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Everything posted by Rodger

  1. All good! I suspect it might not even be that simple, as I tested out adding a new transform to a docking port part, facing backwards. I could then 'control from here' on the docking port and it pointed me in the correct backwards direction... except it didn't make a difference to my control orientation on undocking! I was still set to 'docking port forward', even though my control point transform was backwards. So I'd guess my idea for this mod wouldn't even solve my problem haha
  2. Would it be possible to add an option to invert the default control orientation of docking ports? I've had some issues with making a drone that docks to a rover, and since the drone's docking port is upside down, and it always defaults to controlling from the docking port on undock, launching the drone always has its control point pointing backwards. ModuleDockingNode has the ability to define a controlTransformName, but I don't think you can use a CONTROLPOINT node in that module. So just something that takes the default control point the docking port has, and inverts it, without needing to add in more game objects would work. Or letting ModuleAttitudeAdjuster target the default control point of a docking node, and then just set pitchMax to 180 would also work.
  3. Looks like the version file for this links to Science Alert, so it thinks there's an update. Edit: And the copy function doesn't seem to work currently. I set up a bunch of actions to toggle RCS axis modes, and tried to copy them to another identical RCS part, but no new actions were made. Nothing shows up at all in the logs when I attempt the copy action.
  4. I started a new save after it started happening to me, and now I’m 5 years in to the new save with no crashes. Might be worth a try.
  5. Do you have FAR installed? And do you have the SRB recovery chutes on the SRBs? But I don't have issues with them normally, but I have KJR installed.
  6. Finally worked out why my icons weren't working, 40x40 is too big despite what the FE wiki on github said. I've just edited the wiki (example subcategory page) to reflect the true requirements.
  7. Try focusing on the planet in map view, then zooming in. The trajectory overlay gets hidden when zoomed out.
  8. @Rallam259Try pressing the reset mode and snap keys button. Sometimes they just stop working, till you reset them. Then C or shift-C should cycle the snap angle, X and shift-X should cycle the symmetry amount. Alt-C should toggle snapping on/off, and alt-X should toggle between single/multiple symmetry.
  9. Got an error with this new version and kop 96: I noticed that the error screen title also said it was CC v1.30.5, as does the version file in the 1.31 download. Maybe this error is due to an incorrect version being packaged for release?
  10. In case anyone isn’t sure what this means, it allows you to have only your active craft make sound, while muting nearby craft. Really nice for flying around a mining station in orbit for eg! Thanks for implementing @ensou04!
  11. I'm still getting crashes occasionally when using TWP, I've made an issue on the github with logs.
  12. You can keep exporting .mu files to check them as you go, but just avoid re-importing them after you check them?
  13. I'm getting log spam while a PAW for any IR robotic part is open, in the editor or flight: ItemPrefab for control type 'UI_FloatEditEx' not found. The parts seem to work normally otherwise. Is this a known issue, or do I need to do a proper investigation? Edit: just tested with only IR installed, and it would seem I'm missing all the float edit fields in my main game (funny that). Eg Force, Acceleration, Max Speed, and Min and Max limits, all don't show up in my main game. And just adding in KSPCommunityFixes makes it start again. Not sure what side it needs to be fixed on though. Log in case it's useful: https://gist.github.com/Rodg88/a689bf8f53f445238d666bbfcb196e2c
  14. I definitely have a bunch of mods installed, but not kerbalism or KSPI. According to my MM configcache, the rtg was just using the stock ModuleGenerator module, and the solar panel used multiple stock ModuleDeployableSolarPanel with multiple suncatchers. I'll have another test with a light install and see if I can reproduce with stock parts. Edit: it's combining solar and rtg power with stock parts. So something about my modded install is confusing it. Edit two: @majaChecked the rover I originally noticed the issue with, and it looks like the power is getting combined correctly, but the average speed was being weird. Eg: See the left image, it has broken solar panels and is reporting less power, but it has a higher average speed.
  15. BDB has parts sorted into separate folders that contain everything for those parts, so you can delete the part folders you don't want pretty safely.
  16. It doesn't seem like there's an in-game way to remove a separator. In 'configure resource settings' window, you can add them but no new entries show up in the list to represent them for sorting/removal purposes. I'd need to edit the settings cfg file to remove them.
  17. BDB literally has skylab parts, including working wet workshops https://spacedock.info/mod/442/Bluedog Design Burea
  18. This might help: https://spacedock.info/mod/1304/Slingshotter Reslung
  19. They have all been probe types, based on the craft with the claw on them. And after they're auto-renamed, they are still probes. switching scene away form them and back does trigger a rename too. When I first discover the asteroids I collect, I rename them in the tracking station (just add the size class to the name), and when I right click the attached asteroids, in the title of the PAW they still retain my customized name. But my craft is still a probe type with a comet name.
  20. It's always been the Kopernicus spawner in my game. And yeah it seems to only be after a craft is attached. And then possibly a scene change? Not 100% on this one, I may have had the craft name change in-flight, the times it happened so far I wasn't looking out for when it happened, but I'll keep at eye out next time.
  21. This might be more due to the Kopurnicus asteroid spawner not handling comet-class asteroids, but the stock comet-renamer is constantly messing with my craft names. For eg: Deford 12, Sidble 6, and Wenvin 9 are all the same craft attached to the same asteroid, it keeps getting auto-renamed. It's an I-Class which in vanilla is a comet, but with kop it's basically just an E. So if this is more due to Kop, and not a vanilla bug I understand if it's "out of scope", but a way to disable the renaming could be a nice feature.
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