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Posts posted by SkyKaptn

  1. Is it a new feature in 1.1.2 that the ablator is slowly decaying when cruising through space (vakuum)? I noticed this first when on a very long journey that lasted 7 years. The 1.25m heatshield had lost about half of its ablators. I do have a few reactors onboard for EC, but my cooling system is way overbuilt for them. Internal heating should not be a problem.

    The only "realism mod" I use is RSS

  2. I found a strange bug regarding time warp and idle (deactivated) reactor cores. I am using Near Future Electrics to be specific. The core's life starts to rapidly count down from full lifespan after max timewarp. (rate7 = 6000000x in config)

    Steps to reproduce:

    -Place a vessel on the launchpad with a reactor.
    -Do not activate the reactor.
    -Time warp a couple of years ahead at max warp.
    -Activate the reactor
    -Watch the core life rapidly count down to 0 after time warp

    If I do the same steps, but at the next highest time warp factor all is ok and can time warp till end of time without losing the core's lifespan when idle.

  3. 1 hour ago, Gaarst said:

    If you want to get to orbit with somewhat realistic payload fractions but want to keep KSP's simple fuel system, you can use the SMURFF mod which rebalances thrust, masses and fuel fractions.

    Tried SMURFF. Previous orbits left me with 300dV. Now I have 3900dV with the same ascent parameters after installation.

    BTW, I was astounded that RSS uses just 2,2 GB memory with 8192 textures and a bunch of other mods.

  4. On 25.4.2016 at 10:11 AM, sashan said:

    Btw, I've found what causes "tsunami" bug, i.e. ocean out of position. Zooming in in IVA camera, then switching back to EVA. Ocean becomes misplaced, and camera FOV doesn't revert to normal.

    On 25.4.2016 at 3:12 PM, Bombaatu said:

    I've run across this as well. If you jump back into IVA and zoom back out to the original level (this is tricky; it has to be precise), the ocean returns to normal.

    You can also press backspace in IVA to reset the camera.

  5. I am using some sci-fi tunes that I have put in the chatterer/sounds/SSTV folder and just renamed these soundtracks to sstv_01.ogg up to sstv_10.ogg, thereby replacing the original somewhat painful noises. 

    This all works fine and dandy so I wondered if is possible to use more than 10 files in this folder, or are there pre-defined "slots"? Would take forever to check out  if, say 20, soundtracks works since they play randomly at long intervals.

  6. Has anyone else experienced problems with reverting lately? The game does not show the dialog box "revert to launch" and "revert to flight assembly" after clicking Revert Flight from the ESC-menu.

    I am talking about flights that are 100% non-swapped to other vessels or to Space Center. And yeah, normal difficulty. 

    Also after having crashed there is no options anymore, just "revert to launch 1 sec ago" which is just plain wrong for a flight that started several minutes ago. I have to Ctrl-Alt-Del to get passed missing dialog options.

  7. On 21.4.2016 at 0:46 PM, blackrack said:

    I know it's normal for FAR to cause some FPS loss, however with this fresh 1.1 release the hit seems much much bigger than usual.

    I'm also seeing much higher CPU usage compared to stock, this is normally a good thing, but I'm getting 70-90% cpu usage in the space center view with nothing happening. I must also add this doesn't happen the first time you load the game, but once I go in flight the CPU usage jumps up and stays that way when I get back to space center view. Tested with both 32bit and 64bit windows builds with just FAR and scatterer installed, CPU is an i5-2400 @3.1 Ghz, no errors or anything weird in the log.

    Just wanted to chime in.. Yeah, my i4790K @4GHz, GTX 980 went down from a steady 60fps (capped) to 1/3 ratio physics time. Sorry no logs atm, got a sprained wrist today and cannot reproduce.

  8. Having a severe issue with 1.5.2 on 1.1 pre. When I turn off the master switch, I do not fully regain control over the craft again. Control surfaces work, but the throttle is stuck on some auto-mode, using thrust limiting and regulating throttle. I cannot lower the landing gear either. Even reverting to a savegame from the same flight does not help.

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