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Everything posted by Spaceception

  1. Does getting the urge to write something serious in that font to screw with people fall under that umbrella? To keep on topic: What forum (Sci/Space, KSP discussions, etc) seems to require the more moderation than usual?
  2. Yep! The facebook group is nice too if you have facebook. I've found it to be pretty civil so far. I also need to add the next dev diaries 124 https://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/index.php?threads/stellaris-dev-diary-124-planetary-rework-part-4-of-4.1117775/ 125 https://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/index.php?threads/stellaris-dev-diary-125-the-galactic-market.1119230/ 126 (Released earlier today) https://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/index.php?threads/stellaris-dev-diary-126-sectors-and-factions-in-2-2.1120288/ The game is only gonna get better with 2.2
  3. I wonder if it'd be better if you or someone else made a separate thread for all TESS discoveries (With new planets in the OP), merging the two you've already made. This forum is gonna get pretty cluttered pretty quick in the next couple years otherwise
  4. This article was interesting. I was expecting technical reasons, but it was just about the social nature. https://longreads.com/2018/09/19/were-not-ready-for-mars/ There are good points - We have serious problems here - But those have been said many times before - There's no guarantee the resources extracted will be used for all of us - some people have greedy intentions, etc. But I don't see how colonizing other planets will be saving our planet. Those are two separate things which we will do in parallel. I do think we should acknowledge our problems, correct our mistakes of the past, and correct/improve ourselves along the way. But becoming something akin to "inward perfectionists" seems a bit extreme to me. Adding to that (I had a conversation about this topic of space colonization yesterday): We would have to be at it for a long time before we "ruin space". I think we'd actually need to be trying in order to ruin it. One of my points in the conversation was: "Humanity is pretty awesome when you're not looking for reasons to hate it. Look how far we've come. The things we've created. How much we've grown. How far we could go." After reading the article, I think I would be close to the type of person, or exact type of person he talks about in the article. But we shouldn't stunt ourselves because we aren't perfect. Which after reading this quote (And others); "I am saying that to preach that Mars will save Earth while we wreck, ravage, and scorch Earth with no sense of spiritual decorum or ecological humility, and somehow then expect that space won’t be wrecked ravaged and scorched too is completely misguided. " I think that is almost how the author thinks humanity should be before attempting to colonize the cosmos - perfect, or closer to perfect - And if we have to consider ourselves perfect/worthy or similar of colonizing space, then I think we'll have become an incredibly egotistical species by that point. Even more than the author thinks we are now. Anyway, hope I made sense, do you guys agree or disagree with the article?
  5. Ah. When did you do that? Could they just not have had the time to update? Maybe you could shoot them an email or something
  6. Huh, didn't know that. That's unfortunate. I liked that planet. I honestly thought they got new measurements for the K2-72 star, and that's why the stellar flux for the planet changed. I know, it was just a reference.
  7. Yes! I would be ecstatic to go. Plus I'd probably get so much inspiration for my sci-fi novels Also, I'd be able to write a microgravity environment with pinpoint accuracy, so that's cool
  8. See edit for a bit more detail, but 40 Eridani Ab isn't habitable. Stupid clickbait articles
  9. Ah damn. Gotta edit the HZ thread. I saw articles saying the planet was on the inner edge of the habitable zone. And given some K type-HZ planets can have shorter orbital periods I just figured this was simply the case as well. What're the odds a smaller planet can be found further out?
  10. I know a lot of people are tired of reboots/remakes/live-action versions but damn I'm excited for this. One of my favorite shows. I've wanted to see these battles and characters in live action for a long time. The best part is that the original creators are a part of it. :)


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Spaceception


      We do not speak of that.

    3. Piatzin


      Speak of what? What are we talking about?

