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Everything posted by Rodger

  1. The custom loading screen stuff isn't working for me at all, tried messing with the settings/double checking directories, but noting helped. Anyone else have this problem? Log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ww54nx96n2v3zig/KSP_KKmenubug.zip?dl=0 I noticed in the log it said it couldn't find the config file, and it seemed to be pointing at the wrong dir, like it was looking for a folder inside it's PluginData folder which isn't there? I tried adding that folder myself but it didn't help.
  2. I've just tried to install GPP, and wanted to try out KSC++ which is included with it, so I've downloaded and installed KK, but after installing KK, the main menu of KSP no longer responds to mouse clicks. So I can't click on 'new game' 'load game' etc. I've tried clearing the input locks but that didn't help. Log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ww54nx96n2v3zig/KSP_KKmenubug.zip?dl=0 And I just tried it with, and it still happens...
  3. The inline-intake could probably use one, maybe just a rounding of the intakes instead of rectangular? Also, wondering if there's something up with the specular maps - the M2X parts don't seem to use them? they don't have the same gloss/metallic finish as stock parts. Very noticeable with my black textures, but can see it with just the stock textures too: Note the lack of highlights on the service bay. And in black it's obvious:
  4. V0.3 is live! Including support for QuizTech! And now M2X parts have texture switching! Currently some parts just have multiple texture switch modules, but hopefully soon they will be grouped together into one control per part (pending an IFS update). For now, enjoy some funny black and white mixed parts if you so wish lol
  5. Looks like I'm going to be adding texture switching to the M2X parts, which means the parts won't need to be duplicated to have a black version as well as a white version. However, that means if anyone's used the duplicated 'black edition' M2X parts, the next update is going to depreciate those parts. I'll try keep the parts valid for the next release, bit it will be best to switch to using the 'black retexture' M2X patch if you aren't already ASAP, and they will become switchable when that release is ready. And cool planes Krulliam!
  6. Found the problem, and fixed. Looks like Search and Replace got the better of me in some file paths for elevon textures haha
  7. Hmm elevons are working for me, last I checked. I'll have a look. Are you using the black-default patch? And yeah I've had quiztech on my list to check out, but will have a look at airplane plus too
  8. Version 0.2 released, including compatibility for @SuicidalInsanity's M2X! Also includes compatibility for Ven's Stock Revamp. There are also now some optional patches: One to change the default texture setting for the stock parts to be the black texture, to save you switching every part if you mainly want to use the black option. And one to just replace the texture of the M2X parts, instead of making copies of the parts with the black texture. Useful for if you never want the white parts, and want to reduce part clutter in the editors. (Texture switching didn't work on the M2X parts) Please delete the old BackInBlack folder before installing 0.2, as patch structure has changed somewhat.
  9. I think I'll actually just set my ID to higher number to future-proof it a bit then. I'll just go with 88. Also, have you tried to switch the texture of the Panther engine? I can't seem to get it to work for me, wondering if that model uses a different texture sheet. I've tried all the obvious object names and none worked.
  10. @selfish_meme @DoctorDavinci - Just tested, and BIB is compatible with DCK already I had set my FStextureswitch2 module ID to 1, so it shouldn't interfere with mods which use ID 0. Might be able to make a patch to edit different mod's ID usage for if people want to use more than one other texture mod. @SuicidalInsanity That black and red blackbird was awesome, and I found the git too thanks @ARS Ah yeah I do remember that mod, not sure I ever got to try it. It added new parts instead of just texture switching right? I guess so as to not edit the max temp of the stock parts. And your SSTO reminds me that I need to add RCS to the To Do list lol
  11. So, I've always wanted a black version of mk1 and mk2 parts to build planes with, because SR-71. And after seeing @stali79's "night" texture work in OPT Legacy, and @Avera9eJoe's Spaceplane Corrections, I've been inspired to make it a reality. So I present my first mod: Back In Black! Adds switchable black textures to stock mk1 and mk2 plane parts (command, fuel, structural, and utility), regular, airliner, and shuttle wings, all areo parts excluding heatshields, fairings and the size2 nosecone, the "Wheesley", "Whiplash", "Panther", "Juno" and "Goliath" engines, landing gear, and the retractable ladders. All parts with texture switching can be found by searching for "stealth" in the part search bar. Download from SpaceDock For mod support, download the Back In Black Mods texture pack Requires Module Manager and IFS (Included) Changelog: 1.2 - Added fairing bases, with an optional patch for fairing panels (which can't be switched in-game) - Added shrouded solar panels, Communotron DTS-M1 shrouded antenna, fixed radiators, 2.5m nosecone, and LV-N engine - Blackened some of the M2X nuke parts - pluto/rontgen/reactor - Updated IFS BIB Mods Changelog: v0.6 - Added Lack's SXT, everything besides most of the rocketry/orbital parts - Updated Ven's Stock Revamp compat (fixed radiators, shrouded solar panels, fairings, 2.5m nosecone) - Fixed medium ALG gear License: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 To Do/Future plans: Mk3 Expansion, AirlineCusine, KAX
  12. @Avera9eJoeI would love an option to have ALL black parts, like say the SR-71 or X15 etc. I was just messing with textures trying to do it myself when I remembered this mod, and thought it would kinda fit in pretty well! I got about this far on the wings texture as an example: http://i.imgur.com/EjPfpsD.png I could probably do the colouring for the other textures, have a curves preset that works nicely, but I have little experience with saving the speculars/alpha or converting to DDS...
