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Posts posted by Kergarin

  1. Congratulations @Cunjo Carl :)

    That craft looks really interesting.

    I'm happy to hear you had fun too. I also had to relearn everything, that's exactly what this challenge is for :) if you are bored because you can build SSTOs  with crazy payload fractions while sleeping, this makes you feel like back in the old days when the game was new and you had to figure out everything. 

    Reentrys are verry exciting now, aren't they? :D

  2. 1 hour ago, Cunjo Carl said:

    I'm in! What's the call on VTOL/parachute landing? Also, what level of clipping is ok? For example, can I clip shock cones into the backs of my rapiers? I'm happy either way, but I'd like to know from the start.

    I think VTOL and parachutes are ok.

    Clipping should only be used for esthetical reasons, it should not give you an unfair advantage.

    Looking forward to see your results :)

  3. On 18.2.2018 at 1:16 AM, JacobJHC said:

    I may attempt this.

    Looking forward to see your results :)

    12 hours ago, quasarrgames said:

    Can't speak for 2g SSTOs, but i've recently been trying to make a 3g SSTO:


    Closest i've gotten was about 700m/s short of orbital velocity with a completely barebones craft. Typically i'd put a nerv or two on a craft like this but it needs thrust more than efficiency. Maybe i could scale it up massively and add a rhino to it, but that'd take away from its tenuous atmospheric thrust to weight ratio. It's brutal.

    2G is verry doable, 3G is challenging :D

    I see the main problem at 3G in a too short runway. It forces you to build a less efficient design with more wings or thrust, if you want to reach takeoff speed until the end of the runway.

  4. Thanks a lot! This is really a big honor :)


    On ‎12‎.‎02‎.‎2018 at 11:24 PM, Mrcarrot said:

    That ship should be used for an OPM grand tour... just to make it even more awesome

    I was thinking about that, and i think it should work without changes. But I'm short on time and this would take weeks... :/


    On ‎13‎.‎02‎.‎2018 at 6:51 AM, Nafiu Sean said:

    Randy Dobson?


  5. I remember how it felt building my first SSTO, and it was a great challenge and experience. But after a while, building SSTOs becomes really easy.

    Now I have found a way, to get this feeling back. Set the gravity to 2x!

    You will end up with small payload fractions and a challenging reentry. The game feels brand new and a little more real.

    If you also want to have this experience, I challenge you to:

    press ALT+F12
    Activate hack gravity and set it to 2.00
    Build an SSTO 
    Fly it into a stable orbit above 70x70km
    Fly it back to ground

    No part/physics mods or things like that. Visual and informational mods are ok.

    Post screenshots or videos with ALT+F12 menu always open.

    If enough people participate in this challange, i will add additional goals / scorings and maybe a badge. :)
    (like smalles manned craft with closed cockpit, smallest craft with orange tank as payload or maybe just highest payload fraction etc.)
    (do not try to leave Kerbins SOI, hack gravity is not compatible with SOI changes)



    Here comes my verry basic entry with around 5% payload fraction:



    For comparison here is my 1G version with more than 33% payload fraction:


  6. 11 hours ago, OHara said:

    I have not tried 2× gravity, except for the patched conics.  I am a curious how KSP handles the orbits of planets.  If the Kerbin keeps its old orbit and old orbital speed, accelerating toward the sun with 1× gravity, then a craft barely escaping Kerbin would be an a solar orbit with periapsis near that of Moho as soon as it feels the 2× solar gravity.


    5 hours ago, Capt. Hunt said:

    Celestial bodies in game follow pre-programmed orbits, they are not effected by gravity

    If you change the gravity, the planets speed changes too.

    But nevertheless, if you leave kerbin soi, you end up in an solar orbit like the one of Moho (pe AND ap)

    There seem to be some functions, which do and some which don't recognize the gravity slider.

  7. 1 hour ago, OHara said:

    I see the same behavior, even in older versions.  It looks to me like the celestial-body orbits are not handled consistently by the hack-gravity cheat.   

    I am trying to think of how all the orbits should be treated, to be consistent, and I'm not sure there is any good way.

    Sliding the hack-gravity value leaves the orbital shapes the same for all craft that you are not currently flying, those that are 'on-rails'. Then when you switch to such a craft while gravity is hacked, its velocity is computed to be whatever gives that orbital shape in the hacked gravity.  To make physics consistent, celestial bodies would have their velocities scaled in a similar way.   But that would also scale all their orbital periods, get their positions out of sync with the calendar, and probably confuse players who hack gravity and then use a transfer-window planner.

    Alternatively, KSP could keep the celestial bodies orbits the same shape and size and period, making celestial bodies move according the original, unhacked gravity.  But then as you exit the sphere of influence of a moon, you would find yourself in an orbit about the moon's parent that is very different form the moon's orbit, because you feel the hacked gravity and the moon feels the original gravity.

    Maybe better if you use Kopernicus to make a system with doubled celestial-body masses.  Then the stronger gravity is consistent over everything, and persistent between starts of KSP.

    Exactly. Thanks for your effort.

    But have you also tried a career game with all facilities at level 1? Without patched conics, everything works fine for me.


    Thanks for the Kopernicus idea. I really fell in love with 2x gravity. It feels much more realistic and challenging at payload fractions, rocket sizes, reentry heating and so on but without the need of part mods.