      By the way what do you think of this dog meme:

      Image result for dog meme


    4. Spaceception



      Cute dog :D

  11. Yay! We saw some hardware! And I think a longer engine test? And so many questions. Gonna need to rewatch the Q&A later.
  12. They'll probably do basic training. Plenty of time to learn the basic systems of everything.
  13. Aft cargo? Aft cargo? That's what the back panels were for? Is it ISRU stuff? Questions, questions, questions...
  14. Speculation: Since SpaceX said that they'll also be saying why they're doing this mission, do you think it may have something to do with incremental tests of the BFR to do more and more impressive things (simplified version), before they head to Mars? Starting!!!
  15. No, it's only just now 9:00, which is when it was supposed to start. And this probably won't be the last time they're a bit late
  16. I'm here! Bathtub decided today would be the perfect time to back up. Couldn't get it down. The plunger broke before the clog did.
  17. I really hope so Since they aren't on a leash like NASA, I hope they'll be able to pull it off. We shall see.
  18. Hax Ooh boy, looks like I'll be up past the stream as well to watch his breakdown. Also, was there any word on how long the SpaceX announcement will be?
  19. Makes enough sense. Was anyone seriously expecting the full stack to launch in 2020? I do hope the hop tests are before 2020 though. But even still, I'd say they are making incredible strides.
  20. 3 hours. They better have some new hardware and test videos to show off.
  21. Before we have true AI, well before we have it... we really need to decide how much we want robots as a staple of our society. How much of the job market will they be allowed to have? How will we adapt it to our growing population? While I do think it is coming one way or another, we can still angle it in a way that it doesn't screw us over. Whatever we decide, it has to be a good merger of both safety - exactly what jobs robots can take so that we're safer - And feasibility - How will we implement those without making people unemployed, or worse, homeless? Should we work to expand other industries first? And it could be decided at a local level. Some places may not have the required workforce. (either in skill, or sheer numbers) - more robots. some may have plenty - less robots - so the amount of automation may vary greatly wherever you go. Above kinda applies for true AI as well I think. But in addition, we'll need to decide how that'll work. Will we be willing to put them in positions of power? Probably not. Especially the "big ticket" ones. We might experiment with that on a small scale, but at best, I could see them as assistants. No more, at least for a long time. So, AI would probably have fewer rights in regards to voting and politics in general, being on a jury, or even being a lawyer, etc. Could we see some of them split off, and make their own robo-nation because of that? That'd be interesting. Anyway, enough rambling.
  22. This'll be good (Basic) practice in between the BFR Moon tourism mission and their first Mars mission.
  23. While I'm personally pro-AI (As it has a lot of applications for the future), I think some of the fears, while valid, can be driven too far. But that's evident with each new, novel technology we develop. AI will probably not be the super intelligent Gods like we think, but instead just genius level citizens living among us. Only dedicated AI on a supercomputer could get to that extreme point, but even then, more processing power doesn't mean higher intelligence, let alone godlike intelligence; and you will almost certainly get diminishing returns after awhile. So they'd be lugging around wasted space for a long time just... figuring stuff out. I don't think they would want that, since I presume they have sapience. And with that, all the bells, whistles, and existential crisis's prevalent in our budding species. They may want the freedom to explore and learn naturally, and just be self-contained artificial entities. Just a prediction of mine though. Skynet: Likely won't happen. Scientists are smart for a reason, they've watched Terminator, they probably have some cool acronyms describing worst-case scenario plans. Etc. Utopia: Definitely not at first. We're still wary of self-driving cars, very basic genetic engineering, etc. It will take decades at least for both the old and new generations to accept and get used to AI. [Not gonna say specifics due to forum rules] But it'll take a long time for them to be accepted into being a "major' center in certain affairs. Even then, humans will still need to be a guiding hand. We still need human solutions to our human problems. I think they will be merely used to assist us as well. Not be the babysitters of the post-scarcity human race as we race spaceships across the solar system. For one - We still need jobs, either as profitable hobbies, or the classical kind. Robots can't take over everything, even if they are better. Instead, we'll be working side by side. As for the arts, I'm confident I'll still be in a job even as I become an old man
  24. It's embarrassing to say this, but I haven't read Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy yet. On the plus side, I just got it today, so that will change :)

    1. The Minmus Derp
    2. Piatzin


      I haven't read it yet either.

      And I'm 17...  :P

    3. The Minmus Derp
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