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Posts posted by Kergarin

  1. 17 hours ago, Moach said:

    I'd call it a one-and-a-half stage to anywhere...

    Thanks. That's also a good idea :)

    14 hours ago, Rune said:

    Dude, you tamed Eve. And you did it using Rhinos! Mad math skillz there, many kudos deserved! :)


    Rune. Not seeing nukes in there was the most disconcerting thing of it all.

    Thanks! I had to blance the orbiter between the agility to catch the lander and the endurance to get to get to Gilly, and also needed high efficient engines to make it to Moho, Rhinos where the perfect match. :D they have the highest Isp of all conventional engines in the game and enough thrust for the job.

    In my first grand tour I was using nukes. I had to do burns of 40minutes an more, and that in an old 32bit KSP version plus ~400parts, so the burns where hours of real time. So I kept my fingers away from them :confused:

    14 hours ago, Val said:

    It is an SSTO, because it gets To Orbit without staging or splitting up, but it's not SSTE/A if it splits up at any point later.

    The definition for Single Stage is a craft that does not shed any parts, even if it gets those parts back later.

    However, it does make the craft fully reusable.

    Anyway, the craft you made looks great and is a huge accomplishment. Awesome. :confused:

    Yes, makes sense by this definition.

    Thanks :)

    12 hours ago, Whackjob said:

    I never did a grand tour, much less an SSTE.  One day, I'll get around to doing one, I hope.  Except it won't be single stage nothing.  A tower lander, for every surface!  Spent stages and trash everywhere!  It could be fun.

    Very well done, Kergarin.  That's a brag-worthy feat of engineering.

    Thanks! This sounds interesting too, and it will be less boring to watch than the same ship landing again and again. Would like to see this :)

    8 hours ago, JoeNapalm said:

    You got kudos from Whackjob!

    Get that post made into a tattoo!!



    Ist this so rare?

  2. 56 minutes ago, JoeNapalm said:


    The STS challenge had just convinced me my SSTO-focus was misguided.

    This clearly showed I just have a lot to learn. :P

    I can crank out an SSTO fairly easily that can put a satellite in orbit or maybe goto the Mun and back...this is a whole different order of magnitude.



    Well, without ISRU this SSTO just makes it to Minmus. :wink:
    But i have two Duna Cargo SSTOs using a different approach than usual Duna SSTOs. :D

  3. 2 hours ago, MiffedStarfish said:

    Well technically you GOT to everywhere with a single stage, so I would count it as SSTE, and you never expended any parts.  I would say you are completely justified calling it that. :)

    2 hours ago, NSEP said:

    Yeah, it definitely is! Nice job by the way!

    Thanks :) hm...nothing negative so far... Maybe I will start calling it so soon :D

    27 minutes ago, JoeNapalm said:


    Man. I was going to start working on a planetary base, but I think I'm now inspired to do a Grand Tour!


    Very nice! Very nice indeed!



    Thanks :)

    If you like more inspiration there is also my old SSTO Spaceplane based grand tour, which has disposable landers for Eve and Tylo, and it does fly and land in different ways depending on the atmosphere and gravity. So it's a lot more variation than my new one  https://youtu.be/zoD9ieXHls

  4. I hope this is the correct part of the forum for this question :D

    Some may have seen my newest grand tour, featuring a stock ship that can endlessly reusable travel between (and land on) every moon and planet:


    Some viewers call it the first real SSTO to everywhere, SSTE/A or something like that.

    But I'm hesitating to do so :/ because at Eve I split up into a lander which is then recovered by an orbiter from a suborbital trajectory. Doesn't this disqualify it from being an SSTE/A, even it is completely recovered?


  5. Just now, CatastrophicFailure said:

    ...and the thing I found most amazing was the lack of landing gear. :/

    You have to touchdown verry carefully :D but that's just practice. On my first grand tour I had landing legs plus one extra set of 4 landing legs that act as retractable dampers. 

  6. 4 hours ago, Nefrums said:

    I love the eve landing with the catching the lander and docking the large ships while suborbital!

    Thanks :)


    @Stratzenblitz75 was the first to do suborbital docking at Eve using three vessels and no ISRU.  https://youtu.be/MTkObR6-Bs8

    I originally planned to use my Eve SSTO for this tour, but due to the atmospheric changes in 1.2.2 this would have become insanely large. 

    To keep a decent size and quick refuelling, I changed it to this suborbital lander, and therefore balanced the orbiter between the agility to catch the lander and having enough dV to reach Gilly. So I was able to do the suborbital docking plus escape by 2 vessels and mining at Gilly.


  7. 1 hour ago, DarthVader said:

    It's final mission won't end until sept 15th. Save your thanks till then

    I know, and I did never say thanks? 

    I said good luck for passing this eventually dangerous area for the first time tonight

  8. 1 hour ago, Wcmille said:

    Maybe the answer is to have Mountain refueling stations that service an SSTO and suborbital planes that can shuttle travelers from the mountain to anywhere on the surface (and back).

    That is a solution I was thinking about too, but I want to keep this as autonomous as possible :)

  9. 49 minutes ago, Carl said:

    Got 4.168kps of dv using that configuration. (on eve surface at 7.5km altitude).


    p.s you don't have a tutorial on how to place stuff on that mountaintop with the debug menu do you? That menu confuses me.


    Thanks! Do you have the twr too?


    You can't land using the debug tool, you will need to install hyper edit and use the ship lander function.

    Thankfully @Stratzenblitz75 posted these coordinates on reddit: -25, -158.45

    If your ship jumps or explodes on landing, set the altitude to 10 or higher.

    If it brakes apart on hyperedit landing, use alt F12 menu and activate unbreakable joints until the ship is resting on the ground.

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