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Everything posted by Rodger

  1. Just updated from to, and seems like the 'build engineer overlay part names popping up randomly when moving the cursor around' bug is gone?? If so, that's almost better than having the new fuel flow system working! Thanks Padishar!
  2. I've made a MM patch for people who use KerbalAtomics or CryoEngines by Nertea, to make Ven's CryoX tanks insulated: @PART[CryoXnoseCone]:FOR[zzz_CryoTanks]:NEEDS[VenStockRevamp]:Final { @MODULE[ModuleCryoTank] { %CoolingCost = 0.08 %FuelTotal = 7146 } } @PART[CryoXsmall]:FOR[zzz_CryoTanks]:NEEDS[VenStockRevamp]:Final { @MODULE[ModuleCryoTank] { %CoolingCost = 0.08 %FuelTotal = 14400 } } @PART[CryoXmed]:FOR[zzz_CryoTanks]:NEEDS[VenStockRevamp]:Final { @MODULE[ModuleCryoTank] { %CoolingCost = 0.08 %FuelTotal = 28800 } } @PART[CryoXBig]:FOR[zzz_CryoTanks]:NEEDS[VenStockRevamp]:Final { @MODULE[ModuleCryoTank] { %CoolingCost = 0.08 %FuelTotal = 48000 } } @PART[CryoXendButt]:FOR[zzz_CryoTanks]:NEEDS[VenStockRevamp]:Final { @MODULE[ModuleCryoTank] { %CoolingCost = 0.08 %FuelTotal = 5652 } }
  3. @Stratickus I got it working, It seems like it was a MM order thing: @PART[CryoXnoseCone]:FOR[zzz_CryoTanks]:NEEDS[VenStockRevamp]:Final { @MODULE[ModuleCryoTank] { %CoolingCost = 0.08 %FuelTotal = 7146 } } @PART[CryoXsmall]:FOR[zzz_CryoTanks]:NEEDS[VenStockRevamp]:Final { @MODULE[ModuleCryoTank] { %CoolingCost = 0.08 %FuelTotal = 14400 } } @PART[CryoXmed]:FOR[zzz_CryoTanks]:NEEDS[VenStockRevamp]:Final { @MODULE[ModuleCryoTank] { %CoolingCost = 0.08 %FuelTotal = 28800 } } @PART[CryoXBig]:FOR[zzz_CryoTanks]:NEEDS[VenStockRevamp]:Final { @MODULE[ModuleCryoTank] { %CoolingCost = 0.08 %FuelTotal = 48000 } } @PART[CryoXendButt]:FOR[zzz_CryoTanks]:NEEDS[VenStockRevamp]:Final { @MODULE[ModuleCryoTank] { %CoolingCost = 0.08 %FuelTotal = 5652 } }
  4. Well I've tried this: @PART[CryoXnoseCone]:FOR[VenStockRevamp]:NEEDS[CryoTanks]:Final { @MODULE[ModuleCryoTank] { %CoolingCost = 0.08 %FuelTotal = 7146 } } And still the changes won't take. When I add a new ModuleCryoTank it gets configured properly, but I just cant edit or delete the ModuleCryoTank that gets added by CryoTanks by default.
  5. Does this version have an option for png textures, for macs that don't like dds? Also I really like Pood's idea of the 4th level tracking station and/or the tech tree upgrades.
  6. That doesn't seem to be the problem, it just changes the ec/s rate in the editor parts tray right? When I use the patch I posted, with that FuelTotal added, this is what I get: http://i.imgur.com/vPPRG7N.png http://i.imgur.com/bXV0Cqi.png Two cryo tank modules on the part, one with insulation and one without. So it's getting patched by the patch included with CryoTanks to give it the LH2 fuel switching stuff and no insulation, but I can't patch the same part to ether add insulation to the 'stock' cryotank module, or remove it and replace it with my own patch.
  7. Does that mean it would be running after my patch then, even though I had NEEDS[CryoTanks]:Final? Because that would explain what was happening...
