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Everything posted by Delfinus

  1. Known for being at Kerbin- Mun L1, which is impossible in KSP physics.
  2. Banned for being a demoderator.
  3. Well, can your ground withstand an asteroid impacting it?
  4. Granted, but no one reads the rules of anything else ever again and the world collapses into anarchy. I wish yesterday never happened.
  5. Granted for weird orange spot in the center of the star.
  6. Same here, infact I'm putting it into my signature.
  7. Banned for not having an avatar.
  8. :HailMannedSpacecraft: *Quickly runs for cover*
  9. Blame the Aliens who turned off Kerbol, not us. *Puts on another tin foil hat* A Jool system exploration ship crashes into Laythe.
  10. Banned for being unhappy about being stuck on Mars.
  11. Hey guys, sorry for being 1.5 days late, I've been busying playing KSP and other games rather than writing about it, but here is... KX, KERBOL EXPLORATION: CHAPTER 4: TO ORBIT! OR NOT... It was a normal day at KX, launching fireworks, eating snacks, and gazing up into the sky, longingly watching Minmus and wishing they could eat it's vast Mint Ice Cream plains. Then Gus walked past the VAB, noticed the rockets inside, and remembered they were running a Space Program, so the crew quickly ran over to Mission Control and checked what contracts were available... After recovering from the initial shock of a contract description that actually made sense, the crew quickly started to assemble a craft to reach orbit, this was the result: Jeb: Needs more boosters. Bill: Indeed, but the Launchpad can't support a craft heavier than this, the fact that we had to remove a lot of the fuel means that you may have some trouble reaching orbit, but you should be able to reach it if you follow a efficient path. Jeb: Efficient? What does that word mean? The meaning of efficient was explained to Jeb, who quickly began to hate it after learning that SRB's are not efficient. The crew then decided to figure out how to move the rocket to the Launchpad, they decided to steal an old rocket-transport crawler from a museum to transport the rocket to the Launchpad, the rocket was lifted onto it with the help of a crane system Gus and Bill built in the VAB, it was then transported out to the pad, and lifted off the crawler and onto the pad with a helicopter Jeb donated, it is unknown where he obtained it or how it was able to lift the 17.9 ton rocket. Gene: 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, Jeb: Z-Space. Gene: Jeeeeb! Bill: Uh, guys? He forgot the T. Gene: Dang it, Jeb. Walt: Uh, guys? We forgot to take a screenshot during liftoff. *Fourth Wall Breach alarms go off* Gene: *Sigh* Jeb: Wait, I don't feel like the rocket behind me is an SRB. Wernher: Ja! Is ze new liquid fuel rocket I have developed! Uses chemical reaction between oxygen and hydrogen to propel ze rocket! Jeb: Awesome! Oh hey, I can see the Mun! Gene: Affirmative, beware, you spent a bit of fuel correcting the initial drift after you forgot to press T, fuel levels will be dangerously low for orbital insertion, commence orbital insertion in 3, 2, 1. Jeb: Woho! Uh, guys? I think I'm out of fuel... Gene: Dang it, should've pressed T during liftoff! Jeb: Sorry. Gene: Re-entering in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Jeb: Hey, there's a lot of fire outside! *Several seconds which would've been filled by a screenshot if I had remembered to take one (I really need to stop forgetting to take screenshots) go by* Jeb: I'm coming out of re-entry. Gene: Alright, deploy parachute in 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Jeb: Parachute deployed, landing, that was close, I'm pretty close to the ground, so close the author doesn't have enough time to take a scree... Gene: JEEEEEB! Jeb: Sorry, but I gotta let the readers know why there isn't a scr.. *Communication is cut off by Gene* Bill: He should be landed by now. Gene: Yeah, we gotta get going before the Kasiaitaly border patrol discovers he doesn't have a passport, how cheap are airline tickets these days? (Author's Note: Kasiaitaly is pronounced: Ka-Ze-At-Aly, it covers the entire peninsula east of the KSC.) Bill: Ya sure we can't just leave him there? Gene: Yes, Bill. Bill: Dang it! The crew successfully managed to travel to Kasiaitaly, and retrieve Jeb from the authorities there, they then returned to the KSC and began figuring out how to build a vessel that could reach orbit but could also be supported by the Launchpad... And that's all for now, folks, stay tuned to see what happens next! Will the author stop forgetting to take screenshots? Will they manage to reach orbit on the next mission? Will this mention of another nation of Kerbin lead to me revealing the full map of Kerbin and it's backstory? Find out in the next chapter! Oh, and as an apology for the chapter being 1.5 days late, a few screenshots missing, and it being shorter than usual, have a teaser of KX's first 2-Kerbal spacecraft and the orbital stage of it's booster rocket, which won't make another appearance until much later in the story...
  12. Granted, but you are then banned from the forums. I wish @max_creative posted less.
  13. Banned for ruining the forum games.
  14. A Squad of Monkeys destroyed it, not our fault. Full-scale bombardment of the space between Duna and Jool is commenced.
  15. 1: Yeah, Woho! 2: Yes, once I have the required tech to send probes interplanetary. 3: I don't really have a basic plan, although I do intend to do a lot on Minmus. 4: Chapter 4 should come in a few hours!
  16. Banned for a lot of your posts being off-topic and making no sense, aswell as not having very good grammar or spelling.
  17. Greetings, Kerbonauts! Chapter 4 may be slightly delayed due to devoting my KSP time to doing missions and stuff my primary save, but don't worry, it will still arrive (hopefully) by the end of the week! Also, what is everyone's thoughts and comments about this mission report? I'm eager to hear them. Oh, and my ultimate goal on the KSP forums: Make the phrase "as hard as testing a BACC" semi-common on here when talking about how hard something is. -Dolphin.
  18. I'm pretty sure you can't put cave paintings on the plaques of flags...
  19. Banned for unrealistically low brightness of star.
  20. The Engineer forgot NASA uses the metric system. @max_creative ruins the forum games. (Which he has already done)
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