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    Dreaming of Space

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  1. Just run it once. It will create copies of SQUAD textures, required for SXT to work properly.
  2. I have both Restock and SXT working without problems, have you tried to use Windows_CopyTextures.bat located in \GameData\SXT ?
  3. AFAIR, it increases science point gains for construction of your spacecrafts
  4. This one works for me: https://github.com/coldrifting/JNSQ_ParallaxScatters
  5. @rbeap , also I cannot see Kerbin continents on map view at all - whole surface looks like all ocean covered by layers of clouds. Is it just me, or scaterrer is too thick in scaled space?
  6. @rbeap, so, your mod has stock volumetric clouds configs as dependency, but at the same time, it does add additional configs. I beleive this means both (JNSQ volumetric and stock volumetric) configs are active on the same planet (Kerbin)? I have not very good perfomance (like 40-50 FPS) with 12400F, 32GB RAM and RX 6800 (16GB VRAM)
  7. Thank you very much for your efforts! Can't wait to test it with deffered lightning.
  8. RSE does all of that and has perfomance mode in the settings Also it adds sounds to wheels and (how cool is that!!) to propellers (!). This mod worth every frame per second, beleive me
  9. Hello @linuxgurugamer ! As always, thank you for your hard work on keeping KSP great forever! However, I have noticed, when editing multiple crafts tags, changes are not saved immediately, contrary to what interface says. If you edit tags and don't load one of those crafts, all changes will be lost. I believe intended behavior is: change tags en masse, then even if you press cancel just to exit the window without loading any crafts, tag changes should be saves. Because you have right next to "cancel" button "discard changes in tags" function. If saving tag changes on pressing "cancel" is counter intuitive for you, other UI solution will be - to have dedicated "Save tag changes and exit" button. Thank you for your attention!
  10. Hint: you don't need all the torque those engine provide to spin the blades or propellers. And if you will limit max torque, you'll greatly reduce fuel consumption
  11. Hello @NathanKell. Thank you for life supporting this wonderful mod. Not sure if you are still in the mood to handle issues with KSP1 mod, but still hope for the best. I have found an easy replicable issue - HANGAR type statics fail to save open status on quick/normal save. It's very useful type of building for KCT careers to store and relaunch planes/helicopters/cars/boats without KCT recovery (which takes time). Really cool feature that the vehicle is stored in place tied to hangar's location, not some common inventory, like KCT does. Step to reproduce : 1) install KSC Extended with dependencies (including KK itself) from CKAN on pure stock KSP 1.12.5 2) start new career 3) cheat in 100000 funds twice. 4) launch any craft on Runway 5) click on KSC_Builtin_LargeHangarsOpen_0 (looks like couple opened hangars) and open it with 143k funds. <- you can leave the window opened. 6) press quicksave (F5) - now Hangar closed again. Normal save on scene change to KSC view works the same. What I know @Ger_space rewrote saving facilities state some time ago, changing saving data to save file instead of KK configs. All the facilities and launch site have line isOpen = False / (or True) but the Hangars do not have. Instead they have OpenCloseState = Closed Looks to me like an oversight for Hangars during transition from cfgs to savefile? Could you kindly have a look. Unfortunately I have zero experience in any programming... That's the issue #1 The issue #2: Also I have noticed, but can't stable reproduce - in some circumstances KK just gives up and reverts open/closed state of facilities to default. Still working on repro...
  12. Unfortunately, the last update also messes up Kerbal Konstruct bases. Tested on JNSQ + KSC Extended. Hard to describe what's going on without video, looks like edges of statics Z-fighting or something. Tried to rebuild settings.cfg - help with log spam, but not KK statics.
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