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Everything posted by Rodger

  1. Ah damn, thought it would just stop the EC drain when set to crewed. Should be fixed now though.
  2. I think you just need to edit GPP_Configs/LaunchSites.cfg to stop them getting disabled with GPP_Rescale, and then use KK in-game to fix them up yeah.
  3. I've manually re-enabled the launch sites in 2.5, it just takes some editing in KK to 're-seat' them on the surface properly, they will definitely be wonky to start with
  4. It doesn't use SD or Rescale, just install one of the GPP_Rescale mods that come with the main download. And yes scatterer 0.07x. You'll also want to remove the GPP\GPP_Renamer folder.
  5. Yeah it's not an ore converter, it acts like a drill, and requires there to be LqdHe3 at it's location to mine.
  6. That happens when the suspension is at maximum travel in either direction (unity bug), and because the LRV is so light. Adjust the springs so it's resting closer to the middle of the suspension travel.
  7. I have started one, but have only done these two panels so far:
  8. Just a possible work-around, but have you tried the 'Remove From Symmetry' option in the PAW on the flaps, to unlink them from each other, so you can invert one and not the other?
  9. I've made a small patch to add a Methalox variant to both the RD-0120 and RD-0122: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-KJJHCpDMLGnewCrLDKc6X0WGpe9jeaO/view?usp=sharing Requires CryoTanks (and TantaresLV ), and supports Waterfall. Just put the 'MethaloxRD0120' folder in GameData. Updated with a new texture variant, methane green instead of hydrogen blue!
  10. Probably not for balance reasons, but if people really want to, put this patch in GameData: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/966275238851653732/1011065747973345330/MercuryProbe.cfg
  11. Should be up on dev now. If you launch with the probe core enabled and no crew on board, it will warn you about there being no control, but it will actually work. It just thinks there's no control as that's what the default state of the part was (a 1 crew requirement). But if you have any crew or any other probe core on the craft you shouldn't even get the warning. It also just has SAS level 1, as I can't switch that module with B9 and didn't want to add the partupgrade system to it (it's buggy as heck without KSP Community Fixes installed), but if you want more SAS modes you can chuck on a star tracker, or use MechJeb's SAS instead.
  12. It exploding 1/10 times makes me think there's not much that can be done about it, and is probably just a KSP thing. But I'm glad it often works after reloading! And yeah, the uncrewed option won't change the crew capacity. (changing crew capacity isn't something that's switchable even if we wanted to lol) It's using a custom module now to enable inventory stacking. You might need to do it by pinning open the cargo you want to insert the LFV into, and then when the LFV is picked up, placing it in the cargo slot manually. It doesn't seem to activate the blue-highlight auto-insertion now, but at least this way you can have a part with cargo space inside cargo.
  13. Out of interest, what autostrut/locked servo settings did you use on the LRV, and did you have KJR:Next or the non-next version? Only KJR:Next is supported, and you don’t want to lock the fore and aft plates that the wheels attach to. And I can probably add crewless command to the capsules with a B9 switch, I’ll look into it.
  14. That would be Katniss I think. But if you still need help with a plume I’m happy to have a look
  15. it worked for me just now. It should just download the zip, not link to a page.
  16. Something I'd really love is for non-engineers to be able to drop parts in EVA construction. Keep the engineer requirement to attach parts, but c'mon, anyone can drop a parachute!
  17. Yeah I like using KAS/KIS in conjunction with stock EVA construction. They both have fairly different control schemes which can be confusing, but KIS has much better angle snapping and handling of multi-part objects, and stock has the ability to use offset and rotate tools on already placed parts.
  18. Mk2 and Mk3 Expansion have large ion engines in mk2 and mk3 profiles
  19. Smokescreen should be fine... If you can upload your KSP.log somewhere and link it here I'll take a look
  20. Do you have SWE or other plume mods installed? It seems to be working fine here in my lightly modded test install.
  21. Well I don't think it's on restock's side at least. If you upload and post your KSP.log I'll take a look
  22. I don't have it happen at all in my main modded install... I wonder if you all have tweakscale installed? That's something I don't have, which can cause weird things to happen sometimes.
  23. Yeah subjective for sure, and searching is still going to be useful when you need one specific part too. But you can easily have both options available at once for the best of both worlds! And yeah it was fairly hard to get the icons to look both like the desired stage, and unique enough (a lot of rockets look pretty similar in profile lol), at the tiny size, and with a consistent style. But I found the icons aren't the only distinction between categories - there's the tool-tip that you get on mouse over which helps quite a lot, and you get used to the positions and the subtle differences over time. It's really quite a lot faster too, especially with multiple other part mods (as well as BDB itself) making the search bar extra slow. And another bonus to the categories system is not having to actually type anything lol
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