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Everything posted by Jso

  1. I've seen this graphics glitch in the VAB since we started using 1.2. It seems to be tag related. Meaning it depends on what you have entered in the search box. But I can't explain it or make it happen with stock parts.
  2. Right. I agree it's not ideal which is why I'm hesitant to run with the upgrade system. We're using it now for the RL-10 and Atlas booster engines.
  3. Not likely unless I can find an easy way to do that, I'm trying to keep it simple. Right now if your tank is shielded either by a fairing or a cargo bay it will treat that as insulation and slow the boiloff rate by 10x. Settings are located in difficulty options. You can turn it off and adjust the rate. 100% boils off half the contents in 8 hours. It uses a half life calculation, so whatever is remaining, half will be gone in 8 hours.
  4. Come to think of it, we really just need the same thing with the top opening reduced to 2 meter. Then we just do a mesh switch and rescale it with everything else.
  5. It needs to be heavier than the pod to accomplish that. Even shifting the CoM all the way down to the bottom node leaves the vessel CoM at the decoupler. Given that it doesn't have cargo bays or anything, it can legitimately hold 1100 units of fuel, so it's a bit under fueled for it's size. That would add mass. The engines have their CoM even with the butt plate. Shifting that south might help a little.
  6. I think I've got that fixed. We're breaking saves and craft files on a regular basis still. This is kind of pointless right now.
  7. Not at this time. Centaur. CryoEngines is not required anymore, we're doing Hydrolox by default. CryoEngines may or may not be required for the tank switching feature. I haven't decided yet. No. I'm sure someone will make an MM config to do that, it's not hard.
  8. @komodo just fixed the SM. We're breaking craft files and saves almost hourly. You'll need to rebuild.
  9. @CobaltWolf notice the fins: The one closest has the white/black sides opposite from the others. No matter how I put them on, with or without symmetry, they appear this way.
  10. Rotating the docking port (or everything under it) in the VAB should address that. I think it's far more important to have not reversed controls.
  11. Both the Mk1 and Mk2 lander cans have the windows on the other side. If you reverse the IVA won't you be looking backwards? Pitch forward control would appear to be a pitch up.
  12. It looks to me like the IVA is correct, and the model is backwards. If we call the docking port side Up, the engine side Down, and the windows Forward, pitch control is reversed when flying Forward. From the IVA view pitch control is normal. I believe windows facing the sky is the normal attitude for the LEM on descent. Facing the ground you'll be looking behind you when you pitch from horizontal to vertical. Edit: I don't see any props at all in the LEM IVA, should I be?
  13. That's the short range internal transmitter. When you extend the antenna's you use the other transmitter.
  14. None of them are. I think squad did some rebalancing since I did those so they'll need to be looked at again.
  15. It should probably be a little shove, otherwise you'll bounce around in there. He means the wide interstage. It is missing.
  16. That's the line, it needs to be negative. The force is applied from the center of mass of the decoupler to the center of mass of the part being decoupled, which would be a downward direction in this case since the decent engine is below the center of the adapter. Making it negative will send it in the right direction (up/forward).
  17. Now that I think of it, I left a note in the adapter config about that payload node. It might not be clipping, it's just going in the wrong direction and bouncing off the instrument unit. Or more likely it's both clipping and going in the wrong direction.
  18. I left the enable/disable staging buttons on for the decouplers on the petal adapter in the event someone had some other use for this stuff. For normal use don't touch them. The way it works when you stage it is A: Doors begin opening. B: The top node decouples the CSM. And C: The payload node decoupler is enabled. When you turn around and dock with the LEM you can right click on the adapter and trigger the payload decoupler (which at the moment clips badly and throws you away). There is a slight delay between the doors opening and the top node decoupling to let the door colliders get out of the way of the CSM. We're 1.2 only, this won't work in 1.1.3.
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