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Everything posted by Rodger

  1. Version 0.2 is up now - now the core has shiny LEDs!
  2. Ok, so I'm trying to make an indicator for commandstate for an unmanned command probe, but ether I'm doing something dumb, or this isn't going to work? This just made the light flash with the error colours. MODULE { name = ModuleBooleanIndicator controllerName = commandstate input = ModuleControlState@ModuleCommand(Nominal, PartialProbe) activeColor = if(ModuleControlState@ModuleCommand(Nominal), #00FF00, #FFFF00) inactiveColor = $Off } MODULE { name = ModuleBooleanIndicator controllerName = commandhib input = hibernation@ModuleCommand activeColor = #003399 inactiveColor = commandstate emissiveName = Commandindicator } The hibernation part works fine. I've just been looking here https://kerbalspaceprogram.com/api/class_module_command.html and guessing things that might work lol. If it's not possible with boolean indicators, maybe it would be a nice feature to add, to have different colours for these? NONE, PARTIAL_UNMANNED, PARTIAL_MANNED, FULL Edit: Ok so looking into it some more, I think I'd just need Game state: Vessel.ControlLevel added to Parameterized Toggle.
  3. I've just made a build guide for anyone who doesn't want to use a craft file: https://github.com/Rodg88/BumbleBee/wiki/Build-Guide You just want to put the mods from inside the gamedata folder which is in the download (like B9PartSwitch, Bumblebee, CommunityResourcePack etc) into your main gamedata folder. I also made a simpler to use GitHub release zip instead of needing to use the 'clone or download' button, which also includes the craft file: https://github.com/Rodg88/BumbleBee/releases And for CKAN, it should be happening soonish.
  4. Yeah I did select the ckan option. Might be delayed since I include dependancy mods? I uploaded it as 1.8.1 and then told spacedock it was also 1.9.1 compatible too, so hopefully that also indexes it for 1.8.1? Is it there for 1.9.1? No idea really though since I don’t use ckan myself.
  5. Roll (q and e) is backwards, but I don’t think there’s much I can do about that. If you go to the control section of the right click menu of the probe, you can change the control point to “forewords” which makes it steer like a plane instead, which makes it a bit easier to fly, but maybe not as good for VTOL. And I have considered putting a BTDT scanner in the core too if scansat is installed, will probably be in the next round of patches.
  6. Just added to the Github: https://github.com/Rodg88/BumbleBee/tree/master/Ships/VAB Nope, the atmosphere is way too thin for Bumblebee, though I could maybe make an "Ingenuity" version of the prop...
  7. I present to you my first parts mod, Bumblebee! A (re)stockalike mod based on NASA's Dragonfly drone, designed to explore Titan-like worlds! Includes a black colour scheme too: album: https://imgur.com/a/lFNv9dI Build Guide: https://github.com/Rodg88/BumbleBee/wiki/Build-Guide Video review from Kottabos: Features include: * Small electric propellers that use @Angel-125's KerbalActuators to give them spinning blades, mirroring, prop blur, and a hover mode. * An antenna that tracks the homeworld (in one axis at least) * A large science payload, including compatibility for some Bluedog Design Bureau and Coatl Probes Plus experiments if those mods are installed. * Compatibility for Near Future Electrical, the probe core will include a large capacitor if installed, to increase flight range. * A parachute/drogue combo with "fancy custom normals", that plug into the 2.5m aerodynamic back shell (which is designed to fit the Restock heat shield), or can be surface attached as a drogue/main set Download: https://spacedock.info/mod/2428/Bumblebee https://github.com/Rodg88/BumbleBee/releases Also on CKAN V0.6 Updated deps and tested in KSP 1.12.2 Fixed prop sound on high power mode Fixed colliders on decoupler causing sticky aeroshell deployment Merge PR for Interstellar Extended support (thanks Shimomeitakatote) V0.5 Added variants to the decoupler with 0.625m and 1.25m bottom diameter rings, instead of just the specialized Bumblebee decoupler. Updated Indicator Lights patch to take advantage of new features in v1.7 (commnet connection indicator). V0.4 Added gold and silver foil textures to the Core, Antenna, RTG, and science Sensor. Updated all lenses to have a new reflective texture. Added carbon texture variant to prop parts. V0.3 New dual rotor part for light probes in light atmospheres, based on the NASA Mars Helicopter. Also a long variant of the single truss for the Duna rotor. Added Surface Sample experiment to the landing skid part (requires the Bumblebee Probe core on the same craft to work) Minor fixes to other parts. V0.2: Updated Prop parts. They now activate on Duna, but won't do you much good. Also enabled surface attachment on the single prop, and added ground FX. Also a low power mode for precision flight on low gravity moons. Added glowing LEDs, with compatibility for NFE (blue LED's brightness = capaciter charge) and Indicator Lights (Top Green LED goes yellow/red on low/critical charge). Added Hullcam Patch Download includes B9 Part Switch, Kerbal Actuators, CommunityResourcePack, and DMagicScienceAnimate, which are the hard dependencies, as well as CommunityCategoryKit which is optional (parts all appear in the Rover category). License: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ Bundles the following mods, which are covered by their own respective licenses: ModuleManager by Sarbian and Blowfish https://github.com/sarbian/ModuleManager B9 Part Switch by Blowfish https://github.com/blowfishpro/B9PartSwitch/releases Kerbal Actuators by Angel-125 https://github.com/Angel-125/KerbalActuators/releases CommunityResourcePack by Bob Palmer https://github.com/BobPalmer/CommunityResourcePack CommunityCategoryKit by Bob Palmer https://github.com/BobPalmer/CommunityCategoryKit DMagicModuleScienceAnimateGeneric by DMagic https://github.com/DMagic1/DMModuleScienceAnimateGeneric
  8. Would it be possible to add capability to fade in and out an emissive texture map, instead of just changing the emissive colour? Edit: Actually this should work already by having a grey-scale emmisive texture, and the emmisive colour would multiply that for intensity, right?
