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Everything posted by Rodger

  1. I've noticed this seems to not combine my available EC sources - I have solar panels and an RTG on my rover, and happened to break my solar panels, and I noticed my average speed that BV was reporting went *up*. I cheat-repaired the solar panels, and the average speed went back down, like it forgot the RTG was there once the solar panels were back online.
  2. the engineer's report can give a pretty accurate readout for a craft size, within 10cm at least. The small one shows 4.4m and the large one shows 4.6m
  3. Well I've tried png now too, still no luck. Tried the full path and just the img name, and no obvious errors in player.log (it says the images load correctly). Any other ideas? Maybe some cfg error? Neither of these work:
  4. The mesh itself will be split into sections corresponding to the uv islands, which is why you’ll get the duplicated verts
  5. Reimporting will cut the mesh up into uv islands iirc. So that can make working on stuff a pain, compared to having access to the original. Reimporting can be a decent check to see if everything exported correctly. If you want to clear your blend file of old stuff, there’s ways to do that in the object browser, or in drastic cases copy the original meshes into a fresh blend, would be better than a reimport.
  6. Just in case you haven't seen it, I put some random tips in the wiki section of the github page for the plugin: https://github.com/taniwha/io_object_mu/wiki/Rodger's-mostly-unedited-tips-for-making-new-KSP-parts-in-Blender,-without-Unity and https://github.com/taniwha/io_object_mu/wiki/Animating-for-KSP May be somewhat out of date (from 9/2020), but should be mostly good still.
  7. I'm having trouble getting custom icons to work. I have dxt5 40px square icons, with "_selected" variants, in the 000_FilterExtensions/Icons/Autoloaded_Icons_Mods, and the subcategory references the unselected icon just by file name, but no icons are showing in-game. Do the icons need file paths, or a different format? Or should they go somewhere else?
  8. Ah apparently those classes are stock comets, just appearing as asteroids as kopernicus hasn’t implemented them yet, or something like that.
  9. Well there's class F though I asteroids showing up for me in my (2.5x) GPP game, though they're technically just E class in therms of mass. And I remembered seeing "Deleted MyRocksAreBiggerThanYours plugin (now part of Kopernicus)." in the last GPP patchnotes, so thought that might've meant they should be bigger. If they're not actually meant to be bigger than normal, can probably just ignore the naming issue lol
  10. Playing GPP, and it has asteroids that are meant to be bigger than E-class, but they don't seem to be any bigger. Like an I-class was still about 1000T. Known issue? (amongst the other probably more important asteroid issues lol)
  11. You can also use hyperedit to remove excess asteroids if you want more to spawn. Go to the tracking station, track the unwanted asteroid, then in hyperedit in misc tools, go to delete vessel and pick the correct asteroid.
  12. In the VAB, what's the max temp on the advanced heat shield? if it's 2500 not 3300, the bug is still there and will be fixed next release.
  13. Speaking of scatterer, I've had this issue around Gael (haven't tested other atmospheric bodies yet), not sure if it's on GPP or scatterer's side, but in case it's GPP: https://github.com/LGhassen/Scatterer/issues/160
  14. Does this mod do anything like reduce the input magnitude of yaw vs pitch? I've noticed all spacecraft really don't like yawing compared to pitching when using my joystick with this. Edit: it was caused by mandatory RCS, I swapped it for a manual reaction wheel nerf MM patch, and now I can yaw again
  15. I'm getting a weird issue in 2.5x GPP (and TUFX), wondering if it's a scatterer thing, or a config issue due to rescaling. images in spoiler:
  16. Sounds like it's trying to hold attitude to the node, but during time warp it will drift, and so needs to re-align. When it drifts too far out of alignment, it will drop out of warp to re-align, then re-warp until it's time to burn for the node.
  17. Found an issue: changing the UI scale messes with the input lock area on the main KAC window. Looks like it's similar to the warp-to map buttons moving with UI scale changes too. Posted details on the github, but wanted to let people know if they had random areas of the screen disable control of their craft when the cursor was over it, you can fix by changing to 100% KSP UI scale, or just closing the KAC window. Playing with 100% also fixes the warp-to icon positions too.
  18. I've come across an issue with GPP_Renamer. It was somehow causing only pilots to spawn in the astronaut complex. This was a sandbox save where I just hired every available kerbal a few times in a row: I removed just the GPP_Renamer folder, and now I'm getting a mix of pilots/scientists/engineers again.
  19. I think the lead time adjustment in mechjeb node autopilot might be bugged - it stops warp early when I increase the lead time (as expected), but it only starts the burn at 50% burntime-to-node. So adjusting the lead time doesn't change when the burn starts.
  20. Ascent Module rover is good, but it's no Gemini rover: I hope the truck ramp will accommodate this!!
  21. Do you have scatterer installed? If so, try disabling temporal antialiasing in the scatterer settings (the blue circle icon in the KSC scene)
  22. Another feature suggestion, an angle to tangent threshold for RCS to activate. So to stop certain RCS thrusters firing when they have really low effectiveness. Stock seems to do this somewhat by reducing the throttle of a thruster the more it's pointing away from the ideal angle, but a threshold that just disables the thruster unless it's within 50% (or adjustable) of ideal would be very nice, make fuel use more efficient, and stop some RCS parts with misaligned RCS transforms from inducing unwanted torque. I think @NESDsaid it better here:
  23. Are "KSC2" and "Island Airfield" the only alternate launch sites currently? I can see Woomerang in the tracking station view, but I can't unlock it. I set 'show hidden bases' to true in KK settings, but KSC, KSC2, Woomerang, and Island Airfield are the only sites I can see on the map. Also using 2.5x GPP_Rescale. edit: Ah I see in LaunchSites.cfg they're disabled with rescale.
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