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Everything posted by Spaceception

  1. I meant "Which should we send humans to first? Should we focus on the Delta-V, or travel time"? :/ And if you look at my earlier comments, I 100% agree with you:)
  2. If it's in our solar system, there is a small chance of "Panspermia".
  3. Somebody should be "Kickstarting" "soft robotics" then.
  4. I'm gonna take a step back from "Space colonies" and "Advanced propulsion", and look at this near-term potential mission instead. As we all know, life on Europa is likely, due to it's underice liquid water ocean, also, NASA wants to put an orbiter/lander there as well, but did you also know that NASA backed a Space Eel too? Cool, huh? Quote on how it would work: “The electricity gets used to electrolyze water, splitting the H2O into H2 and O2, which get stored internally in the body and limbs of the robot. The gases can then be mixed and ignited on demand, which could propel the bot in one of two ways: the explosions could either cause the limbs and body of the bot to expand and contract, allowing it to ‘swim,’ or you could use the explosions much more directly, directing the exhaust out the back of the robot, causing it to jet forward like an octopus.” I hope that our first Space Eel on Europa doesn't get eaten by an even more epic Alien Space Whale. Man, that would suck and be awesome at the same time, but as long as we take pics of it, I won't really mind. Links: Robotic Space Eel: http://news.discovery.com/tech/robotics/robotic-space-eel-may-one-day-explore-europas-seas-150512.htm NASA's Europa orbiter/lander: http://www.planetary.org/blogs/guest-blogs/van-kane/20160105-nasa-europa-lander.html Evidence of liquid water under Europa: http://science.nasa.gov/science-news/science-at-nasa/2011/16nov_europa/ Here's an awesome video I found: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lZo7_bR7V4U I also recommend watching "Europa Report" when you get the chance, it's a space thriller, but it's quite accurate for a space thriller (No, it's not sucky like Apollo 18 was).
  5. We'd have to see if there's life first, we don't want the Moons first mass-extinction caused by us being careless with Alien life, and accidentally infecting it with our viruses. Otherwise, we'd just put a scientific base on it.
  6. Same Also, I thought I was going to land on the day side, but my orbit went the opposite I thought it was going, and I ended up landing on the night side instead.
  7. It made a nice explosion though, it's funny, because in those last moments before I crashed, I saw the surface of the Mun and went $#!!!!!!!t, This is gonna crash! In my head Didn't stop me from trying though.
  8. We can barely fuse Hydrogen, how long will it take to get to the point of being able to fuse enough "anti-elements" into anti-Iron? It's probably easier to just go straight into "raw" anti-matter rockets. You have a really good idea, but it'll take a long time to actually do.
  9. Yeah, I tried slowing down WAY too late, and ended up hitting the surface at 550-600 m/s.
  10. I tried to go to the Mun, but I ended up crashing on it since I hit the night side, and I couldn't see.
  11. Hmmmmmm... The Delta-V may be lower, but it looks like it'd take a shorter amount of time to get to Earth to Jupiter, than Earth to Saturn, So which is better to colonize first?
  12. Interesting Idea, no idea how long the gun would need to be, but it's cool. Also, how are you going to get "Anti Iron"? Why can't we just use positrons or anti-protons, or anti-hydrogen?
  13. Every manned ship SpaceX takes to Mars will likely cost $7 Billion dollars however, since it's 100 people, not 12, but I totally agree with you, private company's like SpaceX could definitely lower the cost enormously of putting people on Mars.
  14. Yay!! Alien Extinction!!! I kinda don't want there to be life on Mars, so we can Terraform/colonize it without the annoying UN butting in. Also, we should put scientific bases on Planets/Moons with life, but colonizing is iffy iffy.
  15. I dunno, here's a couple of articles from the early 2000s though (When I guess they were discovered): http://www.colorado.edu/news/releases/2001/11/27/new-research-cu-reveals-mars-lumpy-magnetic-field http://www.skyandtelescope.com/astronomy-news/marss-bumpy-magnetism/ Although apparently from the second article, it's a few percent as strong as Earths magnetic field, so it could provide at least some radiation protection.
  16. I dunno, I added Europa and Enceladus, but in real life, maybe they should be preserved moons if they have life, ya know? We don't want to wreck Alien life in our own solar system, maybe we should wait until we have more data about extraterrestrial life before we colonize worlds with life, so we don't accidentally kill any future colonists with an Alien virus, or we wipe them out with our viruses.
  17. Thanks. On the radiation side of things.... There are these "Lumpy magnetic fields" on Mars, maybe we should stick our colony under one of those?
  18. Perhaps the planets are made mostly of Osmium and Iridium. With some graviton generators as well. / \ / \ -------- || ||
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