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Posts posted by SkyKaptn

  1. 3 hours ago, Istrati said:

    I know,but soory..i forgote that i use unity 4.6.2 for 64bit workaround. that's why i use d9.. but anyway..i dont think i know if mine is working with dx11 becouse of unity. i will try. tks

    If you are using 64bit, then go with dx9. There are more artifacts in dx11, especially on scatterer. If you come across a bug remember to switch back to 32bit to see if it there too before reporting bugs.

  2. On 19.1.2016 at 5:09 PM, SkyKaptn said:

    Am I the only one who is getting no textures on the gas giants? The moons are btw ok. All I did was delete the old OPM folder (that had working textures) and copied the new OPM into gamedata as usual. Kopernicus was previously installed (0.6.3) All the gas giants are totally plain, it is just Neidon that has a hint of the storm texture shining through.
    -For the record, I hyperedited out there.

    After a tedious elimination process I found out that the KopernicusExpansion that is bundeled with KSPRC does not play too well with the newest OPM. (old OPM is fine with Kop. Ex) By removing KopernicusExpansion all the gas giants' textures are back to normal.

    -Tested and confirmed on following platforms: 

    32bit openGL, 32bit directX 9, 64bit openGL and 64bit directX 9

  3. Am I the only one who is getting no textures on the gas giants? The moons are btw ok. All I did was delete the old OPM folder (that had working textures) and copied the new OPM into gamedata as usual. Kopernicus was previously installed (0.6.3) All the gas giants are totally plain, it is just Neidon that has a hint of the storm texture shining through.
    -For the record, I hyperedited out there.




  4. 3 hours ago, WPENG730 said:

    Apparently most mods don't work on 64-bit

    This is simply not true. Of all my mods including KSPRC (EVE, scatterer, Texturereplacer, Planetshine, DistantObject), MKS/OKS, KIS, KAS, Space Y, Realplume, Sciencealert, Alarmclock, TacFuelBalancer, Trajectories, WaypointManager, UniversalStorage, Pilot Assistant, OPM, All of Near Future, NAVHud, MechJeb, Kerbal Engineer, Firespitter, AmbientLightAdjustment, Chatterer, ....list goes on

    -There is only one mod in my list that is coded intentionally to not work on x64: Joint reinforcement. I have never, repat NEVER, had a crash on x64. And saves are still 100%

  5. 1 hour ago, vagabond77 said:

    I made some changes with the unique purpose of increasing the frame rate and leave intact as much as possible the magnificent work of Proot.


    I can confirm that your edits helped A LOT. I went up from 30 to 50 fps on a ship with 150 parts on take off with all grapics maxed out.






    28 minutes ago, Nansuchao said:

    For Jool, it's a bug with Scatterer for gas giants. Blackrack is currently working on solving it. Until then, you can just remove the Scatterer entry for Jool. 

    What he said. 64bit is not the problem behind it.

  6. 11 minutes ago, Vaporized Steel said:

    I've set water effects to false in the planetlist.cfg file because in v1.05 it turns water into a black glitchy mess depending on camera angle and distance to water.

    Is this water graphic glitch something that can be fixed? I really hope it does because it would make me and everyone very happy.

    I'm playing on Unity 64bit which should be pleasant according to the OP :lol: It's not water friendly however.

    I have no problems with water effects (scatterer) on 64bit. However I am using the -force-d3d9 parameter in a shortcut to KSP.exe since memory limitation is not an issue.

    This gives good performance and the least glitches

    EDIT: There is however an issue with gas giants and scatterer at the moment

  7. On 1.1.2016 at 9:30 PM, SkyKaptn said:

    Here are a couple of images of Sarnus. The rings are wrapped behind the planet (or the planet is not obstructed from the ring system) I get this both in tracking station and also being there in person. Running stock OPM and openGL. Is there something more to do than just copy/paste OPM to gamedata?



    Found out what was causing this. After removing visual mods 1 by 1 it was clear that Scatterer was the culprit. I will post in that thread.

  8. 1 hour ago, Cheesecake said:

    doesn´t the citylights work? everything is working fine but the citylights are not visible. I have Vanilla-KSP 1.0.5 only with KSPRC.

    Locate your Gamedata/KSPRC/CityLights folder and replace all code in CityLights.cfg with this:

    		body = Kerbin
    				value = KSPRC/CityLights/Textures/kerbinBN				
    				value = 45
    				value = KSPRC/CityLights/Textures/nd5
    				value = KSPRC/CityLights/Textures/nd5
    		body = Moho
    				value = KSPRC/CityLights/Textures/kerbinBN				
    				value = 45
    				value = KSPRC/CityLights/Textures/fu11
    				value = KSPRC/CityLights/Textures/fu11


  9. 21 minutes ago, mreadshaw said:

     Put the code below into a .cfg file. It's what I use to fade in scaledspace at 70km. You can probably play with the altitudes to to get it to look better but it works fine for me.

    		%fadeStart = 50000
    		%fadeEnd = 65000
    		%deactivateAltitude = 70000
    		%fadeStart = 65000
    		%fadeEnd = 70000




    You have my eternal gratitude! My eyes were hurting from that low-res planet with those wobbly, shimmering and sharp coastlines at my standard cruising altitude. For others: I just made a brand new and empty config-file which I pasted mreadshaw's code into. Called it KSPRC_mytweak.cfg for easy reference and placed it alongside the standard KSPRC.cfg

  10. 5 hours ago, CaptRobau said:

    Could you both share a screenshot of your GameData folder as well as specs of your PC (OS, etc.) 

    i7 4790K @4GHz, geforce 980 running openGL. Win10

    Gamedata folder. ModuleManager at the bottom, did not fit screenshot:


  11. Here are a couple of images of Sarnus. The rings are wrapped behind the planet (or the planet is not obstructed from the ring system) I get this both in tracking station and also being there in person. Running stock OPM and openGL. Is there something more to do than just copy/paste OPM to gamedata?



  12. On 30.12.2015 at 7:05 AM, SkyKaptn said:

    There is something odd going on in vincinity of Jool... When I enter the system as far as Vall my framerate drops to 0.1 fps on my i7 @4 GHz, geforce 980. If I go to the map mode the framerate is back to a gazillion fps.

    -Tried setting allowAnimatedProceduralGasGiants to "false" with no luck. (same framerate, but with a black Jool)

    -Tried both -force-d3d9 and -force-d3d11

    I deleted the Jool-entry in Scatterer's PlanetsList.cfg and everything went smoothly again.

  13. There is something odd going on in vincinity of Jool... When I enter the system as far as Vall my framerate drops to 0.1 fps on my i7 @4 GHz, geforce 980. If I go to the map mode the framerate is back to a gazillion fps.

    -Tried setting allowAnimatedProceduralGasGiants to "false" with no luck. (same framerate, but with a black Jool)

    -Tried both -force-d3d9 and -force-d3d11

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