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Everything posted by Spaceception

  1. Well, "The Void" is a pretty good name, when I'm done with the suggestions, I may put up a poll
  2. That was the original plan, but it's the Bussard ramjet now. Writing the first chapter now
  3. Alright, I just simulated the Black hole encounter, the Earth goes into an Ice age for 22 years, then gets thrown into a highly elliptical, and close orbit around to sun, making it exceed the boiling point, and if that isn't enough, the Moon hits Earth We dead.
  4. Again, to "spaced" out Dust, probably, maybe some difficulty during construction. Glad to hear it
  5. I don't plan on hitting the ship with asteroids, as the space between them is so large, maybe close calls, but the Earth does go into an Ice age.
  6. Political, and social, I'm not very good with economics, so that will be yours to judge
  7. Thank you Oooooh, Darkness Unleashed, Great idea Although, I want to wait for other suggestions first.
  8. Oooooh, I didn't know that, Saturn is even cooler now.
  9. If we put drinking alcohol in space, everyone in the SE US would go nuts for the space program to try it
  10. I think that's with specially designed atom-smashers, or maybe heading to Jupiter's radiation belts to pick it up. Also, with the DoDs budget, we'd be able to colonize the Moon, Mars, Ceres, and Lagrange point pace stations, within a couple of decades, and launch Starships
  11. All of those are already books Yup I forgot to put in my last post, criticism is welcome wen I start writing chapters. The year is ____ (Around the 2020s, I haven't set a firm date yet), and scientists discover something unusual within the Oort cloud, a black hole, heading straight for the inner solar system, traveling at several hundred kph, they don't know how it got there with no one noticing, but shortly after the discovery, the worlds space programs decide to unite to build a spacecraft capable of saving humanity by launching it to a nearby star, and colonizing one of its planets, they have less than a few decades to build an launch it before the black hole enters the solar system, so they need to work fast, but everyone is asking the same question; will humanity go extinct?
  12. @Bill Phil @magnemoe @fredinno @PB666 @Halo_003 @Mitchz95 @Rakaydos @mikegarrison @meve12 Thank you for your help/participation, and I'd like to give you a name, so give me one, and I'll put it in the book Also, when I begin writing, criticism is welcome
  13. Alright, at this point all the sciencey stuff is done, so this will be moved to the lounge, and I'll begin posting chapters shorty What should I call the book?
  14. Alright. I was thinking that there could be tanks for excess hydrogen, and one the spacecraft enters orbit around Barnard's Star, it would jettison the sail, then do a flyby of the outer planet, and then get into orbit around the target planet. Also, am I assuming right that it would be capable of going to 12% c, and then slowing down since it get's fuel from space?
  15. Alright, the "sail" needed would be a few km across, that could be doable with graphene/magnetic fields, but on the topic of slowing down, would collecting more H2 than need to fill up empty onboard tanks, and jettisoning the sail after the acceleration be good? Because I don't think you can collect H2 when the sail is backwards. Or can you?
  16. That's too theoretical, even today, I need something near-term, like NPP, or maybe laser sails.
  17. Well, it's a Black hole entering inside the orbit of Jupiter, It'll either fall into the Sun, the Black hole, or become rogue.
  18. That would work, but how big/heavy will the sail be? I heard that in order to get to 8% ls, you need a sail the size of Texas (Alright, not that big, maybe 1/3 the size). A Black Hole is gonna wreck some $#!t. And the plot is gonna be big, at least near the end
  19. You need to build the lasers first, and this is in the middle of the end of world, where we have 15 years to build the spacecraft.
  20. Use asparagus staging to release empty mass? Both Bombs and resources?
  21. So if I increase the size of the spacecraft to 150,000 tonnes, and do a mild switch to Orion, with a ISP of 250,000, would 6% ls be doable?
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