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Everything posted by Spaceception

  1. Good point, But there's a richer amount of water in the Asteroid belt, and perhaps in certain metals as well.
  2. An argument could be made against it, since we could be destroying fragile ecosystems (We've destroyed enough of those) mining for metals. and instead destroying Asteroids, where, lets be honest here, aren't doing anything other than being potential $$$. Besides, there are way more resources in space than there could ever be on Earth, and they're jut waiting for us. Oops typo, but if I did mean that: Not even in the late 2020s, early 2030s?
  3. I'd like to see a planet 1.5x the mass of the Earth, and 1.2x the radii of Earth covered in 80% water, with a pressure of 1.1 atmospheres with 19% O2, and a day/night cycle of 32 hours.
  4. Actually, Time Riders was made in the early 2000s. Also, another good one would probably (I haven't read it yet, but I'd like to) be Proxima, also by Stephen Baxter.
  5. Yup, Most metals from Asteroid mining could be used to dramatically lower the price of space exploration.
  6. Ark by Stephen Baxter is really good, but you may or may not want to read "Flood" first. The 9 book "Time Riders" series by Alex Scarrow is also REALLY good. EDIT: Oh wait... Time Riders is a time travel series:/ Well, Space exploration is mentioned in the first book.
  7. Don't forget Water:) (Which could be useful for Venusian colonies)
  8. Could we mine the Moon for Titanium? http://colonyworlds.com/2011/10/will-humanity-mine-the-moon-for-titanium.html
  9. Asteroid mining is pretty cool, planetary resources is doing it (http://www.planetaryresources.com/#home-intro) (Or trying to anyway) Around the 2020s, and last year, congress passed a law saying Asteroid miners can profit from their resources (http://www.scientificamerican.com/article/new-law-paves-the-way-for-asteroid-mining-but-will-it-work/). But I want to imagine a bit farther, imagine Planetary resources goes on schedule, and succeeds in putting mining equipment on a NEO, now go 30 years out and imagine a small manned outpost is set up on Ceres (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mining_of_Ceres|http://www.space.com/28595-living-on-asteroids-dwarf-planet-ceres-infographic.html) Which would be the center of mining operations for Earth, Mars, And (Possibly) Venus, how would such a colony be setup? What resources could we be seeing come in for the 3 planets? Would this be a future you'd like sooner? Will SpaceX want to take at least a small part in it? What about a gov't space agency participating? And what about Lunar mining? What resources could we get from there? Here are a few videos: Testtube+: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7JU5Y_2Tr_E ExplainingTheFuture: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rjzO9-hF9Oc&index=97&list=WL Fw thinking: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O9cLLNpo2f8
  10. Yeah. But I meant, "A thin atmosphere like Earths may be the key of giving planets around red dwarfs day/night cycles".
  11. So.... For the last century (From our point of view) Aliens have been busy constructing a Dysons sphere? Cool!! (Somewhat jk)
  12. As some of us know, red dwarfs are problematic because planets around them may be "Tidally locked", hence, may not be habitable. So here's some research on the issue. Tidally locked exoplanets may be more habitable than we thought: http://www.gizmag.com/tidally-locked-exoplanets-potentially-habitable/39407/ An Atmosphere may be key for planets around red dwarfs http://www.space.com/28280-alien-planets-atmospheres-day-night.html What about the size/orbital period? What you like to see?
  13. *Enceladus But that would be cool. Back on topic, about the comment above yours, what would you like to see with a possible habitable exoplanet around Proxima?
  14. Ahhh, whatever. Anyway, what do you think the best result could be? Smaller than Earth? Same size as Earth? Larger than Earth? Warmer, cooler? what would you like to see?
  15. If it orbits the nearest star (Other than the Sun) which is a very small red dwarf, (I.e. If a planet is in the Habitable zone, it'd have an orbital period of 6-27 days. I'm pretty sure we can find something similar to Earth.
  16. Yup, And I'm pretty sure that when we go to Mars, they'll dredge it up before being smacked down by everyone who actually has an education in how radiation works.
  17. But they do! And it's one of the things pe- uh, I mean idiots bring up when they say we faked the Apollo landings.
  18. Bit of an update for this post: If we end up finding a Habitable Exoplanet around Proxima, I'm going to change the name of this post so we can talk about the planetary system, and I'd like 1 thing please: 1: Someone, ANYONE to make a planet pack for it. Fingers crossed for a planetary system/habitable planet around Proxima!
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