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Posts posted by SkyKaptn

  1. 2 hours ago, Karamon said:

    I love this . I was looking for an engines to make a spaceplane in 10x kerbin and here comes the mighty SCRAM that works like SCRAM not some "limited to mah 6 jet engine"   .I love it


    Now please tell me there is planned larger version of scram engine so i can start working on cargo spaceplane :o

    You might wanna check out the Mark IV from the same author as this mod

  2. Update des 19th. Under developement

    Having tried over and over to recreate a nice F16 cockpit from available parts, stock and mods, I have never successfully managed to get it just right. So I was hoping someone with modelling skills was up to the task for a little fee. Note: A completely accurate IVA is not necessary, a standard mk1/mk2 will do just fine. I have included some pictures for inspiration. Please notice the elliptical nose that has a small droop, and also the chines below the cockpit. I think a mk2 variant will be best suited to fit the rest of the hull. 




  3. 4 hours ago, Galileo said:

    contracts shouldn't be an issue but this might be more contract configurator incompatibilities. Quite a bit has been brought up in that thread about GPP but i don't think anything has been done

    False alarm. I had just some brainfart issues with copy/paste from 1.2.1 to 1.2.2 :rep: All is good with contracts triggering. On my way to Ceti :rep:

  4. @blackheart612 I edited the part.cfg and all issues went away:

    mass = 0.01
        dragModelType = default
        maximum_drag = 0
        minimum_drag = 0
        angularDrag = 0
        crashTolerance = 12
        maxTemp = 2000
        heatConductivity = 20
        skinMassPerArea = 20
        explosionPotential = 0
        PhysicsSignificance = 0
        bulkheadProfiles = srf
        tags = sticker decal

  5. 19 minutes ago, MaxxQ said:

    Gravity Turn, while not completely necessary, is like KEI in that it removes some of the tedium of launches.  Right now, it's set up with values for Kerbin, Mun, Minmus, and Duna.  The latter three I realize are right out with GPP, but aside from the inclination change of KSC, I'm assuming that GT will be able to handle a launch from the new KSC.  As for the rest of the planets and moons in GPP, would it be better if I were to ask AndyMT to look into it?

    Gravity Turn uses just your desired "hold x seconds to apoapsis" and "final altitude". Works just fine. There is however some aggressive overcompensation from inclination correction.

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