  13. Just a suggestion, but I would really love some different ratio end caps for the spherical tanks, eg to have a 3.75m diameter tank have a truss end cap for 2.5m.
  14. @Bucky9000On 1.2.2, using the 'alternate SQRT' option on scatterer's startup menu (option-F11, on the menu with 'start game' etc) may work. If that doesn't work, you can try just disabling the entire outer rim fade out feature in the configs, with these steps: It will still look a bit weird, but less weird than the halos.
  15. Ah that was it, I was using the dev version, not 1.0751. Thanks
  16. Turns out it had a custom Drag Cube already, and it seems it was too big (maybe because I use real chute, while the drag cube it had is for the stock chutes?) So this patch should fix it for anyone else who uses realchute: @PART[ParaDockingPort]:FOR[VenStockRevamp]:NEEDS[RealChute] { !DRAG_CUBE DRAG_CUBE { cube = A, 0.7824,0.7198,1.394, 0.7824,0.7195,1.394, 1.222,0.9427,0.5087, 1.222,0.8313,0.5374, 0.7844,0.7192,1.394, 0.7844,0.719,1.394, 0,-0.01484,0, 1.775,0.8461,1.775 cube = B, 0.7307,0.7134,1.386, 0.7307,0.7132,1.394, 1.222,0.9427,0.3468, 1.222,0.8313,0.5375, 0.733,0.7127,1.386, 0.733,0.7125,1.394, 0,-0.09577,0, 1.775,0.6842,1.775 } } I also noticed the bumper doesn't stay deployed after the animation deploying it. The animation plays, then the bumper ring snaps back to retracted position. Pressing retract plays the retracting animation still too. The two drag cubes are for deployed/retracted mode, would that mess with the animation at all?
  17. I just tried out the Kerbodyne Plus landing legs, but they don't deploy at all. Looks like they need updating to the new wheel system to work? Is there a patch somewhere to update them?
  18. Probably unintended, but man this is cool: Yep, that's an inflatable heatshield attached to the spike of the Scylla, tucked away perfectly before needed for re-entry lol.
  19. Has anyone found any asteroids other than the 'stony' type? I've yet to come across any at all. I have custom asteroids installed, and have just been checking asteroids in Kerbin's SOI, and every one has been stony. Do you have to go further out to get other types, or is it perhaps bugged?
  20. Yeah I'm on a mac, using alternate sqrt. Did you adjust the settings in-flight, so you can see changes as you make them? Did changing any of the numbers make a difference? You need to make sure you're editing the config points which are active in space. If you scroll to the bottom of the scatterer settings panel it will show you which cfg points are currently active, depending on the altitude of the in-flight camera (it's normally a blend of two cfg points) And do you have any visual mods other than scatterer? I have SVE installed too, and also went into those cfg files manually and set the rim exposure to 0 too just in case they would overwrite the cfg changes I made in-game.
  21. Just did a PR to update the BDB science compat patch, the vorona cam wasn't in it at all, and the torekka boom didn't have the upgrades for transmission.
  22. Hope this isn't too much of a necro, but I've found 4 magic boulders so far:
  23. Hey, just thought I'd let people who get halos with scatterer know a semi-workaround, @JBore @Epoxid. If you go to the config menu in-game (option-F11) while in flight, cycle through the config points till you get to a point altitude high in the atmosphere (point 3 in my pic, 55kms up), and set sky/orbit rim exposure to 0. Then go through any remaining config points higher than the one you just edited and set those rim exposures to 0 as well. Then open map view (with the scatterer config still open) and set map view rim exposure to 0 as well. Don't forget to save atmosphere after. Then no more halos! You will lose the nice faded out rim of the atmosphere, and mountains will stand out at the rim too, but I'd rather have that than the halos, or uninstalling scatterer altogether.
  24. I just worked out what was causing the explosions, in a stock + NFLV install. Turn "Rigid attachment" mode on for the part which is attached to the decoupler, and on decoupling there's a structural failure leading to a collision between the detached part of the decoupler and the decoupled part. Eg: build a core stage, then add a TTR-6R, then place a large-ish part onto the decoupler (a wet "half orange" tank will do it, but a dry one is light enough for nothing to break. A orange tank will cause the failure wet or dry). launch and fire the decoupler, and if there's no explosion, the F3 flight results window should say there was a structural failure between the decoupler and the child part. You may see the ejected half of the decoupler fly off not connected to the child part too. The explosions I've had seem to be the ejected half of the decoupler colliding into the part it used to be attached to.
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