  9. If the issue is the wheel axis is misaligned, maybe just disable the rolling animation? You don’t see much of the wheel after all. Otherwise it might be possible to provide a “fixed” replacement .mu file
  10. After working on this for about a month, I want to show off my first parts mod: Bumblebee! A (re)Stock-alike Dragonfly quadcoptor to explore outer system atmospheric moons! Includes a black colour scheme too: album: https://imgur.com/a/lFNv9dI Still need to configure all the parts properly before I can release it, so be patient Big thanks to @taniwha for his blender mu exporter (and his help when learning to use it), and @Angel-125 for KerbalActuators, and for including features in it for my propeller engines!
  11. I've been trying to invert the roll axis on a command part I'm making, so (from top-down) Q rotates CCW and E rotates CW, but without any luck so far. Is that something this mod could help with, or do you know if it's possible from your dealings with control points making this mod?
  12. Did you manage to fix the duplicate entries for resources bug? The one where you couldn’t reorder the resources at the top of the list?
  13. Would it be in the scope of this mod to add a line in the part info window to display an experiment part’s transmission %? DMagic experiments do it, and stock can show total science available, but there doesn’t seem to be an option in the stock module to show transmission. I also asked about this here which might explain it better:
  14. Quick question, is the transmission % listed in the part info on DMagic experiments an extension of the stock experiment module, or a custom part of the DMagic module? I’m wondering because I found this option for the stock module: showScienceValueRatio = false Should the science value ratio be displayed in the part extended information in the VAB/SPH? But not an option to display the transmission % in the VAB, like DMagic module parts do, and I’d love to be able to patch stock module experiments to see each ones transmission.
  15. I've found it does work in rescaled systems with other day lengths, you just need to use nodes to set the desired times, instead of just manually inputting the times. Eg in JNSQ with 12 hour days, typing in 200 days will only show positions at 100 days due to the day length difference, but if you place a node 200 days in the future, the positions will be correct at the time of the node.
  16. I think an all blue one with maybe some small white highlights would be nice. Or maybe some shiny grey highlights, then it can really be “blue steel”? lol
  17. The electron's Rutherford Vacuum could be a nice .625 vac engine? And not sure if you've already done one or not, but an RD-861K could work for 2.5 sustainer?
  18. Is it possible to have excess products of a converter be dumped automatically? I was running a hydrates splitter pre 1.2 for water for TAC LS, but now it’s making oxygen and metal ore, they gum up the system when they fill up
  19. I think the mini isru converter’s core heat module doesn’t have the capability to use enough cooling to run 100%, just like the stock 1.25m isru converter. If you see on the part info in the VAB, it will say in the core heat module info how much W of cooling it requires (for a single converter to run), and how much W of cooling it was use. Iirc the 3.75m converter from this mod can use enough cooling to run two converters at once. So I guess it’s just based on the fact the stock small converter can’t run full time. I don’t know why the stock converter is made that way though... maybe if it runs without an engineer on board the slower speed lets it run full time?
  20. That would indeed be a cool mod, but for now I’ve found a better way to toggle rcs thruster activations is the mod Part Commander. It can toggle options on all rcs ports in symmetry at once, to at least save you searching for each port individually by eye and changing the settings on each one. btw, I’m really loving internal rcs! Especially the use of the depth mask
  21. Yeah just kinda surprised that the stock action for tank locking was broken by fuel switch. I found the mod TankLock that you maintain instead though, and it works fine, so I’ll just use that instead!
  22. Yeah it is, though there is a bug with duplicate nonfunctional resource listings being at the top of the sorting list, so the order of resources in the list will look funny unless you find the actual entries and move those ones to the top and reorder them how you like.
  23. Just got this mod to be able to lock/unlock fuel tanks, but the Lock Resource option isn't showing up on any of the tanks. I'm only seeing the stock autostrut options show up. Is it incompatible with b9 fuel switching? log: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1lazQGwoIe38RTbjQk-j_TYFma36ZpvYu/view?usp=sharing
  24. A couple of issues I’ve experienced: Stackable extendatrons having their limit set lower then I set, once I launch the vessel. Eg I set one (scaled to medium-) to .8, the max, but after launch it says the limit is 0.31. On revert to VAB the changed limit value is kept. Also on revert to VAB the robotics app launcher button doesn’t show up, until I place a new robotic part, and even then it doesn’t list the pre-existing parts in the ir editor window.
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