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Everything posted by Rodger

  1. Still having the weird halo stuff with v0.022: http://i.imgur.com/ujMsI5o.jpg Running Mac 64bit, OpenGL. And don't know if they'll help, but here's both logs from the KSP instance that screenshot is from: https://www.dropbox.com/s/shhjl45ref3gieh/KSP.log?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/irckqgef2dywbja/Player.log?dl=0
  2. I just found this one, but haven't tried it myself yet. It says it increases heat resistance on the parts too, but if you don't want that you could edit the cfgs. Had a quick look at some of the textures in it tho, and they do look black: https://kerbalstuff.com/mod/756/Heat-Resistant%20Spaceplane%20Parts%20%28HRP%29
  3. I had the same issue as Kron, and after that I had another rescue contract with the kerbal in a command seat, but with the 2nd contract the kerbal just disappeared, and is listed as MIA in the KSC. The 2nd time there wasn't any camera focus changes, just when I got within range, and switched to the seat, there was no kerbal to be found. Perhaps is there some way to blacklist the command seat from rescue contracts? I'd guess that would be the simplest way to avoid these issues, if it is possible anyway.
  4. If you use the script here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/50533-105-module-manager-2618-january-17th-with-even-more-sha-and-less-bug/&page=136#comment-2372348 then instead of removing the IVA altogether it will just replace it with the plain blank black placeholder IVA, so it won't render any fancy internals, but you'll still have the IVA/EVA buttons and PortraitStats. You can even delete any IVA stuff in your GameData if you want then, except for the Placeholder one, and it may save some loading time/RAM. It will still show and animate the kerbals though.
  5. It's still happening, and here's the 2 logs from the last time: https://www.dropbox.com/s/itvcy64dx6n06dy/KSP.log?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/vpw6n1pfpwxa14z/Player.log?dl=0 This time there are some NREs relating to OnDestroy, like: [EXC 13:42:34.035] NullReferenceException UnityEngine.Component.get_transform () PQSCity.OnSphereReset () PQS.Mod_OnSphereReset () PQS.ResetSphere () PQS.OnDestroy () or NullReferenceException at (wrapper managed-to-native) UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour:StopCoroutine (string) at ScienceChecklist.ScienceChecklistAddon.Unload () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at EventVoid.Fire () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at ApplicationLauncher.OnDestroy () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 And after testing some things, it kind of seems related to having in-game windows open on revert (like contractwindow+/MJ/KER). closing some of the windows before reverting seems to stop it from re-occurring without having to relaunch KSP... And I've also tried clearing the input lock, but it didn't help.
  6. I've been using pretty much that same patch without problems, only without FAR. Since I uploaded that RealCute patch I've just adjusted the mass so it's the same as the vanilla DERP pod, updated version: https://www.dropbox.com/s/kvobpccxfjvgrto/DERP_RealChute_patch.cfg?dl=0 It's just using the stock RC drogue texture at the moment, but I wonder if there's a way to set the chute canopy texture to the DERP one, does anyone know?
  7. I'm trying to make a simple cfg to replace all IVAs with the squad placeholder one, but I can't seem to get it to work at all. I've tried various tweaks, but it never seems to do anything. The latest version: @PART[*]:HAS[@INTERNAL[*]]:FINAL { @INTERNAL { name = Placeholder } } Any help would be appreciated!
  8. Would you be able to upload the dev release to somewhere other than mediafire? I can't even get the download page to load
  9. Just an idea for a feature, but what about a 'pull all science' button or something for science container objects (command pods etc)? Kinda like what ForScience can do, to save sorting through the list looking for the experiment parts and then transferring each one to the command pod individually.
  10. I wonder if you could just put the service ring on upside-down? That way it's decoupler would remove the service ring from the pod, but the landing legs would be pointing upwards that way lol. That being said, I've had no problems with reentry with the service ring still attached, and it generally means I can use engines to lower my eccentricity just before re-entry with the last of my fuel for a softer entry. And I agree on the KIS volume, it is an inflatable pod after all!
  11. Loving this app! Just wondering though, is there a way to remove a part from a station?
  12. At the moment I pretty much only use this to auto-reset one-time science and to move science results to the command module, I use ScienceAlert's buttons to actually run the experiments (make sure to get the community patched version, it's in the forum thread). I just set the science threshold in ForScience settings to a big number to stop it running experiments.
