, the 2D KSP! Not to mention the fact planets don't move, you can't have elliptical orbits, once you're in space, you're in orbit, and planets are about1/20th the size of your spacecraft. But it was fun, and I built a pretty big space station. That looks A LOT like my moms phone
  5. I can't wait to see them all
  6. I knew it was H.G. Wells who wrote that book! I just couldn't remember the name of it, since I haven't read it in a few years.
  7. I think it may depend on the type of signal, and how far away the civilization is, if the aliens know all about us, and send us a signal in an Earth language, or something we can easily understand, and are less than 50 light years away, I think there would be a massive public outcry to visit them asap. If the signal is something we can barely understand, and the civilization is a few hundred/thousand light years away, many people would be interested, but because it's so far away, they would go on with their daily lives (For the most part, aside from knowing there's another intelligent civilization), while the scientific community/nerds would stay interested for perhaps their entire lives. If the signal is something we can easily understand, and the aliens know about us, but are several hundred/thousand light years away, many people would be interested for awhile, and a larger percentage of people would try and keep up with them, there might even be an incentive to go visit them, despite being so far away, extensive warp drive research perhaps? Either way, I think there would be a huge incentive to become an interplanetary species so when we eventually make contact, we won't make total fools of ourselves.
  8. The title says it all, enjoy This will be updated from time to time as I find more I like.
  9. The first one is now my background, thanks
  10. When I landed 13 Kerbals on the Mun during the night
  11. Funny, I haven't had any problems with overheating, even at full thrust for prolonged periods of time.
  12. I don't want it to be rolled back, 1.1.2 is the only version that I can hope will work on my weak laptop. Maybe a separate link to install 1.0.5 for those who are having problems, but don't roll it back for everyone.
  13. I play with realism in mind, and I have less than 30 missions on right now, I'm also one of those '1 mission at a time type' people, and nearly 100 years has passed since I started I don't crash very often, but I do lag, sometimes really bad during the launch of a large rocket, or when I switch during a large mission, so I quicksave a lot. I'm also modless, and I use very low graphics. Thank kod for 64 bit!!!
  14. Anyone else noticed that the last post not from a couple days ago was in 2014, and that it was made in 2013?
  15. Jeez, are there any within the 'danger' distance?
  16. Tylo orbiter!! I have to say, this was one of my more beautiful rockets
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