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Everything posted by Rodger

  1. Can't wait to try the new stuff out, is there anything in particular you feel needs more testing, or want feedback on? (tho I'm no master spaceplane builder...) And woo chine symmetry fix!
  2. Looks cool! Though is the docking port is built-in to the cockpit part, or a separate part that fits into the cockpit? If it's all one part, it might make things tricky with targeting the docking port for alignment indicator, or using 'control from here' to translate with RCS for docking. (or maybe it all just works even as one part, I'm not familiar with the internal workings at all lol)
  3. So will the next update be for 1.1, or will there be one for 1.0.5 in the meantime?
  4. It's a new experiment in DMagic Orbital Science, where you can take readings in shallow or deep water, per biome.
  5. It does include scatterer, but I downloaded v0.02182 and installed it instead of the bundled one (except the config files from KSPRC) just to be sure, and it's still happening for me.
  6. Well I'm using KSPRC now instead of SVE, and this time I'm not getting the weird black sky at the KSC, but now I'm getting this weird halo thing in space/map views http://i.imgur.com/J0esGWb.jpg
  7. So I've just tried installing this again now that I'm running the 64bit mac (basically same as linux I'm guessing), after having memory problems in 32bit. But anyway, I load my world, and get this: http://i.imgur.com/ZB6OyT9.jpg And like I said, running 64bit on mac, with Stock Visual Enhancements, and a whole bunch of other mods. Any ideas?
  8. Awesome! Got one down to -750m, bumped the back end of it on the ocean floor and broke the inline impeller straight away lol Just the first couple of things I've noticed: The radial impellers don't seem to do... well anything really, besides make cool bubbles lol. Even after I dumped my lead and emptied the water tanks, so vessel mass was around 5T, the tiny thrust from them didn't seem to do anything. My horiz vel was just showing NaN, and my vertical was 1.4m/s, with the radial impellers on or off. And the inline impeller seems to need to rotate 180° to actually be placed in the right direction for it to thrust forward. And a thrust reverser could be cool too, ether for speed control, or just making radial 'engine' pods with them somehow (maybe with a radial hull part?), facing forwards and backwards. And the particles from the pod's RCS are going in the opposite direction to what they should be, they move towards the direction of thrust. And they didn't activate until I selected 'activate RCS port' form the pod's right click menu. Just using the RCS hotkey didn't activate them.
  9. I'm having a problems with switching the texture and resource type on the spherical and cylindrical kontainer tanks, and attaching them with symmetry. Basically attaching them with symmetry (or just having symmetrical ghost parts appear from mousing over a part while holding a tank) will change the tank resource to match the index of the colour texture... For example, place a single 1.25m tank, change the resource and leave it gold. Then pick it up and place it radially with symmetry, and the resource will change back to LFO (gold and LFO are both the first options for the texture switches). Then try it again, leaving the tank set to LFO this time, but change the colour to copper, and then attach radially with symmetry, and the resource will change to H20 (copper and H20 are both the second options for the texture switches, so it seems the resource switch is changing to match the colour switch index). Trying to switch stuff on a part already in a symmetrical set also causes weird problems, and attaching radially without symmetry doesn't.
  10. Yeah, aka FTT_Engine_375_02 has a thrust of 15. It's the same mass as the plain large ducted fan, so I just set it to the same thrust as that (350), but I haven't tested it yet...
  11. An idea for Portrait Stats - an option to disable the IVA view/animation, maybe replace it with a static picture, for performance? That way you can still see your crew members and stats, but if you can stop it loading the IVA and animating kerbals in flight, it may save some RAM/fps?
  12. Very minor bug, but the data camera science experiment shows entries for low/high orbit in the science archives, when you can't use the camera in those situations (and maybe atmosphere too?). Is there some way I can fix it by editing it's sciencedefs config or something? Or is it just a stock thing?
  13. Well I've just recreated it without Kopernicus. Just ContractConfig, Contract packs, CapCom contract window, Hyperedit, KER, MJ, RT, SCANsat, KAC, and Waypoint Manager. Running 64bit OSX (I assume similar to the linux build, It's been very stable for me, and had waypoint problems when I was using 32bit too) New world, and I edited the contract requirements to be able to accept the everythingsat contract straight away. Accepted the contract before I do anything else, and the waypoint is off. http://i.imgur.com/MgycXbA.jpg This is the orbit data it made for the waypoint: http://pastebin.com/ejzrU2rt
  14. Yep, and I was having trouble with the 'explore the island airfield' contract before too.
  15. Sweet, can't wait to use them! And how does their dry mass compare to stock? They seem pretty good with that heavy SF on board, then you could tweak the SF out if you need to save mass instead of having the motors fire as long. Maybe even tone down the ejection force and make the dry mass lighter, so you can have a weak and light decoupler, or a stronger one at the cost of the SF's mass?
  16. Another instance of the Keostationary orbit above the KSC being off here, by about 100°. When I checked the contract in my save, it had the waypoint at -180.000691267244° longitude, instead of ~ -74.5°.
  17. Sweet, and just an extra set of matching decouplers in FTP would be fine by me, I never liked the stock 1.25 and 2.5 ones lol And if you work it out, maybe you could add SpaceY engine compatibility too!
  18. Not sure if it's already been suggested or not, but I think it'd be cool if you could add your tank textures to engine fairings, and maybe even decouples too... the stock ones kind of break the nice sleek look when making rockets with your tanks.
  19. Might be to do with Science Alert. If you have that, there's a 3rd party patch in it's forum thread which may help.
  20. The reverse thrust option on the Wirligig doesn't seem to be working. RCSBuildAid says it's thrust is always in the same direction.
  21. I had the problem with the waypoints for the island airfield contract being off as well, with Kopernicus 0.5.2 and KillAshley's Kerbol Plus Remade v1.1. Took both of them out and retook the contract and the waypoints were in the right place, but then I put Kopernicus back without the planet pack, retook the contract, and the waypoints were still in the right places. Reinstalled K+ and took the contract again, and the waypoints were offset again, but in a different direction this time. And K+ shouldn't be doing anything to Kerbin ether...
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