  13. I just tried making a RC patch too, based on the patches bundled with RC, and it's sort of working... I had one successful deployment/landing, but I've had some jenkyness too, like one time the staging icon didn't have the chute icon, and then after launch my DERP pod rocket sort of disintegrated, and the camera focus went off the rocket altogether... Maybe someone better at MM magic could have a look: https://www.dropbox.com/s/fffopyh9eliufiq/DERP_RealCute_patch.cfg?dl=0 (testing without FAR BTW)
  14. Perhaps use MM to turn it into a RealChute, which then should work with FAR?
  15. Well just checked the log when it happened again, and it was just spamming "[AB] Error in OnFixedUpdate - Object reference not set to an instance of an object" Not very descriptive... Is there a way to get more info on what's causing it? Full log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/zg3dkcc6y5st1d8/PlayerVABbug.log.zip?dl=0
  16. Here's the log from launching just after replacing MM13 with MM15, and loading my save. https://www.dropbox.com/s/qm0m2srfpq4cus3/Player.log?dl=0 And the modlist from AVC:
  17. Sometimes when reverting a flight to the VAB, it doesn't crash, but the scene doesn't load properly. Eg: http://i.imgur.com/g3GeLMD.jpg Leaving the VAB and re-entering it, it will load properly. And once it happens for the first time in a session, it will then happen every time I revert to VAB. Anyone seen this before? Running 64bit Mac. I'll try get it to happen again and grab the log, tho I didn't see anything obvious last time I checked it.
  18. I've looked into hiding the portraits too, but to no avail. One idea I had as an option would be to modify manned command pods to have no IVAs, but I didn't try it. And Smokescreen has an option for particle reduction, in it's cfg file.
  19. I just tried version 2.6.15 (which was bundled with SpaceY, I've let necrobones know too), and it really messed with the kopernicus planet packs I had installed (OPM and KPlus). Planet's orbits were set to circular flat orbits and lost custom colours, planets lost moons, and ships changed the planets they were orbiting. Eg: a view from the tracking station: http://i.imgur.com/VXSFsZq.jpg I reverted to 2.6.13 and reloaded a backup (thank you S.A.V.E. lol) and everything was back to normal.
  20. It would seem the new version of MM included with this update causes the kopernicus planet packs I have installed to break (planets changing to plain circular orbits and losing moons etc). I reverted to .13 of MM and loaded a backup, and everything was better again (thank you S.A.V.E. lol)
  21. Well that pod didn't have EC generation, so maybe that's it, but there was still at least power available. It didn't seem to even try use any supplies or EC. No resource was going down at all; according to the resource panel set to time remaining, there was no change.
  22. Well I have a kerbal refusing to work, despite having access to supplies... I launched a DERP pod mun lander, with 15 supplies in ther derp pod part, EVAing into the pod on the launchpad, and landed on the mun. I did an EVA to plant a flag, but then when a boarded the pod again, my kerbal decided to stop working. Perhaps it's something to do with the derp pod's supplies? I notice they don't show up as a resource until the pod is inflated... Edit: I just checked the USILS toolbar icon, and it said this pod was at negative 295days and counting of life support. As you can see, this pod was only launched less than 2 days ago.
  23. Haha, I was having airbrake deployment problems just yesterday, so thanks for the fix!
  24. Just been messing around, and here's some stuff I've noticed: AASRBs are very hard to use in automatic switching mode. They tend to switch to standard mode pretty much instantly when they start to use the intake air. Maybe an internal air buffer could help? And they do have a tendency to flameout at very slightly different times to each other which can impart a lot of torque for an instant. They’re pretty fun with a running start and in non-switching AA mode tho. It might be good to add a built in decoupler to them maybe? If you can get it to stage separately from the ignition anyway, (or auto-decoupling when out of fuel, which I think rover dude’s Sounding Rockets parts do) Still have yet to get the scramjet going, but just a thought, maybe a mk2 shaped streamlined radiator would be good to go with it to help with the atmospheric heating at those speeds. Though the radial stock ones are probably fine. The multi-fuel generator’s description has weight misspelled as eight. The G-120 Vector (which isn’t the only “Vector” now with the new stock engine, but don’t know if it’s worth a name change) doesn’t generate EC in wet mode. The Banshee VTOL fan lists 2 ‘intake atm’ intake modules (no air), but has ‘storage’ for both intake atm, and air Also it would be good to mention the sledgehammer’s max isp/thrust in it’s description, as the stock info displays don’t really show what it’s capable of very well. (or a isp/thrust curve display module in the editor’s info panel would be cool, not just for this but for everything really lol)
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