  8. I was looking for some more challenge, and started a career game with gravity set to 2x using the alt-F12 menu.
    Everything was working fine, i could fly to the mun without a problem.

    But then i have upgraded the Tracking Station and Mission Control to Level2, so that patched conics were visible in map.
    From this moment on there was a ghost mun, which was only visible in the patched conics (no matter if i use a manouever node or not) and this ghost mun affects my flight path and has SOI.


    The position of this ghost mun changes, when the gravity is changed.

    I would really like to get the game working correct on 2x gravity, because it's so much more fun. :D 

    Stock KSP

  9. On ‎27‎.‎01‎.‎2018 at 1:17 PM, Laie said:

    Can't blame you for showing this off at every opportunity, it was a major achievement. While 'm not too happy about the suborbital rendezvous, I can't say that it's any more dangerous or saveloading-prone than other stunts; cutting it tight and showing that you can get away with it is par for the course in about any challenge.

    So of course you can submit it here, if you can be bothered to make a proper submission.

    This particular challenenge is more about the engineering, so I'd like to see how your craft works (mostly straightforward in your case, but what's in that cargo bay?) and, if applicable, some dV calculations if you have mixed ISPs and need to use the engines in different ways.


    I'm sorry, that's the only thing I have to brag about :D

    I have added the score to both entries. 
    I don't have the dV infos, but I hope I will find time this weekend to add dome engineering details. Espacially the second one has some nice details.

  10. Maybe this one scores better.

    Sorry for the really bad video, was originally just meant as a proof video :/ data will also follow next week

    Maybe I should upgrade this one with a smaller eve lander, delete the Tylo lander and give it the ability to land on Tylo by itself :D but time is short atm :/

    Wieght: 331.45t


    Kerbin SSTO:  0.95 

    • Bodies:
      • both Laythe and Tylo: 0.8 ? (does this count? I'm using a disposable lander)
    • no worries ISRU:  0.8 
    • VTOL: 0.8 ? (well, it can VTOL on Gilly from a horizontal stand :D it can push up its nose on most bodys before launch. And it also has landing dampers and landing gear to stand on its tail plus the regular plane landing gear)

    Score 161.217

    at least a litte better :cool:


  11. May I take part even without an *) ? :D

    I will have to add the data next week, but it will not do a good score, because it weights more than 1,200t :o


    Wieght: 1,627.287t


    Kerbin SSTO: 0.95

    • Bodies:
      • both Laythe and Tylo: 0.8
    • no worries ISRU: 0.8
    • it's good for something 
      • 0.9 if you can carry at least six Kerbals
    • part count:
      • 1.1 if it's more than 150 parts.

    Score: 979.496

    Oh, that's bad :D




  12. 27. Land and return from everywhere including Eve in a completely reusable vessel

    28. Bring a completely assembled station into orbit on the back of an SSTO spaceplane

    29. Build a reusable SSTO which can put an entire base, orbiter/returnvehicle, lander, rover and relays all at once into direct trajectory to Duna and land back at KSC

    30. Build Eve SSTOs 

    31. Fail 100 times trying to land on Eves highest mountain

    32. Explode on the runway

    33. Explode on the launchpad

    34. Lose your entire free time


  13. 12 hours ago, OHara said:


    The ability of KergarinAerospace-Omega's lander (at KerbalX) to land on Eve, refuel, and nearly make orbit, plus KER's calculations, suggests that a version without ISRU could probably make orbit, but landing upright on the 7500-m peak is very difficult.


    It can :D I have just build a stripped down version with some extra fuel, which can get 5 Kerbals to orbit.
    But you are right, it is horribly hard to land.

  14. If you don't want to have any isru or since equipment on board, an ssto from the highest point ist still possible.

    But it's horribly hard to land it there :D

    You could try a rocket boat to accelerate your plane. But I think the disadvantage of height will be greater than your advantage in speed

  15. Thanks for mentioning me, but it was @Stratzenblitz75s Eve Unlimited which first used suborbital docking at Eve.

    The idea is really nice, I was thinking of a spaceplane desgin too, because putting the second stage back to the upright standing rockets nose would be harder than anything else.

    Besides this, i have just checked what my old Eve SSTOs could do with a second stage on top. Using 4 side mounted Aerospikes i can get a Mk3 pod quick enough into orbit, to switch back to the first stage. 

    But if I do remember this right, it is still possible to build a manned Eve SSTO in 1.3. I just wasn't able to include the ISRU equipment in the SSTO. So if you don't mind having some kind of ground bases ISRU refuelling, you can still have an EVE SSTO to get your crew back to orbit. (from the highes point)


    Just a small hint:

    does a second stage have to be mounted on top of the rocket? :wink:

    If you mount it at the bottom of your first stage, you can just give it wheels an drive it back under the frist stage, and then lift it until the docking ports connect, using some landing legs (which you will need anyway).
    This way you can also use the second stages enginge during the whole ascend. 
    Also you dont need so much ladders this way.
    I would go for 3-4 Mammoths plus one Rhino for the second stage.

    This should bring you so high up. that you will have enough time to undock the bottom mounted second stage. The Rhino will bring it to Orbit in seconds



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