  8. Ok, well I tested it in a vanilla install with just this mod + MM, and it wouldn't pump monoprop between two probes: http://i.imgur.com/NlsHmyI.png Tried with LFO as well to be sure, with room in the tanks on both sides, still no luck: http://i.imgur.com/oTtoJkA.png Also found a NaN error too, when all the tanks on the supplier side are locked, and you then try to pump from them, it breaks: http://i.imgur.com/pe1xfBt.png
  9. Yeah I'll try with the stock ones next. Doesn't looks like any errors are showing up ether. Screenshot, trying to pump monoprop: http://i.imgur.com/KExBAnN.png And the mods: http://spacedock.info/mod/838/Flexible Docking
  10. I'm trying to do this too, but haven't quite worked it it out yet... I always get two boiloff modules on a tank, one from the vanilla cryotanks patch (with no EC insulation), as well as my own. @PART[CryoX*]:FOR[VenStockRevamp]:NEEDS[CryoTanks]:Final { !MODULE[ModuleCryoTank]{} MODULE { name = ModuleCryoTank FuelName = LqdHydrogen BoiloffRate = 0.05 CoolingCost = 0.08 } } Also @Nertea, checking configs I saw CryoTanksFuelTankSwitcher.cfg uses "FOR[zzz_CryoTanks]" instead of just CryoTanks. Not sure if its an artifact from testing, or even matters at all, but thought I'd let you know.
  11. I've tried this a couple of times and haven't been able to get it to work. I've been using modded docking ports (Construction and Flexo), but they did still have the pump fuel option in the menu, it just didn't actually move any fuel. I'll do some proper testing in a bit, but has anyone else had this issue?
  12. It's something I've noticed too, and like you I checked the cfg and couldn't see why it wouldn't be working...
  13. There's a small popup saying they're out of date and 'may not work properly'. Maybe it could say it's actually being completely disabled, so people don't try play anyway without knowing all the risks? Check inside the folder for your save game, and there's a folder called 'backup'. It should have like 5 of the latest saves in there. If you're lucky one might be old enough to be pre-1.2.1 (they have datestamps so you can check)
  14. Yeah that makes sense. I guess one way to get around it would be toggle-able bottom nodes, so you can turn off the bottom node to attach the engine, but I don't know how hard that would be. I normally get around it on other parts which do have multi nodes by attaching something else (fairly long) to the bottom of the engine, then that node on the engine won't be trying to snap to anything.
  15. Also, on the topic of the interstage adapters, would it be possible to make them multi-node for different lengths? Right now there's 2 parts for a short or long interstage in 2.5->1.25, but seems like only long versions of larger ones exist. Different heights done by having more than one node would be a nice way to have more options with less parts.
  16. @linuxgurugamer for president! Grats on probably the first mod to update to 1.2.1 lol And yeah, I can't get my bug to reproduce with only EER. I'll play around more with my full modpack and 3.3.5 for a bit and see if I can reproduce. (also 3.3.5's version file needs an update)
  17. I'll have a go, though I'll try it with just stock+EER and see if it even still happens then first. Edit: Looks like it's just not working at all in 1.2.1, which was just released. The app launcher button doesn't open on mouseover, and the angle snap and symmetry keys don't do anything, though you can click them to cycle through the vanilla options (and I checked the keybindings, they're still set properly).
  18. I've had to revert to 3.3.3, as in 3.3.4 I was having trouble selecting parts when I wanted to pick them up or move/rotate them. I'd have to click on the background a couple of times before I could select a part properly again. So seems like something to do with master snap, which I wasn't trying to use at the time.
  19. I've had it running with TC before, and the warp rates in the warp rate editor from TC all just show '0', so saves you needing to edit them I guess lol
  20. I don't mind still using it, since you can save a prune list, and reload it. So you can just unblock everything to get a part you need, and re-block the parts again after. You can also edit the saved prune list in a text editor too to unblock individual parts.
  21. Another issue with textures here, tho it isn't just white planets for me: All planets from OPM are like this (including Eeloo) I'm playing without scatterer (tho was happening when I had scatterer too), and with SVE. Not sure what would be causing this, anyone else have any ideas? Edit: just saw people talking about this in the Kopernicus thread. Looks like a DDS texture issue on Mac.
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